Koi system: Xiao milk packs her European air

Chapter 352 Auntie, Don't Come Near My Dad

Chapter 352 Auntie, Don't Come Near My Dad

"Ah..." Bai Leixuan held chess in his hand and kept sighing: "Ah... alas..."

Bai Qingyue was so noisy that he couldn't think about it because of his sighing voice.So he complained and said, "Third brother, what's wrong with you? Why are you sighing?"

Bai Leixuan immediately put down the chess in his hand, and said solemnly: "Third brother, this is all for you, do you know?"

What does it mean that Bai Qingyue didn't get it at all?With a big question mark?

"Third brother, what do you mean by this? Xiao Yueyue didn't understand!"

"Didn't you hear what Xiaoyue said just now? A woman has come to find your father. This woman is your father's blind date. Maybe she will soon become your new mother!"

Bai Leixuan deliberately frightened her, because a child with a biological mother would definitely not want a new mother.The best mother is her own mother!
Bai Qingyue's expression changed when she heard Bai Leixuan's words. Seeing this, Bai Leixuan continued:

"What about the third brother, I don't like this woman, and I don't want her to be Xiao Yueyue's new mother, so Xiao Yueyue should join forces with the third brother to drive her away from your father?"

Bai Qingyue nodded, looked at Bai Leixuan, and said firmly: "Yes, I don't want a new mother. I only have one mother, Gong Jingyu. And my father can only be my mother alone!"

"Okay, the third brother supports you and protects your father for your mother!"

Although Bai Leixuan had never seen Gong Jingyu, but in Bai Qingyue's body, she could see her to some extent.Although he has never raised Xiao Yueyue, it is not difficult to see her mother's personality from his little cousin. Compared with Lin Yueru, he prefers Gong Jingyu to be his sister-in-law.

Bai Leixuan said a few words beside Bai Qingyue's ear, Bai Qingyue nodded cutely, and said with milk: "Third brother, I know what to do, let's go, let's go downstairs now!"

Lin Yueru saw that Bai Chuanqi's attitude towards her was a little indifferent today, so she could guess what, but how could she give up such a good opportunity.Now it is rumored that she is Bai Chuanqi's girlfriend and the future Mrs. Bai, so she will try her best to win the favor of Chu Qing and Bai Chuanqi, and she must take the position of the wife of the president of the Bai Group.

"Chuanqi, have you been very busy recently, so you don't have time to contact me?"

"Well, I'm quite busy!" Bai Chuanqi replied coldly.

If you really care about you, no matter how busy you are, you will find time to find you. If you don’t find you, it can only mean that you don’t care.

Chu Qing understands this truth now. If it was before, she would persuade Bai Chuanqi to take more time to go out with Lin Yueru.But now that she has a little granddaughter, her thoughts have changed. She has to think more about Bai Qingyue. After all, her stepmother may not treat Bai Qingyue as her own daughter, not to mention the fact that her own mother is still there. No, she didn't want her cute and lovable little Jinsun to be abused in the future.

"I think the weather is fine today, why don't we go out for a walk!"

Lin Yueru wants to strive for more opportunities for the two to get along alone, so that their relationship can develop rapidly.

But before Bai Chuanqi had time to refuse, a crisp and tender voice suddenly sounded.


Bai Qingyue rushed towards Bai Chuanqi, who picked her up and sat on his lap.With a soft tone, he said fondly: "You run so fast, aren't you afraid of falling?"

"Dad, you talk about it for a while, but Xiao Yueyue has waited for a long time to see her father come up. The third brother's chess skills are too bad, and he was killed by Xiao Yueyue in three or two strokes. It's meaningless. It's more interesting for Dad to play chess, seeing that Dad hasn't come up for so long, so I'll come down to find you!"

Bai Chuanqi touched Bai Qingyue's head and said apologetically.

"It's my father's fault that caused Xiao Yueyue to wait for a long time. I will continue to discuss with you later!"

"it is good!"

