Chapter 25
Dongdi: There are countless legends, and there are countless strange monks flying to the sky and escaping from the earth.Blessed places, caves, fairy gates, holy places, countless.And Wushuang Town is one of the Forbidden Areas of the Eastern Land——a small town established by the Wushuang Dynasty under the law of no Forbidden Land on the outskirts of the Road of No Return. At first, it was only a small town with a few thousand people.But after thousands of years of development, due to people coming and going, there is no right and wrong town. Although it is called a town, its scale is comparable to a big city full of people and luxury.

Bai Lian and the others chased down the canyon where the people they saw earlier ran, and slowly realized that the more they ran, the more they couldn't keep up, and the more they couldn't keep up, the more tired they became.Seeing them running faster and faster, gradually disappearing, only Lu Mengmeng kept chasing them down...

Lu Mengmeng forced himself to chase all the way out of the canyon. Due to the wind, food, and sleeping in the open for days, he was physically and mentally exhausted. Sitting on a big rock at the mouth of the canyon, resting while waiting for Bai Lian and the others.

Bai Lian and the others chased after him and saw the situation, and knew that Lu Mengmeng hadn't caught up.Immediately, regardless of the image, he staggered to and fro, or leaned on a stone, or found a big stone slab, and sat down on the ground.

"Whew, wheeze...I'm exhausted. What do you think they are running? We are not scourges. As for running so fast?" , said to Gao Jump.

"Huh, huh, huchi, huchiliu, who doesn't feel nervous when they see aliens, probably because of this." Gao Tiaotiao said with one hand on his hip and the other on his thigh, half-bowed.

Everyone discussed it, and they knew that it was not very far away.Looking at the endless plain in front of him, although he had no choice but to continue walking, let's see the situation.After this journey, and after a month of exhaustion, everyone is really exhausted, but there is nothing they can do...

A big river with a width of about 500 meters stands in front of it, and the river is surging and rushing continuously.A rainbow-like arch bridge across the river spans the river. The body of the bridge is exquisitely carved from a piece of raw jade, and it has no piers but connects the two banks.There are many jade railings on both sides of the bridge, and a stone tablet stands on both sides of the bridge. On the stone tablet, the words "Extradition Bridge" are written on a red background and white surface, flowing clouds and flowing water in one go.

There is a sea of ​​people across the bridge, I don't know how many people there are, about 500 of them are dressed in brocade clothes, jade belts and silk fabrics.Standing at the head of the bridge with hands behind their backs, there are about a dozen people sitting on the chairs in the middle of the bridge, all wearing white clothes and white cloaks, surrounded by these 500 people like stars arching the moon.The 500 people looked either immortal, glamorous, or handsome.Except for these 500 people, the rest are plainly dressed.Wei Jing clearly stood ten meters behind these 500 people!But everyone looked like they were facing an enemy.

This is what Bai Lian and the others saw standing by the river after walking out of the plain after a long time. Looking at the opposite side as if they were facing a formidable enemy, Bai Lian and the others did not dare to open their mouths, but they were really tired No way, everyone is crumbling.After a month of living in the wind, eating and sleeping in the open, after seeing human beings, I couldn't care how they treated me and others. Everyone passed out as they wished...

Everyone in Wushuang Town gathered in front of the extradition bridge, and after waiting patiently for a while, they were all stunned when they finally saw the Supreme Being suspected to be on the road of no return, even though they all seemed to be wearing ancient armor and holding Ancient soldiers, but this weapon and armor have lost all aura, like ordinary iron.Moreover, these supreme beings are all sallow and thin, with dull eyes and sloppy bodies.Seeing himself waiting for others, although his eyes were excited, but before he could speak, they all fainted?Yes, I fainted, but this doesn't look like the tonnage that a supreme being should have?
A few brave mortals went to hug them under the winks of the immortals, and everyone realized that they passed out from hunger and looked exhausted, so this matter can only be regarded as a nonsense farce .Everyone also lifted the previous fear and deterrence, and settled them down first, and the specifics can only be discussed after they wake up...

Waking up again, Bai Lian found herself lying alone on a soft and comfortable bed, covered with a silk quilt, looking at the antique room, welcoming the long-lost ease and comfort...

"Where am I? Oh! By the way, we came out of the road of no return, and then we met some strange people who guarded us with strange eyes, and then we fainted? What about them?" Bai Lian said to herself After talking to himself for a while, he struggled to get up, there was no way, after a month of exhaustion and hunger, he could not recover from sleeping for a while.

Bai Lian got up and found that all the clothes were washed and put aside. He put on his clothes, went out and opened the door.Only then did he find out that he was in a courtyard, and Lu Mengmeng, Gao Tiaotiao and others were sitting and chatting on the stone pier in the courtyard.

After chatting with them for a while, I realized that everyone was resting in a room in the yard, which should be arranged for them by the people they met when they came out.Speaking of which, Bai Lian should be the last one to wake up.

