Chapter 145 I'm a Man! ! !

The moon quietly turned over, turning from east to west, illuminating the dagger in the hand of "Hunter" emitting a cold light.

Jiang Qingmo withdrew her outstretched fists and feet, and glanced under the brim of her hat to scan the remaining residues one by one. When the situation reached a feverish stage, she suddenly made a gesture of raising her hands in surrender, and was once again bewildered and ready to pounce on her to kill her. The burly men.

"Isn't it better to be alive than to be dead?"

Jiang Qingmo spoke suddenly, and with one sentence, the "hunters" who had gained the upper hand began to hesitate.

A well-known invisible clause in the reward order: for a living target, the bounty is double that of a dead target.

Virus's bounty has now reached [-] million US dollars, double that is [-] million. In comparison, it is naturally more valuable to catch people alive.

"How about...take it away?"

Some people have already begun to salivate over the envisaged [-] million US dollars. So many of them form an alliance to catch them. Even if they catch them in the end, they will get more than half of their share, and those who catch them can recover half of their losses. Why not do it.

Together, these so-called "hunters" really put down the dagger in their hands, and found a rope to drag the hands of the person who had surrendered behind him and tie them tightly.

"Stinky boy, you are not tall, but you are quite courageous. Be honest with me!"

In the reward order released first, the characteristics of Virus appeared. Although the height is between 170-180, it is only 170 at present, no more.

The person who tied Jiang Qingmo spat in a low voice, his eyes inadvertently glanced at the people who passed out on the ground, and he tied the rope tied around her wrist to a dead end, lest the boy play tricks on them.

After tying it up, another person put a sack on her head to block her view. She didn't think there was anything wrong with Virus with her waist-length hair, just thought it was a sissy who likes to grow long hair.

Suddenly placed in the darkness, Jiang Qingmo closed her eyes subconsciously, vaguely remembering the scene of being sealed in an iron bucket a few years ago.

The face under the sack gradually turned pale, and the hands bound by the ropes were clenched tightly, leaving a scarlet wound in the palm of the hand. The pain made Jiang Qingmerton wake up from the fear, thinking: this critical time can't drop the chain , This is also the first step for her to overcome her fear.

She gritted her teeth, and suddenly pulled out a small piece of blade from her injured hand, and silently cut the knotted rope.

"Master Sheng, do you want to do it?"

Lu Feng, who usually looks like a dog, is occasionally irritable, and would cheat the boss for a small amount of money, took off his suit and changed into a very light sportswear, with bandages wrapped around his hands, watching Miss Mo being taken away. , found that Master Sheng didn't have the slightest intention of being a hero to save the beauty, so he couldn't help but say this.

Sheng Yu saw them tie Mo Mo's wrists tightly, and he adjusted himself for 2 minutes before resisting the urge to rush over.

If he made a rash move, it would declare that the plans of these "hunters" had failed, and the matter would be left alone.

But if they caught "Virus", they would take her to ask for the bounty from those who offered a bounty to assassinate Virus, those Nanxun people who did not hesitate to use underground forces to trick Luo Yuncheng because of a gold watch.

Sheng Yu pursed his lips, and prepared to keep up with those people with a single order: "Go to Yanjing, find any reason to fool him, and don't let him know Luo Yuncheng's identity."

"What about you?"

Lu Feng opened his mouth in time to stop him from following, and he already knew the answer when he asked.

Master Sheng wanted to follow in secret.

"keep in touch."

Sheng Yu didn't have time to explain to him one by one, and disappeared on the eaves of the old alleyway in a few steps, heading straight for the direction Jiang Qingmo left.

This is a risky bet, and apart from Jiang Qingmo, no one can make the dice on this gambling table.

All he has to do is to ensure that the dice falls freely to the best position.

Lu Feng, who was still standing on the roof blowing the cool breeze, couldn't help sighing twice after watching Master Sheng disappear in the blink of an eye.

A little discouraged, it wasn't him who was the bait, so he didn't even have a chance to do it.

Lu Feng sighed again, and then slowly went to Yanjing, who took people away without distinguishing between men and women.

At this moment, Yan Jing, who got rid of those "hunters", hurriedly put down Luo Yuncheng, who was carried by him all the way and almost vomited, and arrived at the Tongjiang Bridge smoothly, but did not see the car that should have been parked here.

"Damn it, you're kidding me!"

According to the instructions on the phone, after he brought the person, Sheng Yu would pick him up in person.

Now, what about people?
As soon as the wind blows across the river, the coolness invades the face, and it pours in from the collar of the leather jacket.

Yanjing looked around in two full circles, but still couldn't find anyone who came to meet him. He cursed secretly, turned his head and glanced at Luo Yuncheng who was about to run away, and a big rough hand rested on his shoulder in a blink of an eye.

"That guy Sheng Yu doesn't even want his wife anymore, right?"

Hearing this from him again, Luo Yuncheng, who had not been able to escape, couldn't bear it any longer. He took off the hood on his head completely, raised his eyes that looked like a Persian cat, and stared viciously at the big fool in front of him. Angrily shouted: "I'm not Sheng Yu's wife, I'm a man, a man!!!"

Luo Yuncheng asked himself, what is it about him that he looks like a woman has given him such a big illusion.

"Hey! It's still a little wild cat! Tsk, I told you I'm not interested in women, don't worry."

Yan Jing suddenly met the pair of different-colored pupils, his heart skipped a beat, and then he patted him on the shoulder twice like a normal person.

Xu Shi felt that this was a little disrespectful to Sheng Yu's wife, so he withdrew his hand embarrassingly.

The moment he withdrew his hand, Luo Yuncheng squeezed his wrist painfully, and placed it on his chest, word by word, expressing that he would only explain this last time.

"I'm a man!"

When he put it on, Yanjing couldn't help but blushed from his bold actions, and when he touched the flat iron chest, the blush turned white in an instant.

Man... man!What a man!

"You're a man! A man looks so good-looking!" Yan Jing finally came to his senses, quickly withdrew his hand, took two or three steps back, and yelled to cover up the embarrassment that he had been thinking of him as a woman just now.

Depend on!
Before, in order to make him believe that he would not mess around, he said that he was not interested in women, but now it's all right, he has directly become a man!
Luo Yuncheng: mmp.

Is the appearance up to him?

"Wait, what about Sheng Yu's wife?"

It's not that Yan Jing is so stupid that he doesn't have a doctor. After realizing that he saved the wrong person, he quickly turned his attention back to this matter.

If Sheng Yu knew that he screwed up...

Yanjing could already imagine how that guy would laugh and make three-color ice cream on his head.

"Don't worry, you two, everything is planned."

Before he could rush back to make up for his mistakes, Lu Feng, who had removed the bandages of the middle school student, changed into a decent suit and walked towards the two of them, telling them not to worry.

Everything is as expected.

(End of this chapter)

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