The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 990 So dishonest while sleeping? !

Chapter 990 So dishonest while sleeping? !
As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of laughter around.

A nice guy?
Guess what?

Good guy, in the first round of speeches, the little wolf Yu Yuanyuan was voted on the spot.

"Hey, Yuanyuan lost so fast." The little guy nestled in Yu Jinxiao's arms, whining and whining.

"That's what you exposed yourself, don't you blame me?"

Yu Yuanyuan didn't dare to raise her head to look at her father, and continued to moan.

However, it is interesting that a group of people with different identities gather together to play werewolf killing.

In particular, there are still a few actors among them, and their acting skills are soaring in the end, and the competition is even fiercer than on the big screen.

Xiao Zaizai stared wide-eyed, more careful than watching cartoons, and kept sighing "wow" and "wow".

When others cheer, she also cheers, and when others clap, she also claps, and no one falls behind.

A large group of people played lively and lively for a long time, until Su Zhirui and Sun Chengyu could hardly keep their eyes open, so they had to go back to their rooms to rest.

Most of those present had rarely had such a lively experience.

Especially Yu Jinxiao.

His life is very simple, except that the company stays with the baby at home, and this is the first time he is with so many unfamiliar people who won't make him feel uncomfortable.

Even if you just stay quietly, the excitement and warmth can exude reassuring comfort.

Back at the door of the room, Yu Jinxiao put Xiao Zai Zai down and patted her on the head: "You will sleep here alone tonight, be obedient."

"Okay, Yuanyuan will be obedient." Xiao Zai Zai nodded vigorously.

Jin Man led a little bean into the room with one hand, and washed two little potatoes next to each other.

After changing their pajamas and making their beds, the two little guys immediately lay down on the pillows, obedient and worry-free.

"I'm sleepy~" Su Zhirui yawned big, her eyes almost couldn't open.

Seeing her so sleepy, Yu Zaizai was also aroused by a strong drowsiness, and his voice began to be vague: "Yuanyuan is also~"


The two little bean dings lay down and slept soundly.

Jin Man sleeps next to Yu Yuanyuan, deliberately letting the two friends who are close friends lie together.

It's still early, and she can still play with her mobile phone.

But when she swiped Weibo with her back facing Yu Zaizai, she was suddenly kicked in the back.

She grinned and turned around, only to find that there was a little fleshy foot on her back, and the culprit was Yu Yuanyuan.

Obviously sleeping on her side facing Su Zhirui, Jin Man also didn't understand why Yu Yuanyuan kicked her on the back in the opposite direction.

The little guy who usually looks obedient is so dishonest when he sleeps at night? !
Jin Man touched the little head, and lifted Yu Yuanyuan's twisted feet and put them back in place.

After being kicked like that, the drowsiness flew away a lot, so Jin Man decided to watch the video for a while.


Just when she was about to fall asleep, a chubby hand hit her hair with a huff.

Although it didn't hurt, a slight tug on her hair drove her drowsiness away.

Jin Man suddenly opened her eyes wide, only to find that it was Yu Yuanyuan again.

Su Zhirui curled up into a small shrimp, didn't move at all, and slept very peacefully.

Jin Man stood up, stuffed Yu Yuanyuan's claws back into the quilt and put them away, and then specially tucked the quilt for the two little bean dings.

But just as she lay back down, Jin Man felt that a small fleshy foot stepped on her waist again.

Yu Yuanyuan turned around at some point, turned her face to her, and stepped on her waist softly.

Jin Man put down her cell phone, changed to a flat lying position, stared at the ceiling and fell into a daze.

Can I really fall asleep tonight?
(End of this chapter)

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