Chapter 39 Going to the Capital
For immortals, mortal countries are changing rapidly, and they really don't know the specific location of the capital, so everyone decided to ask them all the way.Anyway, I came out to experience, and I didn't set a specific destination. It's better to walk around and have a look.

Maybe they were used to seeing a doctor in Sicheng, so they pretended to be a traveling doctor. While seeing a doctor, they inquired about the route to the capital, and they could also deal with the chaos caused by monsters and spirits.

Surprisingly, there are quite a few situations like this. Although it is not as tricky as the Hongmeng beast, some low-level little monsters can cause a lot of trouble among mortals.What I see more are some ghosts and resentful spirits, they are like mushrooms after a rain, the more they go in the direction of the capital, the more they appear.

A few people didn't take it seriously at first, and later they gradually noticed some abnormalities.

"Feng Huan, is the emperor of Longwei Kingdom really the reincarnation of Xianjun Jingyan?" Lou Shuo couldn't help confirming to Feng Huan. It stands to reason that such ghosts and evil spirits should rarely appear. That is, unless there is great grievance and resentment, they will be directly suppressed by the earth and returned to the underworld, and will not stay in the world forever.

"I... I don't know either." Feng Huan was also a little unsure, and even began to wonder if he remembered it wrong.

"I only heard that he was going to go down to earth to survive the calamity. I'm not sure who he was reincarnated into. And even if he is really Emperor Yan, the spirits we encountered might not necessarily be related to him, unless..."

"Unless he can't hold it!" Jiang Ran said.

Feng Huan was stunned for a moment, and his expression became even more puzzled.

The so-called Earth Qi is generally related to the fortune of the country and the imperial energy of the person in power. The stronger the country, the stronger the Earth Qi, and some ghosts and spirits who have not yet achieved the atmosphere have no chance to emerge.But if a country's mountains and rivers are shattered into turmoil, and the earth is sluggish and the world is full of grievances, the more those things will be, this is the troubled world in the eyes of the immortals.

Although immortals cannot easily intervene in the cause and effect of the mortal world, the troubled times are different, so many immortal practitioners in the world will choose to hide in prosperous times and emerge in troubled times.

And they encountered these ghosts and resentful spirits along the way, and they were not much different from the troubled times.

Jiang Ran means that the other party is not qualified, so the emperor can't hold the evil energy, and the earth's energy is lost.

But the key is that the person on the throne is an immortal. As an immortal, even if he is reincarnated and cultivated, he cannot come to cause chaos in the mortal world, and rule the country into a troubled world.

In addition, Immortal King Jingyan is still a well-known figure in the temple, and when he hears that Immortal Venerable is extraordinarily trustworthy.Such an immortal, even if he becomes a mortal emperor, cannot do too badly.

So... is Emperor Yan not him?

With such questions, several people continued to head towards the capital, and they also began to inquire about the legendary emperor who was reincarnated by a fairy.Surprisingly, these mortals didn't know if they were really brainwashed by those visions, and they praised and worshipped this Emperor Yan, especially the more they went to the capital, the deeper the blind worship of the people.Like some maddened believer, he felt that this immortal emperor would definitely manage the Longwei Kingdom better.

"Look, mortals trust that Emperor Yan so much, maybe it's just that we happened to meet him, and it has nothing to do with that emperor?" Feng Huan seemed to regain his confidence and explained to everyone.

Several people did not answer, and seemed to reluctantly accept this reason.

Jiang Ran looked at the increasingly depressing city street scene, and fell into contemplation. Is it really... just a coincidence?

Next, they accelerated their pace and entered the capital.As soon as they entered the city, there were bustling scenes everywhere, completely different from the small cities they had seen along the way.The entire capital was prosperous, and there was even a faint aura surrounding the city, which made the five people who were in the dust feel relieved physically and mentally.

Almost at the same time, they all looked in the direction of the imperial city. In the eyes of several people, they saw that there was an immortal aura surrounding it, covering the entire imperial city. At a glance, it was obvious that there was something extraordinary there.

"Look, I'll just say there's no problem. With such a strong immortal aura protecting the imperial city, what could happen to the Dragon Wei Kingdom?" Feng Huan pointed at the immortal energy.

"With such a strong immortal energy, it seems that Emperor Yan is a reincarnation of a very remarkable immortal even if he is not Jingyan immortal." Lou Shuo was also stunned for a moment, and said in surprise, only a powerful immortal Yuanshen would emit With such a strong immortal energy, that Emperor Yan was really the reincarnation of an immortal.

Qing Jue and Lin Ling also nodded, feeling that they thought too much before.

Only Jiang Ran's eyes sank, this is the spirit of the fairy... but it is not the spirit of the emperor!

"Let's go, let's hide our figure, sneak in and take a look and come out." Feng Huan urged, not wanting to show off when he was in Sicheng, and just wanted to watch it and continue to practice.

A few people didn't hesitate, just looked at it, anyway, they were there to watch the fun, so they all hid their figures.Qing Jue was even more worried that Jiang Ran's spiritual power was not enough, so she took out an invisible talisman and handed it to her.

They walked into the imperial city so openly and justly, and were just looking for the place with the most immortal energy.Just after walking a few steps, several people suddenly saw a familiar figure.

"Hey, isn't that King Ning?" Lin Ling patted a few people and pointed to the tree on the right.

They turned around and saw that they had indeed met twice in Sicheng, the disaster relief prince Han Xing.They counted their days, and it has been more than a month since they came to practice medicine all the way, and this King Ning returned to the capital earlier than them.

It's just that compared to him in Sicheng, he seems to be a lot older, and his eyebrows are full of vicissitudes, as if he has experienced something major.At this time, he was hiding under a few big trees and talking with a man in armor. The location was extremely remote. If it wasn't for a few people who were immortals, he would subconsciously use his spiritual sense to probe around, but he couldn't find him.

I saw that he was taking out a red cloth strip from his arms and handing it to the man in armor. The next moment floated, "Do it at the right time." The man nodded, then took the things and left.

King Ning didn't stop there, he just took a deep breath, turned and left in the other direction with a dignified expression.

Several people were stunned for a moment, vaguely feeling that something was wrong, but they didn't think about it deeply. After all, the other party was a mortal, and even if they knew something, they couldn't interfere too much.

So I continued to look for the reincarnated Emperor Yan, and in less than half a while, I arrived in front of a palace. Compared to the outside, it was very quiet here, and it seemed that people were deliberately condemned out.

Through the palace gate, they saw a man in a yellow robe with a handsome face sitting in the house from a distance, and the immortal energy of the whole city was revealed from him.

"Xianjun Jingyan." Feng Huan blurted out directly.

It's really him!

(End of this chapter)

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