Saving the Six Realms starts from falling in love

Chapter 241 The Dead Memories Finally Awaken

Chapter 241 The Dead Memories Finally Awaken
Only then did Jiang Ran realize that getting married would be such a tiring thing, even though Fan Chen had already arranged everything.But as the protagonist, she still hasn't stopped since five o'clock in the morning, and even her nervousness has been busy.

She took her grandfather's hand and walked up to the stage step by step. The little lotus seed who was acting as a flower girl was extraordinarily well-behaved and sprinkled petals in front, and the one who was waiting at the front with focused and gentle eyes was the one she chose, and she didn't know until now. Feeling a little nervous.And finally had some real feeling that she was really going to get married!
In fact, after careful calculation, it took less than three months for the two of them to get married from acquaintance, which can be said to be a flash marriage.She has never been an impulsive person, but this time she doesn't understand why she has identified someone so quickly.

But whenever I see Fan Chen, the certainty in my heart is stronger than any moment in her twenty-odd years of life, just like they have known each other for a long time, and finally got together, they are destined to be together Keep average.It was a strange feeling, but she didn't want to refuse.

Especially today, when Fan Chen watched her coming, his affectionate and focused eyes seemed as if everything in the world had disappeared and only her was left in his world. Anyone would indulge in such eyes. In the process, all the scruples and daze in her heart disappeared almost instantly.

There was a firmness in my heart that I had never felt before.

— that's him!
she thinks.

Mr. Fan, please give me more advice in the future!

late at night.

The bright moonlight slipped into the house through the white gauze of the window, tearing off a piece of silvery light, illuminating the festive red color of the room, and there were objects with red happy characters everywhere. It seemed that it was too late to tidy up. There are also a lot of snacks such as red dates and peanuts rolling down.

Breathing up and down on the big red wedding bed, the man with stunning face was sleeping deeply.For a while, he seemed to be disturbed by the moonlight outside, his brows were slightly frowned, and before he opened his eyes, his hand was already habitually embracing the other side of the bed, but the next moment it was completely empty, and only a layer of coolness touched the palm of his hand.

He woke up suddenly, sat up straight away, frantically touched the whole bed, his face turned pale for a moment, "Ah Ran! Ah Ran..."

"I'm here." A familiar voice came from the other side.

He turned his head immediately, until the figure by the window was imprinted in his eyes, and his panic and frightened heart calmed down, "Ah Ran."

"I just got up and poured a glass of water." Jiang Ran stood by the window, with moonlight shining on his face, he gently raised the cup in his hand and replied, his eyes turned back from the bustling and dazzling street lights outside, but there were still endless lingers in his eyes It was as if she was looking at something that she missed with all her heart.

"Why didn't you call me?" Fan Chen heaved a sigh of relief, lifted the quilt and walked towards her.

"Seeing that you are in a deep sleep, I don't have the heart to wake you up." She replied with a chuckle, passed the cup in her hand and said, "Little Lotus, are you thirsty? Do you want to drink some water too?"

He subconsciously raised his hand, but the next moment his footsteps stopped abruptly. Instead of taking the cup, he opened his eyes and looked at the person in front of him in shock. He murmured in disbelief, "You..."

Jiang Ran was stunned for a moment, then sighed helplessly, "Oh, why can't I hide it from your eyes every time, I haven't said a few words yet."

"..." Fan Chen didn't speak, just looked at her without blinking, but his whole body was as tense as a bowstring fully drawn, and emotions poured out of his eyes like overwhelming.

"Yes, I've already remembered." She smiled more deeply, looked straight into his eyes and confirmed, "Little Lianhua, this time... I'm really back."

As soon as the words fell, his eyes turned red instantly, as if he could no longer hold back, two lines of tears flowed down his face, the expression on his face couldn't tell whether he was crying or laughing for a moment, he could only call her with a choked up voice name, "Ah Ran..."

"Yeah." Jiang Ran responded, and for a moment there was a pain in his heart, and finally couldn't help but approached the man who was about to collapse in front of him, caressed his face covered with tears, and bowed his head Kissing his lips soothingly, "I'm sorry, I think... I owe you an apology."

The tears in his eyes flowed more fiercely, he leaned down fiercely and hugged her tightly, as if he was holding the most precious treasure, it made her waist ache, and the voice that seemed sad and resentful was repeated over and over again. It sounded, "Ah Ran, Ah Ran! Ah Ran..." The sound was heavier than the sound.

Jiang Ran could only hug the person in front of him, stroked his back, and responded to his call over and over again, "Well, I'm here, I'm back, my little lotus."

"Ah Ran, you... you promised, but you still broke your promise!"

"Well, I'm sorry!"

"How can you... how can you abandon me? You just rely on... relying on me to forgive you in the end."

She felt her heart hurt more and more, and she couldn't help but shed tears. She wanted to comfort him but didn't know where to start, so she could only kiss his lips in distress and said, "No! I'm relying on... We each other Deep love."

He was stunned, the emotions in his eyes became more and more out of control, he lowered his head and kissed her, the hands around his waist seemed to want her to be in his arms, the kiss was fierce and fierce, with a gasping murmur , but like the whimper of a small animal.

"...Ah Ran, don't bully me all the time."



"Why did you and Xiao Lianzi appear in this world?" After recovering his memory, Jiang Ran couldn't help asking.

"I made a deal with Tiandao." Fan Chen hugged her and sat on Dahong's wedding bed, while carefully pulling her hair so as not to be crushed, he replied softly, "I use all my merits , in exchange for a chance to find you again after [-] years. It’s just that we are two worlds after all, and God is not sure whether I can really wait for you, but luckily I did.”

"So Heaven sent you here?" Jiang Ran was a little surprised.

"That's not true." Fan Chen shook his head, "It wasn't Tiandao who sent me here, but Little Lianzi!"

"What?!" Jiang Ran was startled. Although he was able to send them to the Demon Realm back then, there was a seal after all. In addition, the Demon Realm left demon seeds in the Six Realms to locate the two worlds.Now that Blue Star is out of the control of the Demon Realm, the so-called seal should also be invalid. "How could he have this ability?"

"This is because he is our child." Fan Chen said with a light smile, "Heavenly said, you are the first line of life in the six realms, and the little lotus seed has merged with your blood, so his existence belongs to very little." Fuzzy doesn’t belong to the Six Realms or Blue Star, so he has the ability to connect the two worlds, Dang Ran is not the only one, Yan Qi also has it!”


(End of this chapter)

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