"Although I am very grateful for their arrangement, there is one thing we have to consider, and that is the language issue. If the language becomes difficult later, how should we deal with it..." Gao Tiaotiao pointed out the key issue to the point.

"This is also a problem, how to deal with it?" He Meimei also had a headache about this situation.

"Why don't you compare gestures, this should work..." Zhao Xiaoming suggested.

"Gestures shouldn't work, how can you be sure that their gestures are the same as ours?" Liu Tianqi said in doubt.

"That's right, we are living in a world that is almost completely unfamiliar, our previous ones may not work..." Chen Xiushan said after thinking for a while.

"To be honest, this is really not my concern. I just say one word now, I'm hungry, and I'll talk about everything when I'm full." For Lu Mengmeng, the stomach is the key to all problems.

"Cut, wait a minute, I don't understand the language, maybe the species are different, how do you express hunger? How do they understand that you are hungry?" Tang Datian retorted...

'Squeak', when everyone was discussing the issue intensely, their discussion was interrupted by the sound of the door opening.I saw a young girl dressed as an ancient servant girl standing at the newly opened door, and everyone inside looked at each other silently.Everyone didn't speak because of the language problem just discussed, and the girl dressed as an ancient servant girl didn't speak because she felt a little rude.This atmosphere didn't last long, and the girl dressed as an ancient maid spoke.

"Um, are you awake, guests? I'm really sorry, I didn't know you were awake. I was going to come in to see if you have any needs."

As soon as the girl dressed as an ancient maid opened her mouth, everyone in Bailian realized that the topic they discussed just now seemed to be completely different.Because the language spoken by this girl dressed as an ancient maid is pure Chinese language.

"Gu Liang, thank you for your hospitality and care. May I ask your surname?" Gao Tiaotiao said gratefully. Since there is no communication barrier, everything else is easy to talk about.

"Dear guests, you don't need to be so polite. It's the meaning of immortals to entertain you. As for me, I don't dare to be called a noble surname. You can just call me Xiaoru." The girl dressed as an ancient maid answered crisply.

"Oh! Hello, Aunt Ru, even so, I'm still grateful for your hospitality. I don't know what immortal you mean?" Bai Lian also took the opportunity to thank her.After all, they are not familiar with the place of life now, and everything starts from scratch.

From Xiaoru Guliang's words, everyone learned that they had slept for two days and two nights, and they might have slept even longer if they were not particularly hungry.And the place they are in is called Wushuang Town, which was built thousands of years ago by an organization called Wushuang Dynasty, and the place where they came out is the forbidden land of no return.It belongs to a forbidden area in the East. As for what kind of forbidden law is the forbidden area, and where is the forbidden area.Xiao Ru didn't know about it, but only knew that the forbidden land was extremely dangerous.Ten deaths and nine lives, anyway, that's what those immortals said.

The world is vast and misty.As for the rest of the East, Xiao Ru didn't know.All those monks who have the ability to fly to the sky and escape from the earth are collectively called immortals.And it was those immortals who ordered Xiaoru and others to take care of him, that is, the five hundred people he and others had seen before the extradition bridge.And Xiaoru Guliang is just a mortal creature who looks up to an immortal, just like himself and others are called mortals.Earlier, those immortals told Xiaoru to wait for the people to wake up, and then go to see them after tidying up a bit.Although he was slightly dissatisfied with the word "audience", but under their mutual help, he had no choice but to give up.As for tidying up a bit, Bai Lian and the others expressed their hunger.Xiaoru also went out to prepare food...

Bai Lian and the others, after drinking and eating, washing and dressing up, were pulled by the carriage arranged by Xiaoru Guliang to a magnificent palace and waited.I also specially told myself and other people to respect the immortals when they see the immortals later, not to neglect, let alone provoke anger.Hou Xiaoru Guliang left alone when everyone was waiting to be summoned.

In front of a palace carved with dragons and phoenixes, a simple sword made of jade is suspended in front of the palace. A plaque is hung under the eaves of the palace hall and above the gate. , The red background and the gold face are simple and simple.All of these declare the status of the immortals here.

The pillars of the hall body are square, and there are chi heads spewing water under the pillars, and the top cover is covered with yellow glazed tiles inlaid with green trimmings; the pillars of the hall are round, and a carved dragon is connected between the two pillars, and the dragon head sticks out of the eaves. , the dragon's tail goes straight into the palace, the perfect combination of practicality and decoration adds to the dominance of the palace.

Bai Lian and the others could only wait here for a while, and everyone understood at this time that the chance of Senior Zhu Jiuyin sending him and others here to Teng Fei was probably related to these immortals!So we all discussed what to say when we saw the immortals later, and what to do so as not to disappoint Senior Zhu Jiuyin's hard work.At this moment, two stunning girls appeared in front of the palace gate...

(End of this chapter)

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