Chapter 153 The Dog Abuse Incident
No one knew why Second Master Sheng came back suddenly. They only knew that after he came back, he caught many street sneakers and some unknown people.

During that period of time, the entire Tongjiang River seemed to be a lot more peaceful, after all, no one dared to blatantly make trouble in front of the commander.

Except Angelica.

Knowing that Second Master Sheng was back, Jiang Qingmo's backing was upgraded again, and the uncontrollable jealousy in Bai Zhi's heart gushed out again.

She is not like Xue Miao, who throws things around and makes everyone know that she is unhappy.

Recently, the Bai family will raise a dog every now and then, and then there will be one or two less every now and then for no reason.

Apart from the old lady, only Ms. Bai, who had just returned from studying abroad, was left in the family. The other servants just ignored it when they saw it. Talking and persuading will only make the host unhappy.

There are only a few dogs on the left.

The servant didn't say anything, but in his heart he had a new understanding of this young lady with an increasingly weird temper. Usually, when he saw her, he hid far away and seldom messed with her.

"Ah!!! You silly dog!"

The shrill dog barking followed, and the passing servants stopped and walked away as if nothing had happened.

"Come on, grab it for me!"

While speaking, a broken long shadow resolutely jumped from the window on the second floor, fell to the ground and rolled, dragging the blood-stained chain, limped out of this purgatory.

The servant didn't react for a while, and let the puppy out of the sea of ​​suffering.

"Father, is there any news recently?"

At six o'clock in the morning, Jiang Qingmo followed Second Master Sheng to a teahouse in the south of the city for morning tea. Before going to the training ground after eating, he asked in a low voice while Adjutant Zhou was picking up the car.

Second Master Sheng, who returned to Tongjiang, specially changed into a long gown, and went out to have morning tea with his daughter from time to time, not to mention how comfortable it was.

However, the smile on the corner of his mouth hadn't fully raised yet, and his expression changed suddenly when he heard this, and before Jiang Qingmo found out, he quickly maintained the previous smile, pretending to be relaxed: "Don't worry, what's the news, my first Let me tell you right now, do your own thing right now."



Jiang Qingmo still wanted to speak, but when he walked to a corner, a faint call suddenly came from his ear.

She looked around, walked towards the place where the sound came from, walked to the back door of a certain shop, and found a puppy that was as angry as gossamer.

The abdomen contracted rapidly, and the hair on her body was already covered by blood stains, and the original color could not be seen. Jiang Qingmo, who was walking towards her with some cloudy eyes, barked several times, as if warning her not to approach.

"Momo, this dog is so dirty, don't hug it."

"It has injuries on its body, as if it was beaten by abuse." Jiang Qingmo took off his coat and covered the puppy, and found that it didn't even have the strength to resist, so he picked it up, "Send it to the pet hospital first."

After the adjutant drove the car, Jiang Qingmo carefully carried the dog into the car, and first went to the nearest pet hospital that was open.

When they arrived, they saw many scars on the dog's body. The veterinarian frowned and glanced around at several people, and took the scarred dog from Jiang Qingmo's arms to the consultation room.

Knowing that it was Master Sheng who sent the dog, a young doctor quickly came out of the consulting room, nodded to everyone, and lamented: "This dog has been beaten like the previous ones. The spleen bleeds badly, and the leg is broken.”

Fortunately, before it was about to die, it was sent to the hospital by kind people, while the others were sent to the hospital by unknowing passers-by after death.

"How many before? This kind of thing happens often recently?" Jiang Qingmo quickly caught the point of the words.

The doctor turned his gaze to her, quickly recognized her, occasionally appeared on the sports channel, and sighed again: "Yeah, this kind of thing happens every two or three days recently, and there are heated discussions about it on the Internet, I'm afraid All from the same hand."

Dog abuse, how dark is this psychology.

"Cause bad influence on the Internet, have the police filed a case?" Sheng Erye, who has a strong sense of justice, couldn't help asking when such a scum that endangered social stability appeared.

The doctor nodded again. The case was filed, but it was also filed under the pressure of public opinion. It may take a while to find out which bastard did it.

During this period of time, it is unknown how many more dogs will be killed by this murderer. The key point is that what the person is looking for is not the stray dogs that can be seen everywhere on the street, but stolen from the pet market.

This kind of bad behavior can be described as too many to describe.

"I see, Mo Mo, the dog will be treated by them first, let's go first." Seeing that more than an hour was wasted because of this matter, after learning the general situation, Second Master Sheng winked at the adjutant and prepared to leave.

When she was leaving, she noticed that she was looking at the consulting room frequently, and then turned to the doctor and said, "We will pay for the treatment, and we will treat it as best we can."

"That's for sure." The doctor nodded in response, watched them leave, turned around and entered the consultation room again.

Seeing that it was getting late, Jiang Qingmo separated from Second Master Sheng outside the pet hospital, and rode on the motorcycle to the training ground first. As soon as he stepped into the gate of the training ground, he was stopped by the security guard at the gate in time.

"Jiang Qingmo, I have a letter from you." The security guard opened the window with a bang, and handed her the letter that had just arrived.

It's strange to say that in this age, there are still people writing letters. It's been a long time.

Jiang Qingmo thanked him politely, took the envelope with both hands, but wondered who sent it.

Before entering the venue, I couldn't help opening it curiously. There are two pages in total, with clear handwriting, and every word can be seen to be written seriously.

The first sentence at the beginning successfully stopped her from moving forward.

"To Momo: I have already arrived in country F. It must have been several days since I wrote this letter and sent it to the training ground. The weather in country F is not very good today..."

Signed: Sheng Yu.

Jiang Qingmo didn't know what supported her to read this two-page long thought, but after reading it, she felt a little guilty for no reason.

She had planned to take this opportunity to sever her relationship with Sheng Yu, but at this time, she sent such a letter.

A letter telling her about the weather in Country F and what he was doing there... A letter that disrupted all her plans.

How to do?
"Jiang Qingmo! What are you doing here? Oh, the letter? Who gave it to you? A fan?" Fang Juexia suddenly jumped out from behind her, and she was so frightened that she quickly folded the two pages of the letter in half, shook her head, hesitated for a moment, and then nodded heavily. Twice.

"Is it true or not? Oh, don't worry about it, by the way, did you read the news this morning?"

"What news?" Jiang Qingmo pretended to be calm and put the letter back, and asked casually.

Fang Juexia twitched her lips when she heard this, and secretly complained that she had time to watch TV dramas, but she didn't have time to watch the news.

(End of this chapter)

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