Chapter 151 He, Not a Canary
Jiang Qingmo fell into deep doubts. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Sheng Yu's business trip at this time was an opportunity to sever their unhealthy relationship.

"If you want me to tell you, if it's a TV series, you don't care." Fang Juexia was thinking about what she said seriously, but it was just a plot designed by a TV series, and it could make her so troubled?

It shouldn't be as simple as a TV series.

She then said, "If it's a realistic silhouette, then I think it's necessary to re-examine the relationship between the two."

Fang Juexia scooped up a spoonful of omelet rice, chewed it, and continued: "Since they are adopted brothers, it means that there is no blood relationship. If they like each other, it's okay. The most important thing... is rumors."

Rumors are the most hurtful, no matter how strong a person is, as long as they are not short-sighted, even if they know that they live their own lives, they will be harassed by these rumors.

This is something that public figures know best.

That's why some people think so hard that they are afraid of taking a wrong step in front of everyone and becoming the target of public criticism.

Fang Juexia perfectly explained what a single dog knows love best. With the attitude of someone who has experienced it, she said in detail: "I don't know what TV series you are watching. Personally, I have to find out whether they are really in love with each other and whether they are already in love." With the consent of the elders, if these two are ok, then the others will not be a problem."

If rumors are bound to happen, you must have the courage to face them. With this courage to face them together, you will win most of the battle.

Jiang Qingmo listened, and her gaze involuntarily shifted to a grain of rice at the corner of her mouth. She didn't expect that when she usually looks at carefree people, it's quite clear to see such things.

"I understand."

Jiang Qingmo cleaned up the tableware, and very naturally held the paper towel to leave the rice from the corner of her mouth for her, and took the plate to the tableware recycling area of ​​the cafeteria.

This action made Fang Juexia, who was talking eloquently, dizzy and confused.

To be honest, after she finished speaking, she looked back and thought about it, she herself didn't know what she just said.

After a few seconds of sluggishness, after two or three mouthfuls of food, he quickly followed.

"You haven't said what TV series you're watching." She just happened to be bored recently, so she watched it all the time.

The two walked away side by side, chatted nonsense for a while, and parted ways when they arrived outside the training room.

To be honest, Jiang Qingmo is a bit confused now, just Fang Juexia's first point "whether they really love each other" made him completely confused.

When it comes to love, it doesn't seem to be enough, at most it's just liking.

If she just likes it, then she doesn't have to be so entangled.

Jiang Qingmo walked into the training room talking to himself, but at a glance, Luo Jin was squatting in the corner with a half-dead face. The whole person was visibly depressed, and he was so quiet that he almost didn't notice him here.

"Brother Luo! What are you doing squatting here?"

Regarding what happened last night, Luo Yuncheng was at least fooled.

Before an underground storm rolled up, they used brute force to suppress it back, which did not attract too much attention from the world.

That being the case, how could he be more depressed than Luo Yuncheng's disappearance?

"Mo Mo," Luo Jin wiped the corners of her mouth with a half-smile, and then lowered her face, "Yun Cheng has found a place, and will be moving out in two days."

After being hunted down by the "hunter" last night, Luo Yuncheng became more determined to move out.

This time he was careless, if there is another time, if there is a more dangerous situation than last night, wouldn't he drag Luo Jin into the water as well.

After returning, Luo Yuncheng hurriedly searched for cheap housing online, hoping to move out as soon as possible, and the sooner the better.

No matter how intimidating Luo Jin was, she couldn't stop her younger brother's determination to move out. He squatted in the corner of the training room and was deeply saddened. He wanted Jiang Qingmo to help him persuade him. Anyway, the time was too long. It was so compact that he was not mentally prepared at all.

Jiang Qingmo strode up to him, put two fingers on his chin, rubbed it maturely, and asked a key point.

"Where does Yuncheng plan to move to?"

She didn't think there was anything wrong with Luo Yuncheng moving out to live alone, but at least she had to know where he was going to move.

Speaking of this, Luo Jin once again had the expression that the sky is about to fall, and she spread her hands under her eyes, wishing to pull down her lower eyelids.

"It seems to be an alley in the west city. It is said to"

The key is that there are many shops in the area where you can order takeaway, now Luo Yuncheng has even more reason to stay at home, and Luo Jin is precisely afraid of this situation.

"Tell me, I worked hard to make nutritious meals for him, but he didn't eat them, so he had to eat takeaways. How healthy are takeaways..." Luo Jin squatted in the corner and kept muttering, but Jiang Qingmo's thoughts were filled with his thoughts. With a sigh, turn back to the message I received at noon.

Sheng Yu treated her the same way, so he treated himself the same way Luo Jin treated Luo Yuncheng?

"Momo... Momo!"

Luo Jin muttered for a long time, and when she raised her head, she realized that she was distracted. After standing up against the wall, she yelled two or three times, and asked with her eight-character eyebrows: "What do you think should be done? If this continues, I'm afraid he will die young." .”

For a good-looking brother like Yun Cheng, who is good-looking except that he doesn't like to eat, he really doesn't want him to ruin his body and walk ahead of him.

Jiang Qingmo almost choked on his big truth, coughed lightly, turned his eyebrows and eyes, and thought of a good way.

"How about this, since he is determined to move out, let him move out, but..." Before Luo Jin interrupted her, he said again: "Give him only three months, these three months In a few months, he must learn daily housework, including simple cooking. If you are worried, you can also add the rule that no takeaway is allowed. If you can’t do it, let him come back after three months. Your buffer time."

Jiang Qingmo glanced at him faintly.

She understood Luo Jin's younger brother's heart, but the problem between the two of them had not been effectively resolved.

These three months are not only giving Luo Yuncheng a chance, but also giving him a chance.

"Also, if you're really worried that you can't eat or sleep, you can go and have a look." Anyway, the person is there, and he won't run out of Tongjiang with him on his back. He should learn to let go, otherwise , if Yuncheng finds a girlfriend in the future, will he also live with him?

"Don't think my suggestion is unreliable. You have to think about it yourself. Yuncheng is not a canary after all."

The last sentence hit Luo Jin's heart directly, and his heart skipped a beat, and his expression changed three tones.

After bowing his head and thinking for a long time, he forced the corner of his mouth to squirm, and agreed to her suggestion for the time being.

"You're right, it's time for me too, it's time to let go."

(End of this chapter)

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