Chapter 178 The test has just begun

Jiang Qingmo blinked suspiciously, repeated her words, and said again: "I'm not angry."

Fang Juexia was dumbfounded by saying a word, and pointed at her blankly, "You are not angry, so why is your face so ugly?"

She was clearly angry, and very angry, she must be trying to be brave.If it was someone else, he would have been pissed off already.

Jiang Qingmo raised his hand and touched the corner of his eyes, remembering the stack of letters he received in the security room after returning from vacation.

She stayed up late these days to read those letters, she slept late, her eyes were black and blue, she was not angry at all about Bai Zhi, okay?


Fang Juexia subconsciously raised her voice in surprise, never expecting that the prince of the Sheng family still wrote and sent them a few days after they were gone.

Thinking of this, she felt that it was impossible for the crown prince of the Sheng family to do such a thing.

"So you have never doubted the crown prince of the Sheng family?" Fang Juexia realized later that she had been worrying for nothing before cooperating with her.

"Huh?" Hearing this, Jiang Qingmo put her hand on her forehead and nodded, "Why should I doubt him?"

She has no reason to doubt Sheng Yu, no matter whether the past is true or not.

This question made Fang Juexia a little at a loss. He always felt that Jiang Qingmo's answer was a little strange, but he couldn't tell what was so strange. After that, he didn't know how to continue this topic.

Until the evening, Fang Juexia saw another statement from the crown prince of the Sheng family on the Internet.

That statement first denied anything about Bai Zhi and him, and at the same time revealed the fact that he already had a girlfriend.

But such a statement, in the eyes of preconceived netizens, is still no different from a piece of waste paper, after all, he never said who his girlfriend is.

At the same time, many people turned their attention to Jiang Qingmo. After all, she is the adopted daughter of the Sheng family. Now that the Sheng family is facing such a crisis, they don't know what she will do.

It's just that she hasn't made any statement until now. It's inevitable that people feel that she is just enjoying the convenience brought to her by the Sheng family. The crusade started from someone who slowly turned to her, and directly rushed to her social account.

"Boss, we seem to have gotten into a big disaster."

Later, Lumao also noticed this series of things. He never expected that he just wanted to punish the one named Baizhi, but he caused the proprietress for no reason.

Yan Jing's expression is not good, and he doesn't understand, this matter can be solved as long as Sheng Yu admits that his partner is Jiang Qingmo, why did he delay and delay, and finally turned into this?

It wasn't until he called that Sheng Yu knew that Mo Mo was also implicated innocently, and now he couldn't sit still, and directly posted a photo of the two of them together with the text "What is coming at me, it has nothing to do with Mo Mo. "

As soon as these words came out, the people who eat melons were full in an instant.

"This kid, you've become angry from embarrassment." Second Master Sheng, who was watching the fire from the other side, rested his chin with one hand and chuckled as he watched the various comments on the Internet.

"I said, second brother, this is enough. If this continues, the company's stock price will fall again."

Having said that, Sheng Yanze's face did not show any trace of anxiety. This time, he didn't know that it was the result of his second brother's indulgence.

"What's the point of this, if he really gets together with Mo Mo in the future, there are still many tests waiting. At that time, even you and I may not be able to save him." Sheng Jinhao pointed out.

As far as Momo's identity is concerned, it's okay not to be discovered. Once discovered, even all the strength of the Qingsheng family will be useless, and now it's just a little trouble.

Jiang Qingmo's social account has been attacked wave after wave. Even if the support will support her, it's useless. After all, Sheng Yu has spoken out, but she hasn't made any statement until now.

If this continues for a long time and does not make a statement, then it can only be said that the crown prince of the Sheng family is wishful thinking.

When the incident happened, Jiang Qingmo took a rare leave of absence and stayed in Qingshui Bay for a whole day, looking at the cactus he bought before from time to time, and accidentally discovered that there were actually a few flowers blooming on the top of the cactus. out of flowers.

She squatted in front of the cactus for a long time, took a picture of this scene, and shouted to Sheng Yu through her social account:

"When will the flowers bloom?"

Although there are only a few short words, and there is no response to the previous incident, it has already explained everything.

What the crown prince of the Sheng family said is true, his girlfriend is really Jiang Qingmo.

After the announcement, other matters were resolved in an instant, and the fact that Bai Zhi was Sheng Yu's fiancee was all nonsense.

Not only that, but someone even found out that this Baizhi was not a descendant of the Bai family at all, but an adopted daughter brought from another place, so that neither the uncle nor the lady of the Bai family even admitted the existence of this child.

As the Bai family and the Sheng family are related by marriage, Bai Zhi naturally has more chances to meet the crown prince of the Sheng family, and it is not impossible to fantasize about becoming the prince's fiancée.

After this incident, the stock price of the Sheng Group began to recover, while Bai Zhi, who committed dog abuse, was completely abandoned. Even the eldest wife of the Bai family publicly stated that she did not have such a corrupt daughter.

Bai Zhi was abandoned overnight by everyone, and after the dog abuse incident was over, she was put under house arrest in the Bai family villa by her "mother" who hurried back home. He was reprimanded severely, and the Bai family also made corresponding compensation for this matter.

"If I can keep her, if I don't send her back, I've done my best. Mother-in-law, don't force me to drive her away now."

Xiao Muyan has a strong temper, even though he has not had a son and a half for so many years, he has never recognized this adopted daughter.

"you dare!"

"Look if I dare." Xiao Mu's words were cold, and he glanced sideways at Bai Zhi, who was rescued from the police station to recuperate, and hurriedly dismissed, "From now on, you can't step out of the villa without my order. If you don't listen to me, If anything happens, you will all fend for yourself.”

Xiao Muyan snorted coldly, he didn't want to stay in this house for a moment, so he rushed to Sheng's house to make amends.

Anyway, this incident still affected them.

It didn't take more than half an hour for Xiao Muyan to come back and leave. He didn't even drink a glass of water, and his attitude towards them was even worse than that of passers-by.

It can't be blamed that she doesn't have the slightest affection for this adopted daughter. As early as the day this girl was brought back by Mrs. Zhou, she vaguely realized that this girl had been raised crookedly.

Even though she said nothing to accept the child, and even walked away in anger, it didn't change Mrs. Zhou's heart.

If I had known this earlier, I might as well have been firmer at the beginning, so that I wouldn't have caused these troubles to the Bai and Sheng families.

"Mo Mo, this matter has caused you a lot of trouble this time."

"Aunt Xiao, don't say that, it's not your fault." Facing Xiao Muyan who came here to apologize, Jiang Qingmo was very surprised and shook her head repeatedly.

Since Bai Zhi did it alone, how could she implicate them in her fault? Moreover, she has been worrying about her Costen uniform all these years, and it is too late to thank her.

(End of this chapter)

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