Chapter 196 Gu Qinghe's Plan
It was Jiang Qingmo's good fortune to die in the hands of her cousin, but if it fell into the hands of the current king of Country F, it would be more difficult than death.

Sheng Yu hugged the scratched back of his hand and sighed coldly. Hearing what she said, it seemed that it was for Mo Mo's good. After all, it was because Mo Mo blocked her way.

"Gu Qinghe, does the Gu family know what you've done, does the old master of the Gu family know?" If Gu Erye had no other descendants, then Mo Mo would be Gu Erye's only child.

According to Mrs. Gu's thinking, she should not be allowed to kill the descendants of her second son. Once the old man finds out, she will also lose all inheritance rights at the same time.

Gu Qinghe wiped the blood stains on the dagger and slightly hooked the corners of his lips, even if he pulled grandpa out, he was not worried.

She killed Jiang Qingmo not just because of her status, or it was not the reason for her to go to such lengths to kill Jiang Qingmo.

Even if grandpa finds out about this in the future, she will still have a way to get all the inheritance rights of the Gu family.

"Let's stop here today. You should go back to the hospital to get a good bandage, otherwise, you won't see Jiang Qingmo for the last time." Gu Qinghe glanced at his injury and put away the dagger with a smile.

As early as he guessed that he would come to the door in person, he had already sent someone to the hospital, hoping that Jiang Qingmo would still have the breath to see him.

"Do you think I will leave Momo alone in the hospital?" She prepared her back, didn't she come prepared.

"Oh—you said Mrs. Sheng, do you think those killers will see people clearly before attacking?" If he doesn't go back, maybe even Mrs. Sheng will suffer along with him.

When Gu Qinghe said this, Sheng Yu's expression remained unchanged. How could he put his mother in danger? Since Gu Qinghe dared to send a killer blatantly, he wouldn't.

But after a while, the people sent by Gu Qinghe called. Not only did Jiang Qingmo not find Jiang Qingmo in the intensive care unit of the hospital, he was also seriously injured by a group of unknown people.

They were so badly injured that they even attracted the police.

After receiving this call, Gu Qinghe suddenly looked up at the person who was holding her hands, as if she had expected that things would turn out like this, stared at him for a long time and then smiled, "Having learned the lesson from the first time, you really protected her." Very good, Sheng Yu, how wonderful it would be if you were my person."

She has always admired him since before. Although Sheng Yu has shown extreme restraint in everything, no matter how you look at it, he looks like a gentle and noble son, but in fact he is crazier than anyone else.

Sheng Yu directly ignored her last words, turned around and left, and just as he was leaving, he turned his head and glanced at the stunned human again and said, "Your opponent is not me. We will meet again when Mo Mo recovers."

her opponent...

Gu Qinghe chewed these words carefully for a few times, and suddenly giggled, tears almost burst out from the corners of his eyes.

Did he mean to say that her opponent is Jiang Qingmo?Then a person who relied on him everywhere and only relied on the Sheng family to build momentum?

Sheng Yu, you really underestimated me.

That night.

The city of Nanxun was very lively. Before the Nanxun police could find out about Jiang Qingmo, they arrested more than a dozen people in the hospital who were hiding weapons such as daggers.

For a while, the city of Nanxun was once again on the hot search, and the events of the previous period were quickly suppressed, which also caused the news of Jiang Qingmo's transfer to another hospital to disappear.

When he found out that Jiang Qingmo had been transferred to another hospital, he had already returned to Tongjiang and was admitted to a private sanatorium with excellent confidentiality for treatment.

After learning that the man had returned, Fang Juexia went to visit immediately, but he could only look at the sleeping man through the thick glass.

Seeing her lying on the bed with her eyes closed, for some reason, Fang Juexia suddenly remembered what happened when she went to the police station to identify the body.

She shook her head quickly, suppressing the red eyes.

In the past, she only wanted to surpass Jiang Qingmo, but she never knew that the burden behind her was far heavier than she imagined.

Facing what happened five years ago again, she must be very scared.

"Fang Juexia?"

"Luoshen! You, your illness..."

"It's just a small cold, and it's almost gone." After Jiang Qingmo came back, Luo Jin had visited him two or three times, and she was also very puzzled. Mo Mo didn't seem to have any trauma at all, even after being found by Sheng Yu. , I have been recuperating in Nanxun for a few days, how can I say that I am seriously ill now?What happened during the few days she stayed in Nanxun.

"If only we could turn back time."

Back when they went to the seaside for vacation together, although they were turned off by that woman named Bai Zhi on the first day, they still had a lot of fun afterwards.

Jiang Qingmo would occasionally show a smiling face, or watch Luo Yuncheng bicker with that Yan Jing, calmly persuading them not to fight, but now, she was lying like this without waking up.

"What did the doctor say? Isn't it just a cold? Why don't you wake up after sleeping for so many days?"

She hadn't had time to tell Jiang Qingmo about winning the championship, and she hadn't shown off in front of her, how could she just fall asleep like this.

"The bronchitis seems to be showing signs of deterioration, and... facing the events of the year again, there may be a certain shadow in my heart."

Of course, these are just the doctor's inferences. After all, people are always like this now, and no one can accurately judge.

If it was really because of fear that caused her to escape, she would not know when she would wake up.

Fang Juexia opened his mouth and didn't speak any more. He just sat blankly outside the room, occasionally peeking at the people inside.

Standing in the darkness, Jiang Qingmo couldn't find any direction or exit. He groped aimlessly in the darkness, and the more he walked, the more timid he felt.

"How can you betray me! Momo, I love you so much, how can you betray me!!!"

As she walked, a crackling voice came to her ears, she raised her head in a daze, and saw Sheng Yu standing not far away.

Jiang Qingmo stretched his brows, ran towards him with a smile, and after running two steps, he found that he was looking at her coldly with Gu Qinghe in his arms, twitched the corners of his mouth twice, and said exactly the same words as before.

"I do not have……"

"I don't want you anymore."

Sheng Yu hugged Gu Qinghe and left without looking back, no matter how hard she tried to catch up, she couldn't catch up, and finally fell to the ground exhausted, watching him get farther and farther away from her.

Suddenly, many people appeared around her, but everyone was walking away in all directions with their backs to her.

"Father, aunt, grandmother, Luo Jin, Yun Cheng, Fang Juexia..." Everyone who knew her or not was turning away from her.

"Where are you going! Don't leave me!"

"Mo Mo, from now on, you must listen to Uncle Sheng and forget about your mother..." The familiar voice made Jiang Qingmo look up instantly, and saw her mother who died young, holding her in her arms covered in blood, and followed her over and over again. She said don't be afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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