Chapter 152 The enemy, the road is narrow

Luo Jin changed her suggestion and printed it into a contract for a period of three months, asking Luo Yuncheng to learn the terms of the contract.

Of course, the above list are all simple survival skills, and there is no such difficult task as climbing the sky and the moon.

As long as he learns these within three months, after three months, the sky will be as high as the birds can fly.

Luo Yuncheng glanced roughly, nodded in silence for a moment, and then bet with him for three months to prove himself.

On the day of the move, Jiang Qingmo didn't go. In Luo Yuncheng's own words, he was not a student who left home to go to school, so there was no need.

Learn to pack your luggage by yourself and call the moving company.

When meeting strangers for the first time, Luo Yuncheng seemed very nervous, especially his attire, which made the driver look him up several times in doubt.

Until Luo Jin, who had been worried about her younger brother, glared fiercely over through the crack of the door, the driver suddenly shivered, and hastily looked away.

Jiang Qingmo didn't go, and he just didn't go with him. He was pulled over by Luo Jin halfway, and hid in front of Luo Yuncheng's low-rent house, behind the huge electric pole.

I didn't dare to lean on it, the poles were covered with various small advertisements, infertility, prostate treatment, begging for a child with a lot of money...

Jiang Qingmo pursed his lips slightly. He seldom passed through the west city, and he didn't know that in this huge city, the ecological development of the east and west could be so different.

If the map didn't show that this was Tongjiang West City, it would make her feel like she had come to a corner of the countryside.

However, it is precisely because of this cliff-like development that such a mature and huge underground trading market has been created.

Not all the people living here are poor, some are just used to this kind of life in the city, just like Yanjing.

Luo Yuncheng rented a relatively good but not soundproof single room, which is located on the second floor and needs stairs from the outside to go up.

It was almost dusk when we moved in, and the driver seemed to feel the scorching sight behind him, and put down several large boxes of luggage for him, and the truck swished away, forgetting to ask for good reviews.

However, even if the luggage has been stacked at the door, Luo Yuncheng still needs to move it in by himself.

Just as he bent down to pick up the box, the door of the single room next door was violently pushed open from inside with a creak. Yanjing raised his hand and yawned. As soon as he came out, he faced a large cardboard box that was moving slowly.

The cardboard box was crumbling, he turned to the left, the cardboard box to the left, and the cardboard box to the right, Yan Jing slapped it down angrily, with a very fierce tone: "Hey! I know it's in the's you!"

Yan Jing leaned slightly, stretched his head forward, and was about to curse, but when he took a closer look, he found that this person was actually that little boy from the previous two days.

He blinked twice in surprise, immediately let go of the hand covering the cardboard box, and took two steps back.

Luo Yuncheng's strength was already weak, and he let go of his hand immediately after being patted and released. Before Yanjing could evacuate quickly, the cardboard box hit his instep with a bang, and he didn't know what heavy object was inside. Painful, he changed his face on the spot.

Did he have a natural conflict with this little boy?

"Damn it! You did it on purpose!"

"It was you who made the first move." Luo Yuncheng lowered his head and calmly pushed the fault to the other party. If he didn't put pressure first, could he let go?

Yanjing: The co-authorship is something I asked for.

He hurriedly opened the cardboard box and pulled his feet out from underneath. If it wasn't for the sake of image, he might have jumped and hugged him.

Yan Jing didn't want to talk nonsense with him, after saving his own foot, he kicked the cardboard box twice viciously, if there was no urgent matter, he would have to drive this little boy out of the 888 alley on West Street.

"You wait for me!"

He snorted coldly and strode downstairs, seeing Luo Jin's heart skip a beat as he saw the image of a street stalker, and kept sighing and worrying.

If you offended your neighbors when you first moved in, how can you get along with them in the future?

"What are you doing?" When he couldn't help but want to go out from behind the electric pole, Jiang Qingmo grabbed him, "Dealing with interpersonal relationships is also an independent step. Didn't we just agree to come and see?"

"You've seen it too. That neighbor is clearly not to be messed with." In Luo Jin's eyes, Yanjing is completely a street gangster. How can he rest assured that his younger brother will become a neighbor with that kind of person, just in case in the future What should I do if I teach my younger brother badly?What if, what if he covets his younger brother's beauty?
The more Luo Jin thought about it, the worse it became, and she even imagined a picture of her younger brother being bullied.

"That's right, how do I think that person is just very talkative." If Luo Yuncheng's actions just now, other gangsters would have punched him in the face, and, "They Did you know each other before?"

According to Yuncheng's personality, when encountering this kind of fault-finding, it should be better to have one thing more than one thing less. How could he be as stubborn as before?
"I have not seen."

Luo Jin stared at Yan Jing who was limping away for a long time, but she couldn't find any memories about this person in her mind.

Yuncheng has not gone out alone for nearly two years, except for the previous two times...

Could it be that they met after running out of the house twice!

Could it be that Yuncheng moved out to live with this person on purpose! ! !
Luo Jin used her extraordinary imagination to make up one after another, but after thinking about it carefully, she felt that it was impossible.

Just now when the man saw Yun Cheng, he wanted to eat him. How could Yun Cheng move to live with this kind of person? It should be...just a coincidence.

Luo Jin comforted herself silently in her heart, until Luo Yuncheng, who was on the second floor, moved all the luggage into the room with difficulty, and was dragged away by Jiang Qingmo.

From then on, Luo Jin made a trip to the west city every two days, like a stalker. Surprisingly, she didn't see Yuncheng's vicious neighbor next door for a few days, which made him feel better.

He was relieved, Luo Yuncheng would be annoyed to death by him instead.

As early as the first day when he moved in, he had hacked into the surveillance in the west city, and knew when Luo Jin would come and where he was squatting.

Faced with such "viciousness", Luo Yuncheng had no choice but to invite the "mediator" Jiang Qingmo to let her take his brother away.

"Mo Mo, I'm just worried..."

"Brother Luo, you will be hated by Yuncheng if you continue like this."

One sentence from Jiang Qingmo made Luo Jin shut up completely, and she obediently left with her. When she left, she looked back at every step, and didn't stop until Jiang Qingmo stuffed her into the car.

After that, in order to divert Luo Jin's attention, Jiang Qingmo decided to give her, a bitter and bitter coach, something to do at a young age.

The first thing is to operate the social account that has just been opened.

A few days ago, the head coach specifically mentioned this to Jiang Qingmo, intending to create momentum for her before the next Winter Olympics.

She didn't think it was necessary, but she couldn't hold back the head coach's tears, and finally agreed to it.

Either way, it doesn't do her any harm.

But she felt that it was a waste of time to run the account, so she turned around and handed over this task to Luo Jin, who happened to have nothing to do recently, and went back to Sheng's house by herself.

Jin Hao's father finally came back, even though he still won't be home for three to five days, it doesn't prevent her from drinking morning tea with the commander for three to five days.

(End of this chapter)

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