The group pet Xiaojiaobao is an almighty boss, beautiful and sassy

Chapter 176 The old lady Bai came to the door for help

Chapter 176 The old lady Bai came to the door for help

Yanjing and the others quickly attracted the attention of all parties, including the Sheng family.

After all, Bai Zhi is the adopted daughter of the Bai family, and can also be regarded as Mrs. Sheng's niece. This embarrassing status makes the members of the Sheng family even more entangled, whether to save or not.

It just so happened that at this moment, after learning about this incident, the wife of the Bai family who was far away abroad made a special call to Bai Yu, not to ask for help, but to ask none of them to care about this shitty matter.

"Sister-in-law, no matter what Zhi'er says..."

"That's not my child, and I've never admitted it." Xiao Muyan said firmly, Bai Zhi was forced to them by the old lady, and she never said that she would raise that daughter.

"Let her and the old lady take responsibility for her own mistakes." Doing such an outrageous thing shows how the old lady has raised this girl all these years.

Bai Yuyuan was still struggling with what to do, but now he received a call from Xiao Muyan.

"Since the sister-in-law has said so, let's do it this way." Sheng Yanze who was on the side heard the content of the phone call, and heard Xiao Muyan's meaning. He thought that the Bai family was going to give up the adopted daughter, but he didn't know what the old lady would do. No surprises... I will ask to come to the door soon.

Before Sheng Yanze's thoughts dissipated from his mind, he got the news from Aunt Qin that the old lady of the Bai family had come to the door.

"I'll deal with this matter, you don't want to show up for now." He hurriedly stopped his wife and decided to meet the old lady himself.

"Butler Qin, tell me what's the reason for this." Before Sheng Yanze went downstairs, he heard the old lady of the Bai family's loud voice. As before, he was the first to throw the blame when something happened, and he didn't feel that he had anything wrong What's wrong, it's no wonder that you will raise that kind of granddaughter.

"Besides, it's just a few wild dogs. Dogs that hurt people deserve their death." The old lady Bai spat again unconvinced, but she didn't notice that Aunt Qin's face was getting darker, let alone her The little border shepherd in her arms was the one that was tortured to death by her granddaughter some time ago.

Upon hearing this, Aunt Qin almost lost her face and was about to curse.

"Bai's family, did you not go online to find out the truth? This is clearly Bai Zhi's fault. She can't abuse the dog no matter what. Besides, it's a stolen dog."

Does the old lady think she doesn't know, what are you talking about about wild dogs, wild dogs are not dogs anymore?
"Hey, there are only a few of them. In some places, they still eat their skins and eat them. A few beatings are considered abuse? Now these dogs are getting more and more delicate. In the past, it would be nice to have some leftovers..."

The old lady of the Bai family was still chattering, she didn't notice how stinky Aunt Qin's face was.

"Old lady, what we're talking about now is about Bai Zhi abusing dogs." Sheng Yanze, who was standing in the stairwell, let out a cold snort, and walked downstairs with his hands in his pockets.

Seeing him, the man who was still spitting in front of Aunt Qin just now seemed to be a different person in an instant.

"Uncle, Bai Zhi is also your niece, she should call you uncle anyway."

"I can't afford to say uncle, besides, Big Brother Bai doesn't seem to have acknowledged that child." Compared to Aunt Qin's arrow that was about to explode, Sheng Yanze didn't give this mother-in-law any face at all.

"Let's leave the matter of Bai Zhi to the police, how to deal with it, my Sheng family doesn't have superpowers." Sheng Yanze's words were very clear, and there was no way to ask the Sheng family for help.


"Old Madam Bai, do you want my Sheng family to make enemies of the public for a mere Baizhi?" Not to mention whether we can help with this matter, even if we can, why should his Sheng family do such a thankless thing.

After being said so mercilessly by him, the old lady suddenly felt a little helpless. Thinking of what she overheard, her heart sank and she let it go.

She pursed her lips and said, "A mere Baizhi, of course she can't help your Sheng family, but what if she is your daughter-in-law."

The old lady's thunderous words made the surroundings instantly silent, and Sheng Yanze and Aunt Qin simultaneously cast "Are you okay" gazes at the open-mouthed old lady.

"Daughter-in-law?" Sheng Yanze felt that he might be hallucinating, so he repeated it again.

Why doesn't he remember that the bastard in his family is married?Or with Bai Zhi?

"That's right, our Zhi'er has been with Sheng Yu for the past five years. It's not clear. Could it be that the Sheng family wants to renege on their debts?"

The old lady accidentally listened to the general idea, and then learned that her granddaughter who had studied abroad for five years had lived with the young master of the Sheng family for five years indistinctly.

Since the Sheng family is determined not to save them, don't blame her for uncovering their fig leaf in public.


Sheng Yanze was shocked for a moment and quickly regained his senses, not to mention whether his son did such a thing, even if it was true, she, Bai Zhi, wanted to step into the Sheng family's door?
"Old lady, you can't talk nonsense without evidence, otherwise, your granddaughter's reputation will be ruined. Moreover, Sheng Yu is already engaged, so how could she get involved with your granddaughter?"

If such a thing really happened, he wouldn't mind digging out Sheng Yu's eyeballs and washing them well.

"What did you say!"

The crown prince of the Sheng family is already engaged!

The old lady didn't expect it, she never expected it to be such a shocking news.

"It's really a miscalculation for you to use this to blackmail the Sheng family. If something like this really happens, I will definitely drive Sheng Yu out of the house and send him to the Bai family to be his son-in-law." Although Sheng Yanze said this with a smile , the old lady Bai still played smart for a while.

Knowing that there is no good fruit for offending the Sheng family, and seeing that her stepdaughter has not shown up until now, the old lady Bai changed her face again in less than two seconds, and cried in public: "My uncle, my uncle, there is only one descendant of the Bai family. , if something happens to her, what will you tell the Bai family to do in the future. "

Even if Zhi'er did something wrong, she is still the Bai family, so Bai Yu can really watch the Bai family have no successors?

"Yu'er, you can't just ignore death."

The old lady started to howl as she cried. She completely behaved like an old lady in the market, causing Sheng Yanze and Aunt Qin a headache. Even Zao Zao, who was in Aunt Qin's arms, couldn't help yelling at the old lady a few times.

"What's the noise! ​​It hurts people's ears!"

The old lady Bai howled out one after another, and at the same time she howled out Bai Yu, she also howled out the old lady Sheng who happened to be at home.

Sheng Yanze and Aunt Qin, one is a junior and the other is a housekeeper, they can't do anything to her, but Mrs. Sheng is different.

Before the person arrives, the words go out first.

The old lady Bai was so frightened that she swallowed the words she howled, without even delaying the end.

"relatives by marriage……"

"One person does things and one person is responsible. There is no need to discuss this matter. If you really love Bai Zhi, then let her biological father find a way. Otherwise, let Jin Hao take her directly to the police station."

Old Mrs. Sheng always acted swiftly and resolutely, and only gave her two choices. After speaking, she held Bai Yu who was following her downstairs and strode away.

Not to mention that this old lady is just Bai Yu's stepmother, even if she is her biological mother, there is no need to give her any face if she is so ignorant.

(End of this chapter)

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