Bai Chuanqi's tenderness and doting to Bai Qingyue were seen by Lin Yueru. This kind of treatment was something Lin Yueru had never enjoyed, because Bai Chuanqi had always been cold to her.Every time she eats out, she always takes the initiative to find a topic to chat with him, and his reply is always a few simple words.

Hearing Bai Qingyue calling Bai Chuanqi's father just now, Lin Yueru was extremely surprised, but Bai Chuanqi was obviously not married, so where did the child come from?
"Chuan Qi, who is this child?" Lin Yueru asked knowingly.

"My daughter!" Bai Chuanqi replied indifferently.

Lin Yueru thought that Bai Chuanqi would tell her that this was his adopted child, but unfortunately he didn't.

Bai Qingyue glanced at Lin Yueru, she was not as young and beautiful as her mother.

"Dad, who is this aunt?"

When Chu Qing heard that the title was wrong, he immediately corrected Bai Qingyue: "Little Yueyue, sister Yueru is not married yet, so she should be called sister, not auntie!"

Those who are not married are called sisters, and those who are married are called aunts. It's not that Bai Qingyue doesn't understand.But she didn't call her sister, she just said a word.

"Auntie, but my mother is younger and more beautiful than her. Other children call her Auntie. Why can't I call her Auntie?"

Bai Qingyue's implication is that her mother is younger and more beautiful than her, and she is already an aunt. Isn't she still an aunt?

Bai Qingyue just wanted to let her know that her Lin Yueru was not as young and beautiful as her mother Bai Qingyue.

Hearing Bai Qingyue's words, Bai Leixuan couldn't hold back a "puchi" and laughed, but quickly withdrew the smile on his face under the majesty of his grandmother.

Joke, he is a dignified actor, if he can't even react like this, then he shouldn't be called an actor.

Bai Chuanqi also wanted to laugh, but he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Chu Qing was a little embarrassed and said apologetically to Lin Yueru: "Yueru, I'm so sorry, our little Yueyue is still young and not very sensible, don't mind!"

Lin Yueru sat on the sofa and forced a smile, pretending not to care, and said, "Auntie, it's okay, it's just a name, you can call it anything!"

In fact, she was already angry, this stinky girl was actually saying that she was old in disguise, and when she became her stepmother, let's see how she cleans her up!
But now that Bai Chuanqi loves her so much, not only can she not offend her, but she should treat her well, and strive to establish an image of a loving mother in front of Bai Chuanqi and Chu Qing.

"Chuan Qi, when did you adopt a child, you look so cute!"

Lin Yueru had heard that Bai Chuanqi suddenly had a daughter before, but she still didn't believe that Bai Chuanqi would suddenly have a child, and now she believed that Bai Qingyue was his adopted child.

But Bai Qingyue was not happy when she heard this, she pouted her mouth and said angrily: "Auntie, do you have a bad eye? I look exactly like my father, can you see? I'm not an adopted child. , I am my father's own!"

When Lin Yueru heard this, she was instantly dumbfounded and asked incredulously, "This...how is this possible? Chuan Qi, how...how did you suddenly have such a big child?"

She doesn't believe it, she doesn't believe it!In fact, she didn't want to believe it.

Bai Chuanqi already has a child, and the child's mother must marry him, so can she marry Bai Chuanqi smoothly?If she can't marry Bai Chuanqi, how can she raise her head and be a human being in this life?

She has no way out, she must marry Bai Chuanqi, she must take the position of the wife of the president of the Bai Group, she must!

"Auntie, my father has my mother, so you should leave quickly!" Bai Qingyue scolded her unceremoniously again, hoping that she would retreat.

"Auntie, don't be close to my dad anymore, my dad won't like you, you're not as beautiful as my mother, and you're not as good as my mother," Bai Qingyue continued.

Hmph, but her mother wants to be with her father and wants to be my stepmother?Just think about it, forget it, Bai Qingyue said disdainfully in her heart.

In the end, Lin Yueru fled in shame under Bai Qingyue's N streaks.

(End of this chapter)

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