How is the master of the world made

Chapter 24 Finally Out of the Point of No Return

Chapter 24 Finally Out of the Point of No Return

Trapped Dragon Going to the Sea: It refers to the flying dragon that was originally soaring through the clouds and fog, but was trapped on the bottom of the sea, and finally got out of the sea and soared into the sky.But these four words are not idioms.

If you compare a place to a circle, can you really soar to the sky if you leave that circle?I’m afraid it’s not always the case, because there will always be bigger circles and bigger obstacles, which are too big for you to bear and cannot be eliminated!Just like Bailian and the others, they thought they could go home after leaving Yinghuo, but they went to another place and fell into the forbidden area of ​​no return!
"I understand everyone's feelings, but fellow Taoists only listen to one thing and not the other. Have you forgotten the hundreds of thousands of seniors who entered the 'Nine Apertures Spirit Cave' for 1 years? At the beginning, a supreme being, still The whole body is not exposed. If there are supreme beings on the road of no return this time, how can mortals get away with it, let alone a few supreme beings? I will wait for them to finish talking before discussing. Okay?" The second seat The middle-aged white-clothed man who wore the same style of robe as the middle-aged Wan surnamed looked at everyone with undisguised contempt in his eyes.

Everyone in the hall heard what the man in white said, and after thinking about it, it was almost the same.Then just look at the situation first.

"Have you seen clearly? How many supreme beings are there? What kind of immortal weapon are they wearing? What kind of armor are they wearing? What race are they in..." The white robed man surnamed Wan asked with a blank expression. Several questions.

"This, this, fairy, when you saw that supreme existence, you just felt that your liver and gallbladder were torn, and you turned around and ran away. How could you be in the mood to observe so carefully." The leading man said.

"Well, well, you go down to receive the reward..." the white-robed man surnamed Wan closed his eyes after finishing speaking, thinking deeply.

"What do you think about Deacon Qiu?" the pensive man surnamed Wan in white robe said after the group of treasure hunters went down.

"Elder Wan, my subordinates believe that there is no need to panic about this matter. There are three reasons for this. First, if the supreme existence on the road of no return comes out, there must be a sign in advance, but now the sky and the earth are at peace; Existence, it is impossible to retreat, but they retreated without injury; Third, no matter whether they are supreme beings or not, since they greet mortals, they will definitely come out, and it will not be too late for me to make a decision after observing... "Deacon Qiu in white robes replied.

"What do you think?" The white-robed man surnamed Wan opened his eyes, looked at Deacon Qiu in the green robe and sword robe, and then turned to look at you and said.

Everyone whispered and whispered for a while!After unifying the opinions, I decided to take a look first before talking.

"We all think that what Fellow Daoist Qiu said is true, and everything will be discussed after seeing the existence of the road of no return, but we have to prepare in advance to prevent accidents." Said an old man in white on the left of the second seat.

"Well! Since everyone thinks what they think, let's follow what fellow Daoist Zhang said, let's take a look first, but just in case, everyone should inform the holy places and blessed places..." said the man surnamed Wan in white robe.

Senior Wan, then I'll make preparations first and leave..." said the old man in white clothes surnamed Zhang in the second seat.

In Wushuang Town, there was a lot of people in the palaces, the sun was shining everywhere, and almost all the sound transmission arrays were activated. Even if it might not be the Supreme Being on the road of no return this time, too many blessed lands and caves can't afford this risk. The holy land has its background, and it may be able to resist it, but the background of the blessed land and cave is not enough.

When He Meimei pointed at the giant crocodile that returned to the water, everyone understood that Yi Nini was probably more ominous than good, more precisely, she was dead.After all, He Meimei said after recovering that she saw a giant crocodile that bit off Yinini's arm and swallowed her.Not to mention that everyone doesn't have the ability and courage to go down to save her, even if they do, going down at that time won't help!

All the people had to take He Meimei, who was still terrified and half-sad, to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.Now I don't even dare to approach the river easily, so I have to rely on the occasional wild fruits for a living along the way!Even if you sleep at night, you have to watch the night with two people at the same time, otherwise no one can sleep well.

About how long it will take to leave here is the most concerned issue for everyone. After all, everyone does not know where the exit is and how far the journey is. Half.Now Bai Lian and the others seemed to have drawn a big cake for themselves, telling themselves that the exit was ahead, and they would turn around next.But this road seems to have no end, and it is so long that it makes people despair.

At night, with the stars in the sky and the moon that is several times brighter than the earth, He Meimei sat on a big rock with her hands on her knees.Looking blankly at the hazy mountain scenery and the sparkling river in the distance, the whole person looks decadent and lifeless.

"I've said it all, you don't need to watch the night, how can you watch the night now!" He Meimei was so at a loss that she didn't even know when Gao Tiaotiao would come to her.She turned her head to look at the silvery white moonlight cast by the moon on Gao Tiaotiao's body, suddenly she couldn't help feeling sad, tears stubbornly rolled in her eye sockets, after all, they couldn't stop, streaming down the corners of her eyes, Swipe across the face, tick, tick, the point of no return. This is He Meimei's first silent cry, and also the second time.

