The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 986 If you don't win the game, you must be hungry

Chapter 986 If you don't win the game, you must be hungry
Su Zhirui's father didn't dare express his opinion, so He Chen glanced at the bed closest to the bathroom, and asked tremblingly, "Then I'll choose...that one?"

That bed was closest to the bathroom. He had to take a shower in the morning, put on a facial mask, and put on makeup, so he could reduce the movement a little.

"What about you?" After He Chen made his choice, Yu Jinxiao's eyes turned to Su Zhirui's father.

"Then I... er... sleep in the middle!" After weighing it up, Su Zhirui's father felt that it was best to choose the middle.

If he chooses the other side, Yu Jinxiao and the wall will be on both sides of him, and the thought of it will be depressing.

Besides, the innermost room is the quietest, Yu Jinxiao should like it.

"En." Yu Jinxiao didn't object, and dragged the luggage over to put it down.

Yu Yuanyuan, who went to the next room with the gift, happily pushed open the door, and a small head slipped in.


"Round round!"

The two children are like two cute birds, bouncing around the room.

Although the room is not too big, there is only one big bed, and the windows are smaller than other rooms, but at least there is a private bathroom.

It is much easier to take care of two children.

The room had been turned on for a long time, Yu Yuanyuan took off his coat as soon as he entered, and lay down on the bed with Su Zhirui to unwrap presents.

Even the colored ribbons and colored paper used for packaging, Yu Yuanyuan carefully unwrapped them, and cherished the gifts from others very much.

"Yuanyuan, I also helped choose this gift, see if you like it or not!" Su Zhirui happily held her chin, her feet bent and shaking.

Yu Yuanyuan carefully opened the colored paper, and finally saw the beautiful box inside.

Open the lid, and there lies a cute white cat plush head pendant inside.

About the size of Yu Yuanyuan's palm, the kitten's head is smiling happily, and its ears have pink triangles.

The fur is very comfortable, soft and fluffy to the touch, and the workmanship is very delicate.

"Wow~!" Yu Yuanyuan raised the cat's head with both hands, "Is it a little meow, or a white little meow, so cute!!!"

"Yuanyuan, do you like rice?"


The two baby-sounding little friends chatted.

The other gift was an imported chocolate, the flavor was also chosen by Su Zhirui, white chocolate with strawberry sandwich, each one was made into the shape of a flower, it looked so special that Yu Yuanyuan couldn't bear to eat it.

After hesitating for a few minutes, the urge to eat got the upper hand, and she still delivered it to her mouth in one bite.

"It's so bullying!" His big eyes lit up instantly, and he gave Chocolate a high rating with a thumbs up.

The three girls had a great time, and the three big men next door were silent.

The three of them were lying on their own beds, and the oppressive feeling in the room became more and more intense, forcing He Chen to take the initiative to break this atmosphere.

"What do you say for dinner?" He Chen only found such a natural and boring topic so far.

Su Zhirui's father smiled twice: "Preparing a big meal? Speaking of which, I'm a little hungry."

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

It seemed that Mr. Yu didn't intend to answer the call either.

"But the program team may ask us to play games, and we will have food only if we win." He Chen thought of the last time he punched.

Yu Jinxiao: "...?"

The seemingly quiet Yu Jinxiao Ben Xiao gradually pricked up his ears.

People are like iron and rice is steel, so you have to win to eat a meal?
Even donkeys have the right to rest!
Yu Jinxiao suddenly began to worry about the former Yu Yuanyuan.

Was she really full when she was recording the show?
That little potato is so edible, if you don't win the game, you won't be full!

(End of this chapter)

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