The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 992 The Sluggish "Door"

Chapter 992 The Sluggish "Door"

He Chen's left foot was tied to Yu Jinxiao's right foot, and Yu Jinxiao's left foot was tied to Yu Zaizai's right foot.

When he was ready, Yu Yuanyuan raised her head and asked curiously, "Baba, what are you going to do next?"

doing what?
You don't even understand the rules of love? ?
"Walk," Yu Jinxiao held his little paw, "I tell you to do it, and you do it, follow my instructions."

"But your feet are tied, how can you move?"

"As long as you get out the bound feet at the same time, you can go." Yu Jinxiao was not impatient with this innocent question.

Yu Yuanyuan seemed to understand but half understood, she nodded her head with a blank expression.

He communicated better with He Chen, and the first step went smoothly, but the biggest problem in the next step was Yu Yuanyuan.

"Bound feet."

"Hey!" Xiao Zai Zai cheered himself up, but...but...

Even though Yu Jinxiao's steps were small, they were still a bit long for Yu Yuanyuan.

Even with the correct footing, she still staggered, the bound foot was almost lifted off the ground, and the toe of the other foot landed forward by rubbing against the ground.

"Hidden ones!"

Hearing Yu Jinxiao's order, He Chen and Xiao Zai Zai immediately stepped out with their unbound feet.

"Out bound!"

It was still the same as before, even though Yu Yuanyuan's movements were a little crooked, looking like she was being held like a keychain, but at least she didn't make a fatal mistake.

The passwords have also been simplified to "bound" and "unbound".

The 10-minute practice time given by the program group is over.

The official game begins.

Yu Yuanyuan, who was quite calm in practice, suddenly became a little nervous.

"Baba, Yuanyuan is a little dirty..."

"Don't be nervous." Yu Jinxiao squeezed the little claw in the heart of his hand.


"Just remember the password I just said."

Things that seem simple to adults can become complicated in the minds of children.

When the whistle sounded, the other groups rushed out as fast as possible, but Yu Jinxiao didn't rush to shout the password.

"Not tied!"

Swipe, Yu Yuanyuan and He Chen successfully kicked their legs!


The tied feet stepped forward together.

Although the situation in the other groups was a bit chaotic, they were able to move successfully without wrestling. They all wanted to take the opportunity to increase their speed and seize the opportunity.

Yu Jinxiao realized that neatness may not necessarily win, and speed must not lag behind, so he sped up the password.

He Chen, who had developed athletic nerves, could barely keep up, but when it came to Yu Yuanyuan's end, he had completely turned into a joke that caused the audience to burst into laughter.

Yu Jinxiao and He Chen cooperated well, but poor Yu Yuanyuan was almost lifted into the air like an open door.

The hands, hands and feet that were struggling to stretch couldn't find support, so they could only sway back and forth in mid-air, like a small door blown open by the wind.

Probably because the situation was too sudden, Yu Zaizai's eyes gradually became dull, and he didn't even resist, like a fake doll being lifted up.

When the other groups saw Yu Yuanyuan's situation, they laughed so hard that they almost couldn't straighten up. They were walking well, but they tripped and fell to the ground.

Yu Jinxiao has long been used to this situation, and he and He Chen crossed the finish line in one go.

Su Zhirui's team sat on the ground laughing for a long time before getting up, but finally won No.2.

They lifted Su Zhirui up in a similar way, speeding up their steps.

Soon the ranking was decided, and Yu Yuanyuan's team was firmly in first place again.

"Wow, Yuanyuan is amazing!" Su Zhirui would only praise her favorite good friend, and ran up to celebrate with Yu Yuanyuan in her arms.

Xiao Zai Zai's dull eyes gradually recovered: "Huh? Did Yuan Yuan win?"

The sluggish "door" finally regained its soul.

(End of this chapter)

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