Chapter 146 One Billion

"Quick! Go fast!"

Jiang Qingmo, who was wearing a burlap bag, was pushed and shoved to get out of the car, and stepped on a place where the echo could be heard without much effort.

She clenched her palms again, and the fear of putting on a sack and being in the dark has now been replaced by excitement.

You will be able to meet the mastermind behind the scenes soon!
Not long after walking along the long corridor, Jiang Qingmo was pushed into the elevator by two people pressing their shoulders. The elevator should have sunk. Eliminating the disturbing information from the outside world, the sense of weightlessness gradually began to spread under the cerebral cortex. The next breath is getting heavier and heavier.

Fortunately, not long after, there was a ding, and the crumbling elevator door opened for a long time.

The two people behind pushed her out of the elevator, walked for about 2 minutes, went down the stairs, and climbed onto a platform that required a long stride.

Jiang Qingmo behaved very well-behaved all the way.

"Man, we brought it to you."

"Thanks for your hard work, the rewards will be credited to your accounts later."

Jiang Qingmo could not wait to prick up his ears to listen. An ordinary male voice came to his face. His voice was sharp and distinctive, but it would quickly become silent in the sea of ​​people, without any waves.

She didn't bother to memorize these characteristics, anyway, she would meet them soon, so she wanted to see what kind of people they were.

With the hands tied behind his back, he pinched the blade with two fingers, and quickly hid the small blade again.

If someone is careful enough to find out, the rope tied into a dead knot on the wrist is already precarious, and it can be broken free with a struggle.

The two "hunters" who were holding her shoulders did not let go because of what the other said, but waited for a while until someone called them and said that the bounty had arrived before releasing her.

These two are not too stupid.

After completing the task, the "Hunter" exited the stage tactfully, and did not remove the burlap bag on her head when she left.

To her surprise, the other party didn't inspect the goods first, and just let those two go away!
Through the gap under the sack, Jiang Qingmo could clearly feel the strong light penetrating from the outside of the sack.

The lights are on outside.

Soon, a person came from her left side, walked around behind her, and took off the burlap sack from her head.

Xu Shi got used to the incandescent light under the sack in advance. The moment Jiang Qingmo took off the sack, Jiang Qingmo was not blinded by the strong light.

She closed it a little bit to let herself get used to the process from darkness to day, but when she opened it, she found that she was standing in a place similar to a ring.

There were two people standing on the opposite side of the ring, a middle-aged man with his hands clasped behind him and a big man who was as big as a giant mountain.

Jiang Qingmo boldly guessed that the person who spoke to "Hunter" just now should be the middle-aged man. With his ordinary appearance and ordinary voice, he put it into the crowd without any bright spots and values ​​worth referring to.

In addition, there were two strong and strong men standing on both sides of the ring. The left eye is a little crooked. This is probably the one who just took off the sack for her. lion.

Jiang Qingmo looked carefully at everything he could see, calmly smiled, and hummed softly, "What a big fight everyone."

If this scene were really changed to Yuncheng, he would definitely have no way to escape. Just a few people in the ring could beat him to the ground with a single punch.

"Where did my Virus offend everyone, please try your best to catch me." Jiang Qingmo tried to lower his voice so that he could fool around for a while.

The middle-aged man didn't intend to give her this chance, and immediately snorted: "Virus? Who is Miss talking about?"

Jiang Qingmo raised his head suddenly, narrowed his eyes for a moment, and his dangerous eyes gathered. Hearing what he said, he knew who he was.

She lowered her head, glanced to both sides, looked secretly, looked back, and continued to smile inexplicably: "Virus' identity is a mystery, his age is unknown, his gender is unknown, no one knows whether he is male or female, how do you know that I am not Virus?" ? Or... Your goal from the beginning was me."

As Jiang Qingmo said, he easily broke free from the rope around his wrist, and raised his hand to lift off the hood that covered his head, revealing a cold and indifferent face, and the frost under his eyes was so thick that it could form ice crystals.

The middle-aged man didn't explain, and he didn't need to explain to her. He raised his hand behind his back and quickly bent twice, and said in a deep voice: "Who can kill her, the bounty is one billion!"

Soon, gangs of gangsters of various colors poured in one after another from the periphery of the arena. They heard that if they killed this weak woman in front of them, they could get a billion dollars, they all started to move around.

How difficult can it be to kill a woman.

Jiang Qingmo glanced at the mob, his expression remained unchanged, and he even folded his arms with great interest, and sneered at the middle-aged man: "It's really hard for your master to spend a billion to buy my life, it seems My life is quite valuable."

You know, the bounty for assassinating Virus is only [-] million, even if the bounty is doubled, it is only [-] million, which is still not enough compared to [-] billion, but this also fully shows that the other party will get more than [-] for killing her. billions of more valuable things.

The middle-aged man saw that she was still standing still in the face of 30 to [-] people, so his expression changed. Looking around, the whole semi-abandoned boxing gym was full of their people, and Jiang Qingmo had a one in ten thousand chance It is impossible to get out alive.

Is she faking it?There are still other hole cards that have not been fully exposed.

Even if there are reinforcements left behind, I'm afraid they won't last until the moment when the backup comes to rescue her.

The middle-aged man thought to himself, and stopped hesitating after a while, even if she really had a back move, with so many people now, one knife per person is enough to hack her to death.

"Give it to me, regardless of death or injury, there will be a big reward!"

With a wave of his hand, two or thirty people behind him raised their knives and walked towards Jiang Qingmo. Xu felt that the target of one billion was only a woman, so he couldn't help but put down his guard and did not go on a rampage.

Someone even showed her tongue at her, and twirled around her lips. "Kindly" gave a suggestion: "Little sister, don't be afraid, it's just a knife anyway, don't struggle, or it will be very painful."

This one billion is too easy to earn.

"Really." Jiang Qingmo likes to strike first, so that the initiative will be firmly in his own hands.

She turned her ankles and quickly rushed to the person who said this. Before the little gangster could react, she quickly grabbed the dagger in his hand, turned behind the person and clasped his neck, lowered her head and raised her lips with a smile: "This In a word, I'll give it back to you, okay?"

It is a very beautiful thing to have a beautiful woman laughing and talking, but it is definitely not now.

Jiang Qingmo smiled and put the dagger on his neck, and slowly cut the knife like a grid pattern on beef. Blood beads quickly dripped down the wound and slipped into the skirt of his clothes.

The little bastard screamed in pain, thinking that he didn't get the bounty, and instead lost his life because of it.

Unexpectedly, before all the screams in his throat came out, the soft hand clasping his neck instantly pushed this burden into the crowd who had been stunned for less than three seconds and started to attack.

I don't know whose dagger happened to be brushed, and made a deep gash on the little gangster's hand on the spot, and he screamed and cursed again in pain.

Jiang Qingmo backhanded the snatched dagger with the tip facing outward, and laid it horizontally in front of his body, and said generously: "Don't go up one by one, come together, grandma is free today, let's play with you two."

(End of this chapter)

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