Chapter 37 The God Blessed
After the Hongmeng beast disappeared, the heavy rain stopped, and the flood in Sicheng completely receded the next day, exposing the dilapidated city at the bottom of the mountain.King Ning immediately led his soldiers down the mountain, and after eliminating some dangers, he let the people who took refuge on the top of the mountain return to the city.

After Hongmeng Beast's encounter, except for some dilapidated houses, there is nothing left in Sicheng, let alone all the crops and grains have been washed away.

Fortunately, King Ning was here to provide disaster relief. Although some of the supplies had been washed away, there were still some leftovers, which was why they were able to persist on the top of the mountain for several days.

It's just that although the flood has receded, the follow-up problems are even more difficult. Food shortage is only one of them. Others, such as the resettlement of victims, and various diseases that follow the flood, are the key points.

It was obvious that King Ning had also thought about these problems, and once he returned to the city, he arranged everything one by one. Although it wasn't perfect, it didn't cause any trouble. For a mortal, it was already very good.

After Jiang Ran and the others adjusted their breath, they originally planned to leave.It's just that there is a shortage of manpower in the city, especially in medical treatment.Originally, it rained for half a month, and they fled to the top of the mountain in an emergency, and naturally they didn't have a good resettlement, so it's normal for more people to get sick because of it.

Although there were a lot of doctors in the city, it was still understaffed compared to the population of the city. If things were allowed to go on like this, it would not be long before an epidemic would occur, so a few people immediately decided to stay and help.

They came to the Mortal Realm for the purpose of experience, whether it is eliminating demons or saving people, it is the content of experience.

Although a few of them are not doctors, they have practiced alchemy, and the entry into alchemy is to understand the principles of medicine.Although these illnesses of mortals cannot be directly cured by spells, it is not difficult for them to prescribe a few prescriptions.

The only one who was free was Jiang Ran, perhaps because she had just entered Taoism not long ago, and she hadn't studied medicine and alchemy for a few months.The few people had a very tacit understanding to exclude her from the free clinic. They even called it a good name. They all saw a doctor, and no one was around to help. It was very inconvenient to help someone or get a tool. So I specially entrusted such an important matter to her.

Jiang Ran thought it was a bit funny, but she didn't expose how they were desperately trying to maintain her self-esteem, and followed them with peace of mind, handing pulse pillows, silver needles and so on by the side from time to time.

And that King Ning, since seeing him once at the top of the mountain, has never appeared again.Even if they decided to stay and help treat people, he just politely sent an official to thank them and arranged a temporary place for them to stay.

A few people didn't care, after all, it's normal for him to be busy with such a big matter as the top leader of the city.

They stayed in the city for half a month. Due to timely handling and proper arrangements, a large-scale epidemic did not occur, and those who were infected were also brought under control. Things seemed to be moving in a good direction. , Jiang Ran felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere in the city these days, as if something was tense.

She stirred the clear gruel in her hand and was thinking about it, but suddenly there was a "gurgling" sound next to her, which seemed to be a stirring sound.When she looked up, she immediately ran into the longing eyes of a girl. The thin girl was staring straight at the gruel in her hand without blinking.

Jiang Ran froze for a moment, then passed the porridge in his hand, "Hungry? Here!"

The girl was taken aback, but she didn't take her porridge. Instead, she shook her head like a rattle, "This is the porridge from an expert, Niuniu doesn't want it. Niuniu already went to the Fuya to drink a bowl in the morning." A place where everyone can go there to receive a bowl every day.

"It's okay, drink it." Jiang Ran continued to persuade, she has already entered the Tao, but it doesn't matter whether she eats or not, she has her own aura to support her.It's just that Qing Jue always remembered that she was weak, so she habitually prepared food for her, but this is the mortal world, and it's not easy for her to cook cabbage directly, so she had this bowl of porridge.

But the girl insisted not to answer, and said seriously, "Mother said, you have to be in awe, you can't be casual, sisters are very powerful people, they are different from us, just like... just like your majesty today , are blessed by God.”

"Your Majesty?" She was stunned.

"Hahaha...that's right, when the experts appeared, we all thought it was a fairy coming down to earth!" An uncle who was being treated next to him also smiled and said with emotion, "I After living for so many years, this is the first time I have seen someone who can deal with such a monster. That kind of spectacle can be compared to the day when His Majesty was born."

"What kind of spectacle is it?" Lou Shuo couldn't help but add gossip.

"It is said that His Majesty was born as an immortal, so he was born extraordinary..." Maybe it's because he got to know these patients well in the past few days, so the uncle became less restrained and chatted with them.

To put it simply, the current emperor of the Longwei Kingdom is unusual. On the day of his birth, the sky was full of multicolored rays of light, and the sky was lit up all day long, and everyone in the Longwei Kingdom saw it.Moreover, the flowers all over the capital suddenly bloomed at the same time, and the strange fragrance wafted for dozens of miles, and the sound of dragons chant faintly came from the sky.

So everyone thought that the other party must be the reincarnation of an immortal, and the first emperor directly made him the crown prince.And since this Emperor Yan ascended the throne, the whole Longwei Kingdom has been even more prosperous, and it has been peaceful for a full ten years. Everyone said that this is evidence that Emperor Yan has been blessed by heaven.

As soon as the uncle blew it, he praised the mysterious Emperor Yan as an immortal whose next step would be to ascend directly and return to the heaven.

At first, Jiang Ran listened with gusto as a legend, but when he turned around, he saw that Lou Shuo, who was always keen on gossip, suddenly had a strange expression on his face, and even the three Qing Jue, who were beside him, had black lines on their heads and an indescribable expression , suddenly raised curiosity.

It wasn't until all the patients were sent away today that she couldn't help asking, "What's wrong?"

The corner of Lou Shuo's mouth twitched, and then he opened his mouth to explain, "The Emperor Yan they are talking about may really be an immortal."


"In our heaven, there are often immortals who will go down to the earth to experience calamities. This is different from our experience. It is to directly plunge into the mortal body and turn into a complete mortal to enter the reincarnation to practice." Lou Shuo scratched his head and said, "Wait for them Only when this life is over, or when the original memory is awakened, will they return to the heavenly realm. But after all, the immortals in the heavenly realm have their own responsibilities, and there are always special circumstances. Therefore, they will do something or mark their identity to prove their identity."

Originally, this matter was nothing, at the beginning it was just leaving the breath of the original body, or there were some imprints on the body.However, there are always immortals who feel that such marks are not obvious enough, so they will deliberately create some visions and the like to facilitate finding, which will become more and more exaggerated as time goes by.

"So... those visions were created by immortals." Jiang Ran was speechless.

"Yes." Lou Shuo nodded, but as exaggerated as Emperor Yan, it was full of colorful clouds, and the city was full of flowers, so that the whole Longwei Kingdom knew that it was the first time they saw it.

(End of this chapter)

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