Chapter 199 She's Just Unwilling

Bai Zhi raised her eyes suddenly, her pupils suddenly widened telling her that her guess was right.


"Why do I know?" Jiang Qingmo couldn't help snorting, and it was rare to explain: "It's very simple, that woman exposed too much, and Zhou Zheng, as early as the last time you specially chose to meet at the beach, and Zhou Zheng, I know It has been thoroughly investigated."

There is a person beside her who is very good at tracing. Compared with Lumao, Luo Yuncheng can even find out things that they have forgotten. Putting together all the scattered information, it is easy to get this result .

If Gu Qinghe didn't send that Fan Lei to assassinate her, maybe he would never know that the murderer behind the scenes five years ago was her.

Her fault was that she failed to cut the weeds at the time, but now she is in a hurry.

This urgency caused trouble.

As for that Zhou Zheng, he wanted to turn his attention to Bai Zhi, but he didn't know that he was also being targeted by her, and he didn't expect that there was a master investigator by her side who could find out all his secrets.

In other words, these people overestimated their means and underestimated her, Jiang Qingmo.

"Since you know everything, why bother to ask me again." Bai Zhi laughed at herself, she couldn't beat Jiang Qingmo from beginning to end.

Jiang Qingmo stared at her deeply for a long time, then retracted the dagger stuck to her face, sat back in her seat with a warm water bag in her arms, bit each word, and said, "It's very simple, because the above is just my guess, It was your reaction and expression that made me finalize the idea."

In other words, she was just a tool for verification, otherwise, if she had real evidence, she wouldn't be looking for her today.

"There is another point that I don't quite understand. Is your hatred for me only because of Sheng Yu?"

Jiang Qingmo got up again as he spoke, walked slowly towards the door, walked to the back of the sofa where Bai Zhi was sitting, stopped suddenly and asked.

She loves Sheng Yu so much that she wants to get rid of herself?
Not so.

Bai Zhi stared ahead, and after hearing her words, she quietly clenched her palms, and after a moment of silence, she slowly released them. When she spoke, her voice was slightly hoarse: "Of course, not."

She was just not reconciled. Jiang Qingmo, who had suffered similarly to her, and who was even worse than her, had better luck than her.

She has everything, wealth, status, lover... But as for herself, after so many years of hard work, she is nothing more than an illegitimate daughter who is not worthy of the eyes of her parents. There was no exchange for his glance.

All of them, all their eyes were focused on Jiang Qingmo, making her shine, but they could only shrink in a dark corner.

"Baizhi, you're working hard in the wrong direction, but in those five years, if you really study abroad, you will be ten thousand times better than now."

Jiang Qingmo turned her head and glanced at her. It was she who could not see clearly, and never had self-respect and self-love. She put all her time and energy on others, and never really did it for herself.

After she finished speaking, she stepped up to the door, opened the door with a creak, and saw a lot of people standing outside, including the old lady Bai who was messing around.

As soon as she saw her, Mrs. Bai broke free from the shackles and walked up to her with disgust in her eyes, "Jiang Qingmo, what did you do to Zhi'er? Let me tell you, if anything happens to Zhi'er, I will never end with you! Don't think that the Sheng family Protecting you, you can do whatever you want."

Seeing that she opened her mouth to blame Jiang Qingmo, even Mrs. Sheng, who had treated her a little bit less, was angry at that time.

Don't say that Mo Mo didn't do anything, even if he did something to Bai Zhi, it was Bai Zhi's own fault. How could it be Mo Mo's fault when it got into her mouth?
"Mother! I respect you as my mother, but I don't want you to mess around here." Mrs. Sheng didn't bother to talk nonsense to the old lady. Even if she said it, this person wouldn't listen, so she simply didn't say anything.

"You are not allowed to meddle in this matter of Bai Zhi, what should be done is left to the police and elder brother to deal with."

Mrs. Sheng was really angry, and she didn't give her stepmother any kindness in front of the servants.

Her attitude made the old lady's face darken, she sat down on the ground, and began to slap her.

"Aunt Qin, send her back to the Bai family."

Mrs. Sheng will not spoil her this time, and directly ordered Aunt Qin to send some people to send the old lady back.

No matter how much this old lady has done, Mrs. Sheng has always suppressed her temper, thinking that she is her own stepmother, and put up with her time and time again, even if she deliberately seeks the well-being of her natal family, she is still open-minded. Close one eye.

But today, after knowing that Bai Zhi almost killed Mo Mo, she actually blamed Mo Mo without saying a word.

So indiscriminate right from wrong, what else is there to say.

The old lady Bai was completely stunned. She never expected that this stepdaughter didn't even give her any face. After realizing it, she changed her face and was about to scold, but before she opened her mouth, she was pushed and shoved by Aunt Qin and others. strip out.

The noisy old lady left, and the reception room finally became quiet.

Mrs. Sheng took two steps forward, took Jiang Qingmo's hand and patted it, then turned her gaze to the room, looking at the person sitting motionless on the sofa with her back to the door, she turned her gaze away and let Jiang Qingmo go back to rest first.

After Jiang Qingmo left, he stepped into the reception room.

"Baizhi, this time is different from last time. Since you dare to kidnap Momo, you should understand the price you will bear later."

What happened last time, even though the sister-in-law said that she didn't care about her, she still found a way to settle the dog abuse behind her back, and set up a special animal rescue station, which was a kind of atonement for her so that she didn't get into the situation.

This time it was not so easy, nor was it as simple as putting her under house arrest.

After all, Momo is a public figure, and if she commits such a thing again, if she is not allowed to go in for a few years, she will not know how to repent.

Bai Zhi still sat still, and even turned a deaf ear to Bai Yu's words. When she fled abroad and was caught, she had already thought of such a result.

No one will come to her aid, no one will...

After that, Bai Zhi was sent to the police station. Ironically, the one who sent her in was precisely the person she liked the most.

She didn't cry when facing Jiang Qingmo, and she didn't cry when facing Mrs. Sheng, but after seeing Sheng Yu, she couldn't stop crying.

I really don't understand what I have been doing all these years.

"Sheng Yu, I love you far more than Jiang Qingmo."

"Love me? Say goodbye, I can't stand your love." Her ruthlessness began when she was a child.

At the birthday party, just because someone else shook hands with him, she began to plan to bump the girl into the candlestick, causing the child to become weak from then on.

Since then, he has seen through his cousin, but he didn't expect that in order to kidnap Momo five years ago, she would be so cruel that she would kill herself, just to prevent herself from being able to pick her up in time.

One of her actions caused Mo Mo to suffer from the root cause of his illness. She hated him for five whole years, how dare she say she loves him?

(End of this chapter)

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