Chapter 40
Feng Huan was born in Fenghuai Xiancheng, where Guanhuo belonged to the Northern Temple, and naturally he had seen the famous Jingyan Xianjun.And although the man on the opposite side was indeed a mortal body, his appearance and aura had not changed at all, so he recognized at a glance that this was the reincarnation of Xianjun Jingyan.

"I didn't expect him to be reincarnated as the Emperor Yan of the Dragon Wei Kingdom." Feng Huan looked surprised, looked at the other party's unconcealable immortality, and said proudly, "I'll just say, It's just that the Yuanshen can have such a strong immortal energy, and only the No. 1 Immortal King Jingyan under the Immortal Venerable."

The rest of the people rarely refuted, not to mention the immortal energy around them, it can be seen that this immortal emperor's cultivation in the immortal world is indeed extraordinary.Feng Huan wanted to show off a few more words, but another lingering voice suddenly sounded inside.

"Your Majesty, are you really willing to give up everything for me?" I saw a woman in red walking in the direction of Emperor Yan. Her appearance was not perfect, but she had a soft and kind temperament, and her eyes seemed to shine at any time. Tears, making people feel pity.

"Ruo'er, don't you know my sincerity?" Emperor Yan took the other person's hand and pulled him into his arms, his eyes full of affection, "There is nothing in this world more than you. It's important, what is the world, I only want you."


"No but, I am willing to give up the world for you."

The woman's eyes were red, and a liter of moved tears flowed out.

"His Majesty……"

"Ruo Er..."

The ambiguous aura suddenly escalated, and as the two of them got closer and closer, they were about to start a limit-level intimacy.

The group of five standing in a row at the door: "..."

Several people turned their heads to look at Feng Huan in unison, "Speaking of which... shall we continue to watch?" This is the first immortal you said.

Feng Huan also froze for a moment, "Cough, the fun is over, we still have to experience it!" After speaking, he turned around and left, and if he continued to read it, he had to seal the book, and what was he doing?He didn't expect to bump into this scene, hey!But... why does he think that woman is a little familiar?
A few people quickly exited this side hall and were about to leave the palace, but Qing Jue glanced at the soldiers patrolling next to him, and suddenly said, "Hey, why are these people suddenly wearing red ribbons on their hands? Isn't it time yet?"

Lin Ling glanced at it and replied in surprise, "Oh yes, many soldiers are wearing them? And...why do I think the ribbons they are wearing look familiar?"

"Isn't it the kind that King Ning held just now?" Lou Shuo blurted out, and gave them a look of your memory, "Maybe this is some local custom?"

"Customs? Don't talk nonsense." Lin Ling replied with some dissatisfaction, "Not everyone carries it, you see, some people don't carry it." She pointed to a few palace maids passing by, and said There are some soldiers on guard, "They don't have one."

"Then do you know why?" Lou Shuo asked back.

Lin Ling glared at him, seeing that the two were about to start bickering again, but Jiang Ran, who was next to him, suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter, Your Highness?" Qing Jue also stopped.

Jiang Ran frowned and asked in a deep voice, "Qing Jue, what time is it now?"

"Now?" She looked up at the sunset, which was about to fall on the horizon, and estimated, "Probably the end of the You Shi, it will be about the Xu Shi."

"Xu Shi!" The words of King Ning just now rang in Jiang Ran's ear. When he acted at Xu Shi, his face suddenly sank, and he looked at several people and said, "No, let's go back to the side hall just now!"

"What... what's the matter?" A few people were stunned for a moment, and they were all shocked, and they went back? !I don't know how far it has progressed.

"I'm afraid something big is about to happen in this palace." Jiang Ran explained, without going into details, he just pulled Qing Jue up and walked back.

"Hey, Junior Sister Jiang..." A few people were about to follow when the palace gate behind them suddenly closed with a bang.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of footsteps came, and when they looked back, they saw a large number of soldiers in armor rushing out from both sides. They were all tied with a red ribbon, and the leader was the King Ning whom he saw when he first entered the palace.

Lou Shuo and the others were startled, but before they could react, they saw the soldier who was just patrolling earnestly beside him suddenly drew his knife and slashed at another soldier without a ribbon.

The entire palace was in chaos in an instant, and there were sounds of fighting everywhere.

King Ning even led a large number of people towards the side hall and hurried away. The originally mild face was full of murderous intent. , catch the stunned prince and the demon concubine alive!"

Lou Shuo and the others were stunned, and only then did they realize that he was... a rebellion!

"They are going to kill the side hall." Only Jiang Ran reminded him calmly.

"Oh yes, Xianjun Jingyan, he is still in the side hall!" Only then did they wake up, and Feng Huan quickly chased after him.I really didn't expect that there would be such a thing as rebellion against the palace.The one who was forced into the palace is still the Immortal Monarch. If the rebellion was successful, wouldn't his calamity fail?
When they rushed back, King Ning had already led someone into the side hall, and Di Yan's angry voice came over.

"Han Xing, how dare you rebel!"

"Longwei's hundreds of years of foundation, I can't just watch it destroyed in your hands." King Ning calmly pulled out the sword in his hand and pointed it at Emperor Yan, and said word by word, "Please also ask the emperor brother. Resign and bring peace to the world!"

"Hmph, scoundrels and thieves don't even think about it!" The fire in Emperor Yan's eyes seemed to ignite, and he glared at the man opposite, "I trust you so in vain, so you repay me like this, rebel and force the palace? You are not afraid of the world. revile!"

"Brother Huang, I am ashamed of you, and I will apologize for this incident!" King Ning took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and said with a firmer expression, "But Brother Huang gets Concubine Rong, an enemy country. Princess, you want to surrender Longwei to Qiguo with Jiangshan as a prostitute, even if this matter makes the subject and brother bear the world's infamy, I will not agree, the people of Longwei must not become the slaves of Qiguo!"

"Presumptuous." Emperor Yan became more and more angry, "The monarch of Qiguo has already made an appointment with me, and he will definitely treat the people of Longwei well."

"Be kind?" King Ning sneered and asked earnestly, "Five years ago, the emperor sent troops to subdue the southern border tribe, can he be kind to the people in the southern border?"

"..." Emperor Yan was stunned. The southern borders are all nomadic tribes. In the past, they would harass the border in winter. Five years ago, he sent troops to subdue the southern border. Only then did he completely solve the problem, but since then, all the people in the southern border have become dragons. Wei's slave.

"This is different." Emperor Yan still retorted, "The unification of the world is the general trend."

"Whether it's the general trend or whether it's selfishness, the emperor knows for himself."

(End of this chapter)

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