Chapter 985
Every time Su Zhirui went home after recording the show, Su Zhirui would take her father and say "her good friend Yuanyuan" for a long time, including the last time Yuanyuan gave her a badge, Su Zhirui's father knew.

Su Zhirui's father is also very happy that his daughter can make such a lovely good friend in the show.

He even prepared a small gift for Yu Yuanyuan alone, but he didn't find a chance to give it to her.

Now...seems like a good opportunity!
There's no one else in the corridor, and there's no camera, isn't that just right?
Su Zhirui's father stopped Yu Yuanyuan, took out two beautiful small boxes from the suitcase and handed them over: "Yuanyuan, this is a little gift from uncle."

"For... for Yuanyuan?" The small face was surprised, and the round figure froze in place because of the surprise.

Su Zhirui's father actually felt a sense of satisfaction from that little face.

When a person carefully prepares a gift for others, the reaction of the person receiving the gift will often bring different degrees of satisfaction.

Yu Yuanyuan's small expression directly brought his satisfaction to the highest level.

It stands to reason that she is Yu Jinxiao's daughter, she has everything she wants, and she will never be short of anything she wants to eat, but the joy she felt when receiving the gift made Su Zhirui's father, the gift giver, happy too.

"Of course, it's for Yuanyuan." Su Zhirui's father smiled and put the gift into the two short hands.

"Wow, thank you Su Susu!!!" A happy loud voice echoed in the corridor.

Su Zhirui's father touched that little head, and suddenly remembered that he was going to Yu Jinxiao's room, and he was still a little uneasy.

Before, we just played games and had dinner together, we didn't have much contact with each other, and there was nothing wrong with getting along with Yu Jinxiao.

But if they live together, the difference in living habits may cause other conflicts.

On the way to the room, Su Zhirui's father desperately remembered whether he snored or not.

"Brother Liang." Seeing Su Zhirui's father coming, He Chen got up to greet him.

Anyway, Su Zhirui's father is older than him, and also a senior in the hosting industry.

"Hello, hello," Su Zhirui's father smiled and shook He Chen's hand, and looked at Yu Jinxiao from the corner of the eye, "Mr. Yu, hello, hello."

Yu Jinxiao was not used to being courteous, so he just nodded and made no other movements.

Su Zhirui's father is actually not very familiar with He Chen, and even less familiar with Yu Jinxiao. After he stepped into the barrier of this room, he felt that the stuffy air around him was gradually increasing.

There are three beds in the room, each of which is separated by a certain position, but how to choose...?
"Have you booked the bed yet?" Su Zhirui's father asked with a smile.

Since he stepped into this room, he has been smiling all the time. It seems that due to a depressing existence in the room, he must use this hypocritical smile mask to curry favor.

He Chen shook his head, and glanced at Yu Jinxiao from the corner of his eye, with a hint in his eyes.

Oh, Yu Jinxiao didn't choose, so the end of the bed is still undecided.

After playing all day today, Su Zhirui's father was really uncomfortable and wanted to lie down on the bed.

But the bed has not been fixed, how dare he lie down casually.

Yu Jinxiao seemed to have eyes in the back of his head, and suddenly said, "Which bed do you want to choose?"

"Mr. Yu, choose first." He Chen and Su Zhirui's father said in unison.

Yu Jinxiao, who had already packed his luggage, frowned and looked up: "Is there any difference between these three beds? It seems that there is not."

"Ah... this..." These words really stumped He Chen and Su Zhirui's father.

"Choose quickly." Yu Jinxiao was also tired, but it was difficult for him to choose, and he planned to lie down and rest after they made the choice.

It's just that when these two words reached the ears of those two people, it seemed to become some kind of terrible threat.

(End of this chapter)

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