The group pet Xiaojiaobao is an almighty boss, beautiful and sassy

Chapter 173 Don't mess with Jiang Qingmo

Chapter 173 Don't mess with Jiang Qingmo

Seeing that there were more and more tourists around, Jiang Qingmo couldn't help sighing, and was going to leave here first, and then find a way to find Fang Juexia who had been washed away.

At that time, the dagger with a cold light was already behind her, and when she was about to lift it up and stab it, the man's hand suddenly froze in mid-air, unable to advance or retreat.He glanced sideways at the man who grabbed his wrist, met Yan Jing's fierce eyes, and his back tightened inexplicably.

Before opening his mouth or resisting, Yanjing slapped him a few meters away in the blink of an eye, successfully standing out from the crowd of tourists.

Jiang Qingmo turned her head quietly, seeing that this was enough to make all the tourists around her disperse, there was no wave in her eyes, she glanced and turned her eyes precisely to Bai Zhi who was mixed in the crowd, staring at her suddenly raised her side Mouth.

That smile seemed to be laughing at her poor means.

"Huh! Finally found it."

Fang Juexia quickly squeezed out from the crowd and found Jiang Qingmo with her arms folded. He breathed a sigh of relief as soon as he walked to her side, when he raised his eyes, he found a man with a dagger lying not far away. The little boss was there too.

How is this going? ? ?

"It's really shameless to cut a girl's swimsuit with a knife." Yan Jing stepped forward, grabbed the man who had been knocked out by his slap, and turned to everyone: "Anyone has a mobile phone, help report it!" Police, here... there are perverts."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but Jiang Qingmo calmly took out his mobile phone, called the police, and wiped the corners of his eyes in public as if he was a different person in a blink of an eye.

"It's really scary. Everyone must pay attention to protecting yourself. This man is carrying a knife with him. He might be a robber."

As soon as the beauty opened her mouth, people reacted one after another. The heat brought by the hot summer turned into anger in an instant, and rushed towards the fainted man.

Yan Jing took advantage of the situation to let go of the crowd, walked to Jiang Qingmo's side after withdrawing from the crowd, and said a word of concern.

"It's okay."

Jiang Qingmo shook his head, his eyes were locked on Bai Zhi's body without leaving him, the two looked at each other across the air, causing Fang Juexia to follow suspiciously, and found that she was staring at Miss Bai who had taken the initiative to talk to her before, and then looked at the man surrounded by tourists , suddenly regained consciousness.

"Jiang Qingmo, could that person be..."

The means of this rival in love are also too low, to make Jiang Qingmo make a fool of himself in public.

Jiang Qingmo snorted at Bai Zhi and looked away, speaking very calmly what made Fang Juexia dumbfounded.

"She wanted to take the opportunity to kill me."

Fang Juexia:! ! !

Are all the current rivals so fierce that they actually engage in assassinations?

"Unfortunately, her wish came true again." Twice in a row, I really thought that if I let her go last time, I can let her go this time?

After Jiang Qingmo finished speaking, she put down her folded arms and walked towards Bai Zhi, with an expression that almost wrote the words "I want to beat you" on her face, Bai Zhi subconsciously wanted to leave, but felt that she was running away in such a desperate way , it seemed that she was afraid of Jiang Qingmo.

"You, what do you want to do!" Seeing Jiang Qingmo striding forward, Bai Zhi hurriedly took two steps back.

"What are you doing? You hired someone to kill me, and you still ask me what I want to do? Bai Zhi, do you really think I won't dare to do it because you are from the Bai family?" Jiang Qingmo said, raising her hand and shaking her off. hand.

It was so crisp that even Fang Juexia, who was standing far away, could hear it clearly.

Jiang Qingmo's slap was not light.

"Jiang Qingmo!"

"What are you shouting for? It hurts my ears." After Jiang Qingmo slapped her, before Bai Zhi could resist, she pinched her chin and tightened it. "If you want to kill me, you might as well do it yourself, so you might still have a chance of success." .”

"Why do you say it's me!"

Bai Zhi still wanted to quibble, but Jiang Qingmo pinched her chin, lifted it closer, and said with a smile: "Yes, I have no evidence, but I intuitively feel that it is you, even if it is not you, you have to take the blame for me. "

Angelica:  …

"Do you know why that man's crime was not attempted injury, but robbery? Bai Zhi, I will keep you until the day you completely collapse." Jiang Qingmo lowered her eyes and approached her, the playfulness in her eyes told her that everything she did was worth it. It is futile.

Thinking of what Zhou Zheng said about Jiang Qingmo's noble birth, the jealousy in Bai Zhi's heart became more and more intense, and she raised her hand to grab her face, which was holding the winning ticket, but before she could reach out, another slap came from the left side, completely slapping her. stupid.

"Bai Zhi, you are just a clown in my eyes." If it wasn't for the purpose of figuring out Zhou Zheng's purpose, I could send her to prison today. Including... dog abuse."

The last few words, Jiang Qingmo almost whispered in her ear.

As early as when he learned that the person Zhou Zheng met was Bai Zhi, he had doubts.

Zhou Zheng didn't hand over the collar to the police at all. The biggest possibility is that he knew who the real culprit of the dog abuse incident was.

He also specially invited Bai Zhi to her vacation place, and even let her see it. He wanted to tell her that the person who abused the dog was Bai Zhi, so that she could concentrate on dealing with Bai Zhi.

And Angelica.

Being pushed out to block it, I don't even know it.

Not only that, but he couldn't wait to deal with her. Isn't this obviously looking for a beating.

Bai Zhi's face turned pale, and she bit her lip fiercely, and even at this point, she still insisted, "What evidence do you have to prove it's me?"

"Not now, but it doesn't prevent me from beating you." Jiang Qingmo slapped her twice as he spoke, each slap was harder than the other, and Fang Juexia couldn't help shaking twice when he saw it.

So, why bother with someone whose force value is against the sky, and who doesn't give anyone face at all.

Jiang Qingmo's rival in love is really stupid.

Even Yan Jing, who had never fought with women before, couldn't help staring at this scene. Thinking about the punch he had when they met for the first time, he had every reason to suspect that the lady boss beat people regardless of gender.

The atrocity, which was unilaterally pressured by Jiang Qingmo, did not stop until the police appeared on the scene.

She let go of her hand, pointed to the police who came to deal with the robber with a knife, and said with great confidence: "Okay, now the police are here too, you can tell them and let them come and arrest me."

The premise is that she can also escape.

Bai Zhi covered her face that was bleeding from the beating corners of her mouth, and stared at her desperately. In the end, she didn't dare to go to the police, so she had to smash her teeth and swallow it in her stomach.

"Jiang Qingmo, why did you let her go so easily?" Fang Juexia chatted with Yan Jing, and learned that the man just now was actually planning to assassinate Jiang Qingmo, and suddenly felt that slapping that woman was considered light up.

"Do you know what collapse is?" Jiang Qingmo asked without answering, and then replied: "Give me a little hope, pull her down, give me a little more hope, and pull her down again, until finally, she will be completely driven into the abyss."

She said the cold words with a calm face, and Fang Juexia stopped when she heard Fang Juexia's footsteps, and she didn't dare to approach her any more.

Jiang Qingmo, what a terrible woman.

(End of this chapter)

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