Saving the Six Realms starts from falling in love

Chapter 36 Subduing Hongmeng Beast

Chapter 36 Subduing Hongmeng Beast

Although this monster is not very strong, it is a little stronger than Lou Shuo's strength if you insist, but it is now in the flood, and this is its home court. It is very difficult for three people to beat it.

In addition, they are obviously unfamiliar with the habits of this monster, so they only dare to test the attack on the surface of the water. At most, they can hurt the opponent's tail, and it is difficult to directly attack the opponent's body. However, when they enter the water, their vision is blocked. Divine consciousness will be affected by demon energy, which is even more unfavorable for combat.

So if it goes on like this, the three will lose.

Jiang Ran sighed, taking advantage of the remaining strength of the three, pinched his fingers and pinched a magic formula, passed his voice over, and said in a clear voice, "Try using the wild fire array."

As soon as the words fell, Lou Shuo and Lin Ling were both stunned, Wildfire Array?Isn't that a small formation, used to make fires and lighting in the wild, and use it to deal with Hongmeng beasts?

Only Qing Jue instantly recognized Jiang Ran's voice, pulled away the distance and retreated to the right corner. Without hesitation, he started pinching the tactic, and loudly reminded the two of them, "Arrange the formation!"

Lou Shuo and Lin Ling didn't have time to think about it. Seeing that Qing Jue had already started, they had to retreat to the other side. The three of them formed a triangle position, and at the same time, they started to form a formation together.

The next moment, countless magic tricks flew out, and a huge magic circle appeared in the sky, so big that it could directly cover the entire lake.The Wildfire Array was originally an extremely low-level array, so low that it could be easily pinched by just one person, not to mention the fact that the three of them joined forces to form the array at the same time, so this array was a bit scary.

Especially at the moment when the formation was formed, the soaring flames burned wildly in the formation, directly reflecting the entire sky. Under the scorching temperature, the original turbulent waves seemed to drown everything and the flood rose. Large white fog, the water surface visible to the naked eye began to lower.


Because of the high temperature, Hongmeng Beast began to make strange screams, and it stirred frantically, as if it had encountered a nemesis.

"It's useful! It's really useful!" Lou Shuo was overjoyed and exclaimed.Immediately mobilize the spiritual power, and concentrate on running the magic circle.

Lin Ling was also surprised. I didn't expect that such a simple magic formation could actually deal with such a powerful monster as Hongmeng beast. It was unbelievable.

Only Qing Jue has a calm face, isn't it normal that my Highness can see the weakness of this Hongmeng beast?That is my Highness!The kind that came out of the sky.

As the water level dropped, Hongmeng Beast became weaker and weaker, and finally, under the scorching of the Wildfire Formation, the sound became smaller and smaller, and the huge figure began to dissipate with the naked eye.

It wasn't until the water level dropped to the point where the original city could be seen faintly, and it completely dissipated into a cloud of blue smoke.

The Hongmeng Beast was born in response to grievances, and it has no form or body. The entity they see is actually not what it looks like, but it is just an illusion, but this kind of monster is always in the shape of a snake.

Seeing that the monsters had disappeared, the three of them took back the magic circle, and if they burned it down, even the city below would be burnt out together.Several people flew in the direction of Jiang Ran and Feng Huan.

"Junior Sister Jiang, how do you know that the Wildfire Array can deal with the Hongmeng beast?" Lou Shuo looked at Jiang Ran excitedly, that was the Hongmeng beast, the Hongmeng beast that hasn't appeared in the fairyland for thousands of years, the three of them A little fairy actually joined forces to destroy one, which is enough for him to go back and blow for hundreds of years.

"Ah!" Jiang Ran tilted his head, put on his vest and began to pretend to be stupid, "I don't know!"

"Then why are you..." Feng Huan couldn't help but look back suspiciously.

"I just thought it was in water, isn't it normal to bake it?" She said nonsense, "The master also said that water and fire are incompatible, and the same is true of spiritual energy. The only fire spirit array I remember is the wild fire array. ."

