The group pet Xiaojiaobao is an almighty boss, beautiful and sassy

Chapter 174 Can't swallow this breath, can't swallow

Chapter 174 Can't swallow this breath, can't swallow

Not only Fang Juexia felt this way, even Yanjing couldn't help sighing: The proprietress is a good means.

You can't kill people, you have to kill your heart.

Now thinking about what Sheng Yu said before, it is hard for Yanjing to imagine what it would be like to be protected by someone like the proprietress. If even the proprietress needs protection, then everyone else can be said to be weak chickens.

Bai Zhi and the police left one after another, and the beach resumed its former bustle.

Zhou Zheng, who was hiding in the dark and witnessed the whole process, stared closely at Jiang Qingmo who was swimming in the water, and left quietly after a long while.

Undoubtedly, compared with five years ago, Jiang Qingmo is obviously more difficult to deal with when she grows up, and the chances of getting rid of her quietly are too low.

If the plan fails to succeed for a long time, then he has to change his direction and change his thinking.

Lu Mao, who got the photos of the two of them and returned to the room to investigate their identities, finally rescued himself from a pile of data after more than two hours.

After finding out the identities and relationship between the two, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he quickly called the boss to "secretly" protect the proprietress.

The identities of the two are actually easy to check, but the difficult thing is the relationship between the two.

Afterwards, Jiang Qingmo learned from Yan Jing's report that Zhou Zheng was actually Bai Zhi's half-brother and the natal nephew of the old lady of the Bai family.

It's no wonder that Zhou Zheng took the risk of being discovered by her to wash away Bai Zhi's suspicion of abusing dogs.

But judging from Zhou Zheng's various behaviors, this matter cannot be concluded on this basis.

If he was really that kind to this younger sister, how could he let her take risks in vain, even when she hit Bai Zhi, he didn't come forward to stop her.For him, Angelica dahurica is actually a buffering tool.

Thinking about it this way, these two are indeed brothers and sisters, one likes to play dirty tricks more than the other.

"Are you sure that man asked her to get rid of me?"

Jiang Qingmo confirmed with Yanjing again and again, but she didn't understand why Zhou Zheng had such inexplicable killing intent towards her.

If it were replaced by Bai Zhi, it would still make sense, after all, there is the reason of Sheng Yu, so what about Zhou Zheng?

"My hearing is not bad." Yan Jing was sure that he heard it right, and he was not the only one who heard this, even if he was an erroneous one, he still had green hair, so they couldn't both be errands.

Jiang Qingmo thought for a moment when he heard the words, and then told him not to tell Sheng Yu about it, but Yan Jing felt that he had to tell him that if something happened, he couldn't afford it.

"Is what you said true?"

As the evening approached, Yan Jing found an opportunity to call Sheng Yu, and when he heard the same words as Jiang Qingmo, he wished to roll his eyes at the two.

Can he still lie and deceive them?

"Boss...Jiang Qingmo means to stand still and not let me tell you first." He felt that this method was inappropriate, so he decided to tell Sheng Yu the ins and outs of the matter, and let Sheng Yu make the decision.

If something happens after that, don't rely on him.

"I see, let's continue to protect Mo Mo secretly first." Sheng Yu automatically ignored Yan Jing's blurted phrase "Madam Boss". Since Mo Mo intends to stop with silence, they should do the same.

After hanging up the phone, Sheng Yu pondered for a moment and called Lu Feng, asking him to pay more attention to Zhou Zheng.

Speaking of which, after Second Uncle came back, he was sent by his father to go on a business trip to country F, and he had never met Zhou Zheng face to face, let alone that Second Uncle, who was always prudent, would put such a dangerous person by his side.

This is not like the second uncle's style.

On the first day of Jiang Qingmo's vacation, the curtain came to an end after giving Bai Zhi a few slaps.

Knowing that the two of Yanjing were specially arranged by Sheng Yu so that someone could protect him, Jiang Qingmo simply invited Yanjing Lumao to have dinner with them, and there was no need to follow secretly.

Otherwise, she always felt that she was being watched by someone.

Yanjing doesn't care, but Lumao is particularly happy, after all, their boss is generous and considerate of her subordinates.

Only Luo Yuncheng wore his hat the whole time, and he didn't take it off when eating, and he didn't understand why Mo Mo's attitude towards these two people changed so much.

"Hmph, so your name is Luo Yuncheng." After dinner, Luo Jin and his girlfriend acted alone, Fang Juexia took Jiang Qingmo to the hotel's indoor swimming pool, and Lumao went back to the room bitterly, continuing to search for Bai Zhi Evidence of dog abuse.

Luo Yuncheng and Yanjing were left looking at each other in the hall.

Facing Yanjing, Luo Yuncheng would involuntarily raise his head that had been buried in the past, revealing those different pupils, and he was particularly disgusted with him.

"I don't care how you tricked Momo, in a word, Momo is not something people like you can imagine."

Luo Yuncheng hadn't recovered from what happened in the afternoon, so he threatened him without any deterrent effect, but instead made Yanjing laugh, and even had a wicked taste of teasing.

"You're really... I remember when we first met, I just said that I'm not interested in women." Yan Jing raised his eyebrows secretly as he spoke, and deliberately approached him, scaring him. The pair of different-colored pupils suddenly shrank suddenly, shuddered suddenly, and slipped away without saying a word.

"Hey! Don't go, I haven't finished talking yet."

As soon as Yanjing finished speaking, Luo Yuncheng walked even faster, as if he was afraid of having anything to do with him.

"Tch~ I can't help being teased." With no one to tease, Yan Jing put his hands in his pockets and went back to the room in a clear and uninterested manner.

As soon as he opened the door, he heard Lumao shouting angrily from inside. He walked over slowly, just in time to bump into the Lumao who ran out.

"What's the matter? Find out something."

Through the fragmented information provided by Jiang Qingmo, Lumao found out that the woman they saw during the day was the one who had customized the dog tag with the collar.

So far I still don't understand that the dog abuser who smoked glutinous rice balls for no reason is this woman.


After finding the key evidence, the green hair who has always been fond of glutinous rice balls can't sit still, he can't wait to beat that woman up now.

The glutinous rice balls are so cute, how did she manage to get them.

"Boss, I can't swallow this breath." After Tangyuan came back, he found that there were a few deep welts on the "little princess", and it was only a little bit better now.

In contrast, the other dogs that were brutally murdered basically had bones visible on their bodies.

This woman is too vicious.

Even though he knew this would be the result, Yanjing still couldn't help but look down when he learned the truth.

It seems that the boss's slaps during the day are still light.

"If we can't swallow it, let's not swallow it. Find a chance to teach that woman a lesson."

Although Yanjing is unwilling to fight with women, it is divided into people. Such vicious people can no longer be measured by ordinary standards.

"However, this woman has status anyway, we can't come here explicitly, even if we want to come, we have to do it secretly." This can be regarded as removing a big hidden danger for the proprietress.

They were originally engaged in underground transactions, and they have always been handy with this kind of thing.


Knowing that the boss is willing to avenge the glutinous rice balls, Lumao is so moved that he almost wants to cry. His tears and snot can't wait to flow down directly, which makes Yanjing disgusted.

(End of this chapter)

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