Chapter 198 to settle the accounts
Thinking of this, Luo Yuncheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Looking at the atmosphere between the two, he always felt that it was right to interrupt them.

"Mo Mo, sick, are you feeling better?"

Jiang Qingmo twitched the corner of his mouth, nodded with a smile, in fact, he was almost fine after waking up, but he had no strength all the time.

Luo Yuncheng breathed a sigh of relief, stepped forward and handed over the carefully selected fruit basket, but before he handed it to Jiang Qingmo, the fruit basket was taken away by Sheng Yu halfway, pretending that he took it first.

After taking a walk for a while and breathing the fresh air outside, Sheng Yu led the people back to the house again.

Sitting down, Luo Jin just talked to her about what happened recently, no matter what, she has to come forward to explain what happened a while ago, not for those keyboard warriors who spread rumors and slander her on the Internet all day long, Also for the fans who have always believed in and worried about her.

As for the league, since he missed it, he had no choice but to give up.

After all, it's just a domestic competition, and it doesn't hurt her too much to participate or not.

"I understand. I'm also planning to show up after such a long break."

Raising pain to her, she counted slowly one by one.

Within a few days, Jiang Qingmo used his account to open an online live broadcast, aiming to tell ice fans that she is fine and will appear on the ice rink in the future, and at the same time advise some rumor-mongers and troublemakers not to think that she would let them go so easily.

But even though she said that she was fine, the toner fans still saw that slightly pale face that was different from the past in the live broadcast.

I heard that Mo Bao was still in the intensive care unit not long ago, and the doctor even issued a critical illness notice. Now that he finally woke up, he was busy broadcasting the live broadcast when he got better, and told them that he was fine.

The toners felt distressed and asked her to take a good rest recently. Even if she recuperates for a few months, they will continue to support her as always.

After showing his face in front of everyone once, Jiang Qingmo used this to move out of the nursing home and return to the Sheng family.

Facing the concern of his grandma and auntie for him, Jiang Qingmo was more flattered than before, especially when facing his auntie, he could always recall the words Sheng Yu said to him from time to time, and the more he thought about it, the more awkward he felt.

"Bai Zhi has been confined in the Bai family. Auntie Xiao also knows about this. She feels sorry for you. She asked me to ask you how to deal with Bai Zhi. They have no opinion on how to deal with them."

It's only been a few months since the last incident, and after a while, they started to make trouble again. No matter what old lady Bai said this time, they won't be able to control it.

When mentioning Bai Zhi, Jiang Qingmo thought of another thing. She wanted to go to Bai's house in person, but she was afraid that her journey would be bumpy, so the old lady sent someone directly to Bai's house to bring Bai Zhi here, saving her from running around. , hurt the body again.

Jiang Qingmo nodded and said hello, and specially waited in the reception room with underfloor heating.

Aunt Qin personally went to Bai's house to lead people, and the old lady Bai also followed. However, before she could say anything, she was invited aside.

Bai Zhi was pushed and shoved into the reception room by Aunt Qin. She thought it would be a trial in three sessions, but unexpectedly, there was only Jiang Qingmo in the reception room. Seeing her appearing lively, Bai Zhi subconsciously bit her lip, with a haggard face become extremely distorted.

"Jiang Qingmo, why aren't you dead yet!"

Why is she still alive? Living is an eyesore.

"Aren't you dead too?" Jiang Qingmo hugged a hand warmer, sipped hot lemon tea, and pointed to the sofa opposite, "Sit down, I want to ask you something."

"Oh! What else do you want to know?"

Her calmness provoked Bai Zhi's sharp ridicule, as if a jar had been smashed, she yelled sharply: "Your life is really big, but don't be too complacent, there are many people who want it besides me." your life."

"Oh? Among the many people, who are they included?" Since she took the initiative to mention other people, Jiang Qingmo didn't beat her around the bush and asked directly.

The reason why she has such a good temper today is because she wants to find out who else wants her life besides Bai Zhi, and whether there will be those in her mind.

"You're trying to trick me."

"I'm not trying to trick you, but I want you to tell me who told you my room number, what is the relationship between the person who kidnapped me five years ago, and you, and what role did you play in that matter?" Character, who planned this time, who else but you."

Jiang Qingmo didn't speak fast. After asking so many questions in a row, the most fundamental point was who was the person who ordered her to commit this crime.

From the beginning to the end, she didn't think that this would be done by Bai Zhi alone.

Not to mention other things, how could the adopted daughter of the Bai family go to Nanxun for no reason, find those people in such a short period of time, kidnap her and use the same tricks to deal with her.

This is obviously a trick played by the real murderer five years ago.

"It seems that you want to know that person very much. Unfortunately, the more you want to know, the less I want to tell you."

Even if she fails, that person will not let Jiang Qingmo go easily, she will keep dealing with Jiang Qingmo until she is killed.

"Hehehe...don't want to tell me? Bai Zhi, do you really think I won't be able to figure it out? I'll give you a chance to tell the mastermind behind the scenes, so that you can save two years from your sentence, but if you make up your mind to tell me Fight to the end, whether I can come out depends on my mood."

Bai Zhi clenched her fists in an instant, stared at the opposite person desperately, tore off the last layer of camouflage, and said with contempt: "Jiang Qingmo, do you really think you have so much ability? You just got the honor of the Sheng family."

Jiang Qingmo paused slightly holding the hand holding the hot water bag, got up with a smile and walked towards her, sat down on the tea table in front of her, slowly took out a cold dagger from the hot water bag, and smiled close to her face : "Go on, go on."

"I warn you, if you dare to kill me..."

"Don't worry, I won't kill you. In today's society ruled by law, killing you wouldn't make my hands dirty, but even if I don't kill you, you can't move around casually. If you accidentally scratch my knife , hurt your face, you can't rely on me."

As Jiang Qingmo said, he stretched out the other hand from the hot water bag, and saw that that hand was still holding a remote control. He casually looked at the surveillance camera in the corner, and then turned off all the cameras in the house.

"Is the person who ordered you Gu Qinghe?"

Bai Zhi's eyes moved down, squinting at the dagger against her cheek, and did not answer.Although she didn't speak, her flustered expression had already betrayed her.

It seems that it is indeed Gu Qinghe.

"Who is Gu Qinghe with? Zhou Zheng?"

Bai Zhi's eyes froze slightly, and then she showed a look of disgust. It was obvious that Zhou Zheng was just a chess piece released by Gu Qinghe.

"Zhou Zheng, I like Gu Qinghe."

(End of this chapter)

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