The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 991 Children can't stand in the middle

Chapter 991 Children can't stand in the middle

Jin Man was no longer interested in playing with her mobile phone, so she simply moved aside a little to keep a distance from Xiao Zai Zai.

As long as you keep your distance, you should be safe!
That's right, she is safe, but Su Zhirui is not.

Su Zhirui, who was already sleeping soundly, was very well-behaved, but was lightly hit by Yu Yuanyuan's small fist that suddenly stretched out.

Su Zhirui groaned in the dream, her little brows wrinkled pitifully, but luckily she didn't wake up.

Jin Man looked at Yu Yuanyuan who was still sleeping like she was practicing martial arts, she couldn't help but shook her head and sighed: "This sleeping appearance... the future husband is really miserable."

Jin Man, who was already a light sleeper, was woken up countless times by the cub's movement that night, and even in her dream, she dreamed that Yu Yuanyuan wet the bed, crying and shaking herself awake.

When she really woke up from the dream, she found that fortunately everything was just a dream.

Both little bean dings slept obediently.

This night was probably the hardest night since Jin Man participated in the recording.

She was woken up several times by Yu Yuanyuan's claws, and even dreamed about what happened to her in her dreams, and was frightened awake from the dream.

When it was dawn, when Jin Man opened her eyes with a yawn, there was already a round head lying beside her head.

"Sister Man~Fake Ann~"

Jin Man's eyes were dull: "Good morning, Yuanyuan."

Can't you sleep a little longer?What are you doing up so early, kid?

"Yuanyuan is hungry." The little guy said while lying on the pillow.

It turned out to be woken up by the stomach.

Jin Man was forced to get up, and first washed and changed Yu Yuanyuan's clothes. Su Zhirui also woke up just in time, and she tidied up the two little Doudings in one go.

There is still recording today, and other guests have woken up one after another.

When Jin Man took two little Douding out for breakfast, she happened to meet He Chen, Yu Jinxiao and Su Zhirui's father.

They shared a room with Yu Jinxiao, and they seemed to sleep better than themselves! !
Yu Yuanyuan's lethality is actually more powerful than her father!
"Pu Ba~~~" The little guy happily ran forward, spread his arms and threw himself on Yu Jinxiao's leg.

The old father who had already had a tacit understanding squatted down to pick up the cub, and patted her on the head: "You're not being naughty."

"No, Yuanyuan is very good." Jin Man waved her hands for emphasis.

Except for punching and kicking while sleeping, there is really nothing wrong with it, woo.

Everyone had breakfast together, and after an hour's rest, they boarded the car and returned to the last recording point of the day.

The recording location is a runway, and it looks like a sign of strenuous exercise.

Yu Jinxiao looked down at his suit.

This set of clothes can be considered to have experienced various "big winds and waves".

"The last recording this morning is three people and four legs!" He Chen frowned just as Xie Xin finished speaking.

He has played with two people and three legs. It is not difficult to understand three people with four legs, but the difficulty will be much higher.

When the time comes, tie Yu Yuanyuan in the middle, and you can lift her up directly, without Xiao Zai Zai thinking about which foot to show.

"Children can't stand in the middle."

He Chen: "!!!" Can you read minds and know what I'm thinking! ! !
It will be even more difficult if the children are arranged next to them.

It is easy to fall if only one person is carrying it.

After listening to the rules, the other groups took the rope and started to try, and entered the state very quickly.

He Chen also ran to get two pink ropes and came back: "Mr. Yu, to arrange this?"

"I'll mention it...I'll look at Yu Yuanyuan." Yu Jinxiao volunteered.

Hearing what he said, He Chen was also relieved, he was afraid that if he didn't handle the little boy well, he would slow down the team.

(End of this chapter)

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