"I, I, I always think of Nini's desperate wailing and her painful expression when her arm was bitten off, and my heart aches. Uh,'s all my fault, it's all my fault, if I can open my eyes a little bit, If I saw that giant crocodile earlier, maybe Nini would be fine; it’s all my fault, it’s all my fault, if I can persist and wait until dawn, maybe Nini will be fine, it’s all my fault, it’s all my fault... Umm..." The more He Meimei spoke, the more she lost her sense of proportion, and the more she spoke, the more incoherent she became...

"Now I suddenly hate Michael and Zhu Jiuyin. Why did they send us here? If it wasn't for them, Nini wouldn't have died, if it wasn't for them, Zhang Yan and the others wouldn't have died, if it wasn't for them They, we may be having dinner with our parents at home now! Umm..." He Meimei suddenly hugged Gao Tiaotiao, choked up and cried as she said...

"Now we are trapped in this uninhabited place. There is no way out, and there is no way out. What should we do? First Zhang Yan, Wang Shuang, Fu Lei...Nini, when will it be our turn? Uh huh..."

Gao Tiaotiao hugged He Meimei tenderly, and gently lined up the shoulders that had become thinner and thinner after experiencing these dozens of wind and sun.

"It's okay, everything will be okay, it will be fine, now we just have to believe what Senior Zhu Jiuyin said, and then keep going. It will always be fine, hating them won't help, Michael won't care , Senior Zhu Jiuyin doesn't know either. Just insist on going first, and I will accompany you at any time." Gao Tiaotiao said in a soft voice.

Hearing what Gao Tiaotiao said, He Meimei suddenly appeared in He Meimei's mind a Liu Tianqi who was not tall but held her at the most dangerous moment. It almost became a delicacy for crocodiles.He Meimei shook her head, knowing that she shouldn't think about these things at this time.

"Yeah, I believe in you!" He Meimei stopped crying slowly, and said with soft eyes!I don't know if she believes in high jumping.Or trust others.

The next day, it was dawn.Everyone got up, ate a few of the wild fruits they picked along the way, and tidied them up.Continue to walk far away on this seemingly endless road...

Since Yinini's accident, Bai Lian and the others dared not go to the river to drink water unless they were too thirsty.Along the way, I ate and slept in the open, hungry and ate wild fruits, and thirsty to drink morning dew after persisting for half a month.They saw a canyon ten kilometers ahead, and the road they were walking was facing this canyon!
From the point of no return to here, after a long journey of one month, everyone was exhausted.Where does it look like there are still a group of young and beautiful boys and girls?Not to mention boys and girls, even beggars are better than them, at least beggars can still see the appearance of people.And they were all sallow and thin, with chapped lips, messy brown and dry hair, and bearded faces.Wearing tattered armor, several people held broken spears, short swords and long knives.Everything looks like a monster except for the outline of a person.

"Is it possible to get out of this point of no return by going out here?" Gan Tiaotiao said wearily looking at the canyon over there.

"It should be, I really can't hold on anymore." Zhao Xiaoming said weakly.

"If we can't go out here, I don't think we need to be stubborn! We can find a place to dig a hole while we still have some strength, so as not to expose the corpse in the wilderness." Liu Tianqi has almost given up on himself.

"Everyone hold on, if there are no accidents, we will be saved after crossing this sky-like canyon." Bai Lian also said with strength.

"Hey! What do you see over there?" He Meimei has improved a little after this period of self-cultivation.When everyone was looking at the canyon, she found that there were a few people vaguely in a dense flower bush on the right side of the canyon.

Everyone in Bailian looked at the side He Meimei was pointing at, and found that there were a few humans there who seemed to be hoeing the ground and weeding.At that time, the white lotus were all pleasantly surprised.After all, it means they are going out!But there is a problem, what should I do if I don't understand the language?After all, they should be aliens to these few humans...

Everyone discussed it and decided to say hello first and then talk. As for language, just say whatever you want!At this moment, Bai Lian and the others also saw that the group of people had also spotted them, so Bai Lian and the others hurriedly waved to say hello, but they ignored Lu Mengmeng.As a result, before they could make a sound, Lu Mengmeng jumped up and roared, dancing with his hands and feet, teeth and claws.

"Hi, how are you!"

"I'm Lu Meng. What's your name!"

After Lu Meng yelled fiercely, he found that everyone in Bai Lian was silent and looked at him in astonishment, so he said, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"Are you sure a group of aliens can understand English?" Bai Lian looked at him speechlessly and said.

"Then they can understand Mandarin?" Lu Mengmeng looked at Bai Lian and asked.

Bai Lian thought about it carefully, and she was right.At this moment, Lu Mengmeng found out that they had run away, so he yelled "Hold the grass!" After finally meeting humans, if nothing else, at least he had to ask what's going on here, how could he let them run away? .Then Sa Yazi chased after her, and when everyone saw this, they also chased after her...

(End of this chapter)

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