Saving the Six Realms starts from falling in love

Chapter 240 The Best Auspicious Wedding Day

Chapter 240 The Best Auspicious Wedding Day

Jiang Ran thought that Fan Chen would be lovable, but he didn't expect to be so lovable. In just two days, he completely conquered the hearts of his grandparents.The second elder's grandson-in-law is long and the grandson-in-law is short, and even her own granddaughter is pushed to the back.Grandma tried her best to cook delicious food for him, and grandpa never forgot to drag Fan Chen to show off to old friends in the community when he went out for a walk in the morning.

Regarding the marriage of the two, they even raised their hands in favor, even urging the two to get the certificate in advance, and began to discuss the details of the wedding and the specific date in full swing.

"I've found someone to look at the date, grandson-in-law, which of these two dates is suitable?" Grandpa excitedly opened the calendar. The old man always has some old ideas, so the first reaction when he heard about the wedding was to choose a date. Good day and auspicious day, "The last good day is two months later, and the other one is half a year later, both are very good auspicious days."

"As long as Ah Ran agrees, I can do it." Fan Chen listened carefully, and said gently with a smile on his face, "I don't know what grandpa and grandma mean?"

"Of course I think this day will be better in two months." Grandpa Jiang explained, pointing to the calendar. "Although it's only two months, it's a bit late, but it should be too late. Of course, the day in half a year will be even better." A little more, but at that time, just in time for the Chinese New Year, the banquet may be a bit difficult, it is better to do it earlier, grandson-in-law, what do you think?"

Fan Chen thought for a while, but Jiang Ran who was next to him couldn't help interjecting, "Grandpa, since it's too late in two months, there's no need for those two days, can it be other days?"

Grandpa Jiang frowned immediately, and said in a stern tone, "Ran Ran, marriage is a big deal, so naturally we have to choose the best auspicious day. I just asked my old friend to help me look at it for these two days. It’s an auspicious day, except for these two days, only the [-]th will be half a month later, so we have to hurry up..."

"Then the fifth day!" Before he finished speaking, Fan Chen's eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn't wait to say, "I think the fifth day is very good, let's set the fifth day next month, Grandpa."

Grandpa Jiang: "..."

Jiang Ran: "..."

No, the agreed time is tight, so there is no such thing as an earlier decision.

"Grandson-in-law, in half a month, the time will be...too tight." Grandpa Jiang thought he didn't understand what he meant, and quickly reminded, "After all, we have to notify relatives and friends, and prepare for the wedding."

"Grandpa, don't worry, leave all these to me, I will take care of it." Fan Chen smiled more gently and nodded.

Grandpa Jiang wanted to say something, but he had already got up and picked up the phone, "I'll notify the wedding company to start the arrangements." After speaking, he dialed the phone directly, and the joy on his face was undisguised.

"Well, that's right, it's me. The wedding arrangement I made last time was set on the fifth day of next month. Yes, that's right, half a month later. The arrangement can be started. My grandfather personally set the date."

Three members of the Jiang family: "..."

What's the matter with the feeling that he had planned it long ago and was just waiting to choose a recent date?

So the wedding date of the two was fixed like this. They all said that getting married is a very hard work, especially for someone like Jiang Ran who has to take care of work, but the unexpected Fan Chen didn't let her worry too much. Just silently, he arranged everything. Even the list of guests for the banquet was discussed with his grandparents.

Except for going out for a day on the day of the wedding dress fitting, Jiang Ran was still commuting normally. Fan Chen was busy with everything, but even so he would pick her up on time every day, rain or shine.

Even Xiaoyou complained more than once, what kind of potion did she give Tianxian to make him so determined.

Until the day of the wedding finally came, Jiang Ran was a little surprised when he saw all the guests. Fan Chen actually invited all her friends from childhood to adulthood. I don't know where he got the contact information of these people and invited them here.

On the contrary, there were very few people coming from his side. Except for Ling Shuo who had met twice before and a few unfamiliar faces who were arranged at a table in a corner, there were only a few sporadic people who called him teacher.

If it weren't for the fact that these people's red envelopes were extremely rich, and they knew that he was not short of money, this scene would have been suspected of cheating people out of money.

For no reason, Jiang Ran came up with the idea that Fan Chen wanted her to be seen by all her relatives and friends in this world.

"Ah Ran." While waiting for the wedding to start in the lounge, Fan Chen suddenly opened the door and entered.

"What's wrong?" She turned around, shouldn't he be on stage at this time?
"It's some friends of mine." Fan Chen suddenly took out a piece of something and put it in her palm and explained, "They... can't come to our wedding in foreign countries, so... want to meet you, can you record Give them a few words."

"Okay." Jiang Ran nodded, looked down at the palm of his hand, thinking it might be a mobile phone or a video recorder, but he was stunned when he took a closer look, "Why is it a stone?"

She saw a white stone lying in the palm of her hand, which seemed to still be glowing with white light, vaguely familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it.

"This is a photoshoot...a new device." Fan Chen explained, "It's a new technology developed by a friend. It hasn't been released yet, so they sent it here by the way."

"That's it!" Jiang Ran was a little surprised, as expected of an academic, there are such high-end friends.Curiously, I pinched this luminous stone, but I couldn't find where the screen was, let alone a button like a switch. The new technology is really not simple, "How do I use it?"

"You just have to talk." Fan Chen said.

"Oh." Jiang Ran gave up looking for the switch, and waved his hand at the stone-like high-tech, "Hi~ Hello, I am Jiang Ran, and I am also Fan Chen's wife. As you can see, we are getting married Yes! Thank you for your concern, although it is a pity that you cannot come to our wedding venue, but if there is a chance to meet in the future, I will treat you to a big meal."

She smiled happily, and then turned to look at Fan Chen, "Is it all right?"

Fan Chen nodded, took the photo stone in her hand, and added a few words in a deep voice, "Everything is fine, I will be back at the next opening day, don't read it!" After talking about the stone in his hand The light on the ceiling slowly dimmed.

Jiang Ran is still a little curious, the stone can also be sound-activated to emit light, and I don’t know if there are other functions. The crowd who huddled together and stared at the photo stone all had red eyes in an instant.

Your Majesty... is finally coming back!
(End of this chapter)

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