Chapter 195
After Gu Qinghe left, Jiang Qingmo sat in a daze all day. Although she didn't show any flaws in front of Gu Qinghe, it is undeniable that her words still affected Jiang Qingmo.

What she said was right, she couldn't bring any help to Sheng Yu at all, not only that, but now she has such a stigma.

Once this kind of emotion spread, it couldn't be contained until Sheng Yu came back after dealing with Nanxun's affairs.

After coming back, Aunt Qin said that Gu Qinghe had been here in the afternoon, and had talked with Mo Mo in the reception room for a long time. Since then, Mo Mo has not come out of the reception room.

"What did Gu Qinghe say?"

Aunt Qin frowned and shook her head. In short, it's not a good thing to say.

"Miss may already know what's going on outside." Even though everyone kept it from her, they couldn't stand the instigation of someone with a heart. What's more, even if they tried to control the trend of public opinion, they still couldn't resist the rumors.

Aunt Qin loves Jiang Qingmo very much, but a child of eighteen or nineteen has to bear so much.

It's a pity to miss the game, but she has to face these after being kidnapped and rescued. Is it because of her identity that she is doomed to experience these things?
"I see, let the kitchen prepare dinner first." Sheng Yu hurriedly ordered, and strode towards the reception room.

He knocked on the door twice, but he didn't get a response before he opened the door and went in. The moment he stepped into the reception room, he found Jiang Qingmo collapsed on the sofa.

"Momo!" He strode forward, stretched out his hand to cover his forehead, and found that the temperature was astonishingly hot, he quickly picked him up, and asked Aunt Qin to prepare a car and go to the hospital immediately.

"I'm sorry, young master, I was negligent in my duty." Aunt Qin drove the car herself and waited outside the emergency room with her eyes full of self-blame.

If she had entered the reception room after Miss Gu left, Miss would not be like this.

"What are you talking about now, Mo Mo... will be fine." Sheng Yu was leaning outside the emergency room, exhausted from the busy days, but now, he couldn't fall down yet.

Jiang Qingmo's illness completely induced bronchitis, and he was immediately transferred to the intensive care unit.

Knowing that Mobao has become like this, Shen Tangli, who has been holding back her anger, finally couldn't bear it anymore, and led a large number of toners to fight back against those keyboard warriors on the Internet, triggering a war of the century.

People are dying, these keyboard warriors are still wantonly spreading rumors on the Internet, do you really think they are blind with toner!

Disputes on the Internet are intensifying, and there is a faint tendency to get out of control.

At the critical moment, Luo Jin, who had been ill for a few days, released a small press conference as Jiang Qingmo's acting spokesperson. The number of online viewers of the conference exceeded [-] million.

Seeing him coming to the scene with the cooling stickers on, everyone just learned that Luoshen has also been ill for the past few days, and held this press conference with his body that has not recovered.

"I don't have the energy to answer your questions one by one. There are only two points. The first is about Jiang Qingmo's current condition. As said on the Internet, he is indeed in the intensive care unit. As for his condition, it is because of the second point. The night before the league match , Jiang Qingmo was indeed kidnapped."

Luo Jin took a breath and continued: "As for the false rumors on the Internet, we will send a lawyer's letter to deal with them one by one. I believe that many people have delved into Jiang Qingmo's past. You should know that she has severe bronchitis. The main reason for this condition is that five years ago, Jiang Qingmo was kidnapped and buried alive in the same way, everyone, do you need me to say something more specific."

"You mean, Jiang Qingmo also..."

"Yes, you can go to the Nanxun police to verify this matter. When some of you are spreading false rumors, you have no idea what Jiang Qingmo is going through. I only hope that some people can stop your imagination and Guess, don’t be an accomplice in digging and burying the earth.”

After Luo Jin finished speaking, she coughed heavily, propped herself up on the long table for a while, then turned and left.

I hope this press conference can temporarily calm down the disputes on the Internet, and the follow-up will depend on Jiang Qingmo himself.

"Yu'er, go and have a rest. Mo Mo is here, and Mom will watch over you." After Jiang Qingmo was transferred to the intensive care unit, Mrs. Sheng also came to Nanxun from Tongjiang. If this continues, before Mo Mo gets better, he will collapse first.

Madam Sheng forcefully asked Aunt Qin to take him away this time, not giving him any chance to stay.

After leaving the hospital, Sheng Yu frowned, turned to Gu's house, and went directly to Gu Qinghe.

"What did you tell Momo?"

Gu Qinghe was not surprised by his arrival, and even felt that he came later than expected.

"It's nothing, I just feel that she is a little orphan and can't bring you any help at all, but it's different for me."

As soon as the words fell, Sheng Yu reached out and grabbed her neck. The coldness in his eyes made Gu Qinghe feel that he would dare to kill himself now.

"Where do you have such a big face to say this? Do you think I don't know your plan? Or do you think I, Sheng Yu, have been in Nanxun for so long and haven't done anything?"

From the moment she suddenly appeared in front of him, he had serious doubts about Gu Qinghe, or the Gu family.

The man who wanted to assassinate Mo Mo before was from Nanxun, and the most powerful person in Nanxun was their Gu family, but Mo Mo and the Gu family were not related, so why did the Gu family have to kill her.

This matter only needs to be further investigated to get a rough idea.

Gu Erye, who passed away 19 years ago, and his second uncle are close comrades-in-arms, and he went to country F 21 years ago. It happened at that time that the former queen of country F, Elsa, disappeared mysteriously.

Connect these fragmentary clues together to get a complete story line.

The second master of the Gu family is very likely to be Mo Mo's biological father, and the time he sacrificed was exactly when Mo Mo was born.

For some reason, the Gu family did not accept Mo Mo's mother, or did not know that Mo Mo's mother existed.

If everything is as he thinks, then Mo Mo is Gu Qinghe's cousin, and Gu Qinghe also knows their relationship, and because he knows, he wants Mo Mo to die even more.

After all, the eldest family of the Gu family has never inherited all the family property, and the old man still holds the family property belonging to the second master Gu. Perhaps it is because he knows that the second master Gu has a descendant, and has been waiting for that descendant, just to transfer this half of the family property. Give it to the posterity.

In this way, how could the Gu family be reconciled.

"Sheng Yu, you are still as smart as before. That's right, Jiang Qingmo is my second uncle's child, and I also know the identity of her mother. But it is precisely because of knowing that she must die."

As Gu Qinghe said, he quickly pulled out the dagger he carried with him from the stockings and scratched the back of his hand, then backed away.

"She doesn't have the blessing to endure these things. Even if I don't kill her, do you think the current king of Country F can let her go?"

That seat was snatched from her mother, how could the king of Country F allow a factor that threatened him to exist.

(End of this chapter)

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