Chapter 194 Visit at the door, abdicate?
Knowing that Jiang Qingmo was found, Luo Jin, who had been worrying for several days, was finally relieved.

After Matsushita felt that tone in his heart, he fell ill the next day.

Luo Yuncheng rushed to take care of his brother immediately. After all, he was usually taken care of by him, and now he should be taken care of.

"Don't worry, Momo is fine, and he will be back after a few days of training." When Sheng Yu told Luo Jin, Luo Yuncheng heard him.

Although I don't know where he found the person in the end, it is safe and sound.

As long as you are safe, you are fine.

Jiang Qingmo also immediately reported her safety on social media, saying that it made ice fans worry, but when she was asked where she had been missing these days, she refused to answer.

She didn't mean to deliberately hide Feng Yuxiu's affairs, but she felt that one thing more is worse than one thing less.

Aunt Qin came to Nanxun specially from Tongjiang, knowing that she had returned safely, the Sheng family also heaved a sigh of relief.

"By the way, where is Bai Zhi, did you catch her?"

Jiang Qingmo recovered a bit, and thought of her first. As I said before, this time I won't let her off easily, and it would be easy for the police to arrest her.

"On the second day after you disappeared, Yanjing caught the person who was about to flee abroad. He is currently being sent back to Bai's house and put under special supervision."

Speaking of Bai Zhi, Sheng Yu's face couldn't be darker.

This time, they will settle the old and new grudges together.

"Then we have to go back quickly, so as not to have long nights and dreams." Regarding this incident, Jiang Qingmo still felt that something was wrong.

It stands to reason that the last thing just failed, Bai Zhi shouldn't do it to herself so soon, but she seemed to be unable to wait, which was really suspicious, as if she was being forced by someone.

After recuperating for a few days, Jiang Qingmo and Sheng Yu were about to return to Tongjiang, but the day before the return trip, an unexpected visitor came to the door.

"Miss Jiang really suffered a disaster this time." Gu Qinghe took a sip of black tea, what he said had nothing to do with the look in his eyes, and he even had a hint of schadenfreude.

"Look, Ms. Jiang is still in good spirits. She must have recovered very well, and...she hasn't been disturbed by external affairs."

She specially picked a time when Sheng Yu was not around to visit, just for this matter, presumably Sheng Yu didn't let her know that she had been missing for the past few days, and the trend on the Internet.

"Miss Gu has something to say, don't beat around the bush." ​​She was obviously hostile to herself, but she still had to pretend to be hypocritical.

She didn't know it was uglier.

Gu Qinghe put down the cup with a bang, still holding a slight smile and said: "I think even if I don't tell, Miss Jiang will know in the future, people outside say that you were with other men these days when you disappeared. "

Regardless of whether it is true or not, once such a big hat is buckled, it will be very difficult to take it off again.

"Sheng Yu probably doesn't believe these words, as long as he doesn't believe that's fine." But even if Sheng Yu didn't believe it, she couldn't stand up to other people's attacks on Jiang Qingmo. After this incident, her status and reputation would plummet.

No matter how good or excellent her figure skating skills are, she is still a piece of junk.

"Is that all Miss Gu wants to say?"

Different from Gu Qinghe's imagined reaction, Jiang Qingmo was extremely calm, so calm that Gu Qinghe had serious doubts about whether she had a plan.

"I thought you wanted me to give up Sheng Yu to you." Jiang Qingmo leaned back, lazily leaning on the sofa, and said with a smile.

Gu Qinghe's heart skipped a beat, and he looked away uncomfortably.

I don't know why, facing Jiang Qingmo, there is always an illusion that she dare not look directly, is she afraid?Afraid of Jiang Qingmo?

No, it's impossible.

How could she be afraid of such a person.

Gu Qinghe squeezed the palm of his hand, trying not to look so out of control, and continued to maintain a calm look, generously admitting.

"That's right, I like Sheng Yu, so you are really an eyesore. Whether it's family background, ability, or the help I can bring to Sheng Yu, compared to you, I can give him more, right? what about you?"

What does Jiang Qingmo have now.

A title of world champion?

With this kind of title, she can make her fall from the altar with a small trick at will. Besides this, what else does she have.

Everything she has is given by the Sheng family. In other words, she has always been favored by the Sheng family, but Gu Qinghe is different.

If Sheng and Gu's two families get married together, it will be equivalent to occupying half of Huaguo's country. At that time, all wealthy families in Huaguo will have to rely on their faces to live their lives.

They are a strong combination, and Jiang Qingmo will only hold Sheng Yu back.

"Help? Yes, you can indeed help him. Since it is such a beneficial thing, you should talk to him."

"I want you to withdraw voluntarily."

Gu Qinghe finally said the purpose of coming today, if it is really useful to find Sheng Yu, then she doesn't have to come to Jiang Qingmo.

After saying these words, the atmosphere in the room suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Qingmo parted the corner of his mouth, seeming to be smiling, "According to this process, should I get out of here and make room for you?"

Gu Qinghe didn't speak rashly, since she said so, it also showed that she disagreed with her proposal.

"Sorry to disappoint you."

Jiang Qingmo raised her hand to her forehead, raised her icy eyes slightly and shot straight at the woman opposite, "As far as I know, the Gu family is now divided into two, and the other half is still in the hands of the old lady of the Gu family. The alliance between the powerful is actually just trying to leverage the power of the Sheng family."

When she succeeds in inheriting all of the Gu family's business, she might consider this again, but now, this woman obviously just wants to use Sheng Yu, so sorry, she won't quit.

Hearing that the other half of the Gu family's family business was revealed from her mouth, Gu Qinghe's face darkened visibly with the naked eye, his heart hung high in an instant, his pupils narrowed sharply, as if he was afraid of something being exposed.

The conversation between the two ended without a problem.

Gu Qinghe left the scene early, left the Sheng's villa and got into the car, his face couldn't hold back in the end.

"Miss, if this continues, Jiang Qingmo will find out about her background sooner or later. If the old man knows about her..."

"Grandpa will never know!" Gu Qinghe yelled in a rare gaffe.

The Gu family can only have her as a granddaughter.

"Then we have to be fully prepared." The people around reminded in a low voice, if this matter is told by the embarrassing Second Master Sheng, it is impossible for the old man not to know.

If he knew that the second master's daughter was still alive, he would definitely try his best to take it back, then the other half of the family business would really fall into Jiang Qingmo's hands in the end.

"Perfect preparation? The complete preparation is to get rid of her! Has anyone found out who rescued Jiang Qingmo?"

"It seems to be the one from the Feng family."

"Oh! That madman?"


The furious person calmed down slowly, and suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, Jiang Qingmo, Jiang Qingmo, you really provoked a terrible person.

(End of this chapter)

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