Chapter 177 Sheng Yu Is Always Suffering

Old Madam Bai's line of work ended in failure, and it also made her see the Sheng family clearly. She was scolded by Madam Sheng, and finally had to leave embarrassingly to seek help from Zhou's family.

Only this time, there was nothing the Zhou family could do.

They couldn't find out who was manipulating all this, not even Bai Zhi's current location.

Bai Zhi lashed the glutinous rice balls a few times, and Lumao lashed back at her a few times, and she didn't even have the strength to scream in front of the camera.

At the same time, half of the people who watched the live broadcast online felt that the woman abused the dog, and now she was being abused by herself, while the other half felt that even if there was a big mistake, she should not be treated like this.

The online comments were extremely polarized, triggering discussions throughout the night, and some even took the initiative to find the IP address sent by the live broadcast.

It's a pity, let alone laymen like them, even the police couldn't find them, so they could only watch the atrocities in the live video.

After about half an hour, the live broadcast finally ended.

Lu Mao wasn't afraid that someone would find out, but he didn't have the energy to teach this woman any more, so it would be good to leave the rest to the police.

Bai Zhi, who had been "tortured" for nearly half an hour, finally couldn't stand it and passed out. Before she passed out, she never thought that Bai Zhi would suffer this one day.

All of this - all because of Jiang Qingmo.

If it wasn't for her, how could she become like this.

If it wasn't for her...

The moment before Bai Zhi fainted, she was cursing Jiang Qingmo in her heart, blaming everything on her head, and murmured "Sheng Yu" subconsciously, but the voice was very small, and the live broadcast had already ended, so there was no way People heard her whispering.

At that time, Sheng Yu, who was far away in country F, also watched the live broadcast, but he just watched and did not take any action.

It wasn't until the live broadcast ended hastily that he said to Lu Feng, "Let Yanjing and the others calm down recently."

If unfortunately found, he will not specifically save them.

Lu Feng, who had just received the call from his uncle and hadn't hung up, turned around and opened his mouth, then handed him the phone.

"The uncle called and said he wanted to ask you something."

They have been in country F for nearly two months, and they haven't received any calls from our family. It happened that after this incident happened to Miss Bai, such a call came out of nowhere.

Could it be that they want them to help deal with this mess?

Sheng Yu answered the phone, and before he could speak, he was scolded by his father, who was so confused and confused.

"Tell me! What did you do outside in those five years! Raise a woman!"

Sheng Yu:! ! !
Uncle Sheng roared angrily, wishing he could get it out of his phone, Lu Feng and Sheng Yu both trembled and were at a loss.

Especially Sheng Yu, who was completely stunned.

It was only later that I learned from my father that after Bai Zhi's accident, the old lady of the Bai family approached the Sheng family, both inside and outside of her words, she wanted the Sheng family to come forward to save Bai Zhi.

But after being flatly rejected by his father, he said that Bai Zhi had been with him for the past five years, which obviously meant that they had already lived together, and even shamelessly said that Bai Zhi was his wife! ?

It wasn't until she was reprimanded by her grandmother that she gave up on it.


They couldn't keep the old lady of the Bai family's mouth at all. Even if he Sheng Yu hadn't done this, she could still make it sound like it was true.

Sheng Yu couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, and was so angry that Uncle Sheng scolded him again on the phone.

"I don't care about you anymore. If there is any problem in the future, you can solve it yourself." Uncle Sheng finished speaking angrily, and immediately hung up without waiting for Sheng Yu to explain.

Sheng Yu seriously suspected that the purpose of his calling was to scold him.

However, what my father said was indeed a problem, and he had to find a way to solve it.

At least, Momo can't be allowed to misunderstand him again.

Sure enough, not long after this incident, apart from Miss Bai's dog abuse, there was another major event that aroused heated discussions among everyone.

"The prince of the Sheng family would actually fall in love with that kind of woman?"

"I'm afraid the matter of dog abuse will be suppressed."

"No more love, it seems that the Sheng family is not clean."


The matter of Baizhi finally affected the Sheng family, and the stock price of Sheng's group has dropped a lot in the past few days.

Even if Sheng Yu immediately issued an article to clarify, it would not help, it would only be considered as skimming the relationship.

After returning from the beach, Jiang Qingmo knew about it, and immediately received a call from Sheng Yu.

"Mo Mo, I... I... It's not real." All the words that Jiang Qingmo had thought up before calling, all collapsed in an instant after Jiang Qingmo answered the phone, and he couldn't even speak completely.

"I really have nothing to do with Bai Zhi. I told you before this, you are, you know." At the end, Sheng Yu's voice became lower and lower, and there was no sound coming from the phone. , I can't help but feel guilty.

"Mo Mo..."

"I know. Is there anything else? If not, I'll hang up first." Before Sheng Yu could finish speaking, Jiang Qingmo hung up the phone impatiently for the first time.

After staring at the hung up phone for a while, Sheng Yu finally realized that something was wrong just now.

Mo Mo is definitely angry!

This is a hundred times worse than scolding him.

At this moment, Sheng Yu completely lost his dream, and Lu Feng didn't even get over it when he came in, only thinking about the words "Mo Mo is angry".

"Master Sheng, send another statement to clarify your relationship with Ms. Mo, don't you just..." Seeing that he has been in this state for the past few days, Lu Feng kindly offered a suggestion, but before finishing the suggestion, he just He was stared back by Sheng Yu's stare.

Did he think he didn't want to do it?
If the second uncle hadn't been on top, he would have made it public long ago.

The problem now is that once it is made public, this matter will be resolved, but Momo will suffer.

Moreover, Momo is not firm at all now, making this statement hastily will only plunge her into deeper conflicts.

"What should I do?"

In addition, Lu Feng really can't think of any other way to solve the current predicament, which is even more difficult than winning the project.

"Yes, what should I do?"

Compared with these false names, Sheng Yu cared more about Jiang Qingmo.

She is absolutely mad.

"Jiang Qingmo..."

After the incident, Fang Juexia saw her coming to the training ground with a volatile expression, and worriedly wanted to ask a few words, but usually before the words were asked, she was swallowed back by her glance.

For some reason, I always felt that Jiang Qingmo's eyes were terrifying.

She clenched her palms and brewed all morning, and finally opened her mouth during the lunch break.

"That kind of woman is not worthy at all."

No matter what happened to her with the crown prince of the Sheng family before, just because of Bai Zhi's bad behavior, she is not qualified to be compared with Jiang Qingmo.

"You have to believe in your own charm."

Fang Juexia felt that as long as he was not blind, he would be able to see the difference between the two of them. Unless...the prince of the Sheng family was out of his mind, he would like that kind of woman.


(End of this chapter)

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