"So it's like this..." Lou Shuo nodded clearly, the Master seemed to have taught this, but in that case, they couldn't remember it for a while, so they didn't go into it.

On the other hand, Feng Huan, who was beside him, frowned and wanted to ask something when a male voice suddenly came from below.

"Thank you for helping the people in Sicheng." I saw a man in blue clothes standing on the top of the mountain below, bowing his hands to the people in the air.

He was dressed in luxurious clothes and seemed to come from an extraordinary background, but at this moment he looked a little embarrassed.

More importantly, this person is surrounded by a faint golden aura, which is... the royal aura of a mortal king.

"Han Xing is here on behalf of the people of the whole city, and I would like to thank a few high-ranking people." As he said that, the other party was about to bow down to a few people.

A few people were stunned, and then they remembered that the mortals below were coming, and immediately flew down. Lou Shuo even supported the man who bowed his head and said, "No need to be too polite, we just passed by and did it smoothly."

"A few people who can deal with such monsters, but they are rumored to be immortals." Han Xing said with a grateful face, his eyes were filled with the joy of escaping death.

Not only him, not far behind him, stood a dense crowd, all ragged, but all looked at them with excitement and gratitude.

A few people were stunned for a moment, Zheng worried how to conceal the identity of immortals, but the other party took the initiative to give a reason, and immediately nodded in unison, "Yes, that's right, we are immortal cultivators."

There are immortal cultivators in the world, and there are even many sects of immortal cultivation. Many immortals who have ascended to the upper realms are also from immortal cultivators, but the road is difficult and the human heart is the most complicated and unpredictable, so there are no other spiritual races for immortals. many.

"I don't know what sect and faction how many experts come from?" Han Xing continued to ask.

"Uh..." Lou Shuo was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, he made up a reason, "I'm waiting to go down the mountain just to experience and eliminate demons, and it's inconvenient to cause more troubles, even if I don't mention the sect." He really couldn't make it up.

"So that's the case." Han Xing didn't continue to ask, but said sideways, "A few of you have worked hard to get rid of demons, and saved me the people of Sicheng. Would you like to let Xiao Wang do the friendship of the landlord?"

Several people glanced at each other and did not refuse. After all, they really needed a place to meditate and adjust their breath.So they followed the other party towards the top of the mountain. In less than half a while, they saw a lot of simple tents on the top of the mountain. It could be seen that they were set up temporarily. There were not many tents. and the like.

Jiang Ran glanced at it and saw that although they fled here, there was no confusion in management.

Han Xing brought a few people to the tent in the middle to rest. During the conversation, he learned that it had been raining for more than a month outside. It was only a light rain at first, and then it became heavier.

And they abandoned the city and fled to this mountain seven days ago, and on the second day they fled, the entire Sicheng was completely submerged.

Han Xing is not the city lord of this city, nor was he originally in this city. He is the prince of Longwei Kingdom, titled Prince Ning, and the younger brother of today's Emperor Yan.I received news of the flood in Sicheng half a month ago. I was originally here for disaster relief, but I was also trapped here.

The decision to abandon the city was also made by him, and thanks to his timely decision, otherwise the tens of thousands of people in the city would all be buried in the flood.

This King Ning chatted with them for a while, and after knowing that they needed to adjust their breath, he immediately withdrew and gave the tent to a few people.

Jiang Ran glanced at the exceptionally kind King Ning, and said curiously, "He has a royal spirit, but he is not the monarch of this Longwei Kingdom!"

"Maybe it's because he's also a royal!" The other people weren't really curious about this, Lou Shuo replied smoothly, "It's normal to go in and out of the imperial city often, and it's normal for him to carry a royal aura."

Jiang Ran didn't go back, just frowned.

But this King Ning... In addition to the royal energy, there is a stronger light of merit and virtue accumulated over the ages!
(End of this chapter)

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