Chapter 351 Uninvited Guest 2
Lin Yueru looked around the living room. Seeing whether she saw Bai Chuanqi, she asked shyly, "Auntie, why didn't you see Chuanqi? Is he going to work this weekend?"

She came here today, but she came to see Bai Chuanqi specially, because Bai Chuanqi had not contacted her for a month since the last meeting.So taking advantage of this weekend, she came to the house on purpose just to see him.

"No, he's in the study, I'll ask the servant to call him down!"

"Okay, thank you auntie!"

in the study.

Bai Chuanqi was playing a game with his daughter, and he played three games in total. In the games, Bai Qingyue smashed the Quartet, and the third uncle, who he believed to be smart, lost the game.Bai Leixuan didn't have any important work during this time, so he stayed in the old house, watching the battle at the moment, cheering for his little cousin.Before, he had always been the defeat of the third uncle. Today, he finally saw the appearance of his third uncle's disastrous defeat, or to his own daughter. This feeling is too sour.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk..." There was a knock on the door.

"Third Young Master, Miss Lin Yueru is here, Madam let you go down!"

Bai Chuanqi thought to himself, why is she here?

"I know, I'll go down in a while!"

Then he said to Bai Leixuan: "Xiao Xuan, you can play with Xiao Yueyue first, I'll come when I go!"

a while?Can you come up in a while?But how could Bai Leixuan not listen to his third uncle's orders.

"Third uncle, I understand, you can go!"

This Lin Yueru was the daughter of the second wife of Lin Jingfeng, the president of the Lin Group, from a family outside the three hundred.The daughter of a concubine is naturally not taken seriously, because Mrs. Dafang also has a daughter and a son, and they are the direct daughter and the young master.

Lin Yueru's mother died early, and her father didn't like to see her, so she was often bullied by her sister Lin Yuexiao and her brother Lin Zeqiang, saying that she was only fit to be their valet and carry their shoes.

Lin Yueru could only endure these pains, because she had no strong backer to rely on.So she swore since she was a child that she must find the most powerful person as her backer, so that she could trample Lin Yuexiao and his mother and son under their feet, so as to vent the humiliation she had suffered over the years.

And Bai Chuanqi is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate. Not only is he handsome and capable, but he is also the richest person. His Bai Group is the largest and most powerful group in Li City.Even her half-sister Lin Yuexiao wanted to marry Bai Chuanqi, but she didn't even have the chance to know Bai Chuanqi.

And Lin Yueru met Chu Qing by chance and did her a little favor.So at that time, Chu Qing felt that Lin Yueru was a very good person and liked her very much.

Later, after Lin Yueru knew who Chu Qing was, she inadvertently told Chu Qing what had happened to her. After hearing that, Chu Qing sympathized and pitied her very much, and believed that she was a good character.In addition, his youngest son has never had a match, so Chu Qing was worried about his marriage all day, so he wanted to match him and Lin Yueru, so they arranged a blind date.

Bai Chuanqi didn't agree with the blind date at first, because Chu Qing had arranged several blind dates for him before, but he didn't like any of them, so he felt that the blind date was a waste of time, and later he was reluctant to go on the blind date.

But Chuqing persuaded him with snot and tears, saying that this Lin Yueru was so good and helped herself.He also said that this is the last time to let him go on a blind date, and if this time is not successful, he will not be forced to do so in the future.

Bai Chuanqi really couldn't bear to make his mother sad, and thought that Lin Yueru had helped Chu Qing, and it was right to say thank you to others, so he agreed to meet her.

The first time I met her, I had a good impression of her, but this kind of affection was not the kind of affection at all, but the thought that she had helped her mother before. So think she's not bad, but that's about it.

Later, I went out to eat with her a few times. After getting along with her, I found that I still didn't feel that way about her. Later, I was busy with work, and Bai Qingyue appeared, so I didn't contact her much, and I almost forgot about it. people.I thought I didn't contact her, so I explained my attitude, but I didn't expect to come to her door today.

Before Lin Yueru went out to eat with Bai Chuanqi, it was accidentally photographed and posted on the Internet, so everyone thought she was Bai Chuanqi's girlfriend.

Because of this matter, her father Lin Jingfeng looked at her differently, and his attitude changed 180 degrees. Now he treats her better than her brothers and sisters.After her elder sister Lin Yuexiao found out about this, she was even more envious and jealous. Seeing her frantic look, Lin Yueru felt so happy and proud!
So she must take this opportunity to marry Bai Chuanqi and marry into the top wealthy family.Who would dare to look down on her in the future, laughing at her as the daughter of Xiaosan.

But Bai Chuanqi hadn't contacted her for a long time, and she panicked, so she came to his house to brush up on her presence.

Bai Chuanqi went downstairs, walked over, and said hello to Lin Yueru.

"Miss Lin, are you here?"

As soon as Lin Yueru saw Bai Chuanqi, she held the corners of her skirt with both hands, she was ecstatic, and said shyly, "Cuanqi, long time no see, how are you doing?"

Bai Chuanqi was expressionless, and replied lightly: "It's good!"

After that, Bai Chuanqi stopped talking. He was full of his own daughter at the moment, how could he care about others?
Lin Yueru didn't know what to say, and the atmosphere suddenly cooled down.In the end, Chu Qing came out to warm up when he couldn't see it, brought up the dessert made by Lin Yueru, and said to Bai Chuanqi.

"Chuan Qi, this is a snack made by Yueru, would you like to try it?"

"Yeah Chuanqi, do you try it and see if it tastes good? I spent a lot of time making it!"

In order to make this box of dim sum, Lin Yueru spent a full night, hoping that he would like it.

Bai Chuanqi glanced at it, did not reach for it, and replied lightly, "No, I don't like eating these!"

The book says that if you want to keep a man's heart, you must first keep his stomach!It's a pity that others don't even want to try it, Lin Yueru can be described as a waste of time.

In the study, after Bai Chuanqi left the room, Bai Leixuan didn't want to play with Bai Qingyue anymore.He knew about Bai Chuanqi and Lin Yueru, and he had also met Lin Yueru.But he didn't like Lin Yueru, and he didn't want him to be his aunt.Based on his observations of women over the years, he felt that this Lin Yueru was not as simple as it seemed on the surface, with a deep mind!
He also told his grandma about his thoughts, but grandma didn't believe him, and said that if he was so good at looking at people, why hadn't he brought a girl home until now.He was speechless for a moment, and he never dared to say another word since then.

But now it's different, there is a big Buddha, as long as she doesn't like Lin Yueru, his third uncle will definitely not agree.

Besides, didn't Xiao Yueyue still say it?His third uncle still loves her missing mother!

For the future happiness of his third uncle, now he can only join forces with Xiao Yueyue to fight against foreign enemies together!

(End of this chapter)

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