Saving the Six Realms starts from falling in love

Chapter 53 The So-called Friendship

Chapter 53 The So-called Friendship

"I just want to save my sister." Yuzheng seemed frightened by Qingjue's attitude, glanced at her timidly, then turned her head to look expectantly at Jiang Ran and said, "We are both princesses, Fengtian You should understand me, right?"

"Sorry, I don't quite understand." Jiang Ran glanced at her up and down, and said directly, "What you mean is not only to heal Rong Ruo and Jing Yan's injuries, but also to repair their tendons and reshape them. Cultivation base and immortal body?"

Yuzheng didn't answer directly, but said more sadly and helplessly, "They are in so much pain, I...I can't just do nothing, I have to save them."

"So the way you save them is to let me, an irrelevant person, take the risk of offending Tianzun to help you get their life-saving elixir. Then..." She looked directly into her eyes and said word by word, "And then you can take it to heal their wounds and fulfill the righteousness of your friend?"

Yuzheng froze for a moment, and even the righteous expression on her face was distorted for a moment, as if she was burned by the other party's eyes that seemed to see everything, she subconsciously turned her face away with guilt.

"Princess Yuzheng's righteousness to her friends really amazes me!"

"No... no!" Yuzheng became more and more flustered, and hurriedly said as if to make amends, "I just can't help it... I will explain to Ruoruo and the others that you are their savior."

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in such a lifesaver, and I can't understand it." Jiang Ran's face also turned cold. He was a little curious about this person who was just like himself, but now he has no interest at all. .

"Why?!" Yuzheng was taken aback, as if she didn't expect her to refuse so simply.

"As a friend, it's fine for you to save people, but their bones were removed and their cultivation was abolished because they violated the rules of heaven. Since they made a mistake, they should bear the consequences."

"But they have already been punished!" She retorted immediately, looking at her in shock, "Why do you still hold on to it? The mortal affairs have passed, and they will not go down to the mortal world again, and they will still be punished." With such a serious injury, isn't this enough?" Her face was full of incomprehension, and even accused her.

Jiang Ran suddenly felt that the princess was absurd, and frowned, "Princess, do you think that the suffering they have suffered now is enough to offset the mistakes they committed in the mortal world?"

"Of course." She blurted out with a natural look on her face, and even said with some distress, "You haven't seen how miserable their situation is now."

Jiang Ran took a deep breath, suppressed the irritability in his heart, and continued to look at her and said, "Then, did the princess go to see the people of Longwei who were the victims, and how are they doing now? Did you go and see?" , Are all the people of Sicheng submerged by the flood still alive? And the souls of those soldiers who died in bloody battles because of the two of them instigated the war, can they rest in peace?"

"..." Yuzheng was stunned, as if she hadn't thought of this at all, and stood there blankly. Aren't those mortals?

Jiang Ran continued to ask, "Does the princess know how much resentment a Hongmeng beast needs to accumulate in order to take shape?"

"I..." She took a step back, obviously the person in front of her just glanced at her lightly, but she felt that all the dirt and selfishness in her heart had been seen through, and she felt guilty and flustered inexplicably, even Did not dare to look directly at her expression.

She is obviously a person who became a princess later than her, and she is obviously in the heavens, so her status is more than that of a fairy.But at this moment, she had the illusion that she might never be able to compare with the other party, or even be worthy of being compared with her at all.

"You think they have suffered enough, so have you asked these victims if they are willing, enough, or even hate?" Stuck on this 'innocent' princess, and asked seriously, "Why do you forgive them?"

"..." She took a few steps back after being asked, her face turned pale in an instant.

Even Feng Huan, who was next to him, reacted with a look of remorse.

"Then... aren't those all mortals?" Yuzheng subconsciously replied as if unwilling.

"Mortal?" Jiang Ran felt a little funny, so he actually laughed, looking straight at her and said, "It's true that they are all mortals, but when we started, who was not a mortal?" Which immortal is not a mortal? up.

Yuzheng was stunned for a moment, then her face turned red, she didn't know where she thought of it, she seemed to have been pointed out by something, and she seemed to have finally found an excuse to refute, she changed her forced kind expression just now, her face was full of They all looked like they had been humiliated face to face, and said angrily, "Princess Fengtian, what is the meaning of this, you don't want to help, just tell me, you don't need to humiliate me." This person is implying and despising her mortal origin!Too much!

"..." What the hell?

Before she could speak, she angrily slapped the box in her hand on the table, looked at her with disappointment and stubbornness and said, "Believe it or not, I really really want to befriend you today, but I didn't Thinking of you... it seems that I came here by mistake!"

As he said that, he gave her a look of "I didn't expect you to be such a person", turned around and walked out, as if escaping from something.

"Hey, you..." Not only Jiang Ran, but even Qing Jue was speechless, who wants to befriend you?Subconsciously picked up the box and wanted to catch up and stuff it back, but she walked too fast and couldn't hold it steady for a moment, and the lid on the box moved a little.

Immediately, a strange spiritual force came out from inside, with a bit of violent and manic aura.The aura is so light that even if one's cultivation is advanced and one doesn't let go of one's consciousness on purpose, one can't detect it.

But Jiang Ran sensed it almost instantly, this breath that he had dealt with for thousands of years, turned his head sharply, "Don't touch it!"

Without even thinking about it, she grabbed the box from Qing Jue's hand, and then slapped him away.

Qing Jue was not prepared at all, and was pushed aside by Jiang Ran, almost bumping into the stone table next to him.

Just as he was in a daze, he suddenly heard Jiang Ran sternly say, "Qing Jue, stop them!"

"Yes!" Qing Jue didn't react at all, but his body was already used to obeying the other party's words, so he rushed over without thinking, and called out the magic sword, blocking in front of the two who were about to leave.

"What do you want to do?" Yuzheng looked angry.

"Junior Sister Qing, you are..." Feng Huan also froze for a moment, wanting to say something.

Looking back, I saw Jiang Ran flying in his hands. In an instant, he had pinched several spells in a row, mobilized all the spiritual power in his body, and patted all kinds of blocking spells towards the box. At this time, layers of black and strange aura suddenly emerged from the box, as if something terrifying was about to break free from it, but was blocked by a formula.

It won't be...


Including Qing Jue, the three of them were dumbfounded.

Immediately afterwards, the entire Zhentian Pavilion shook for a while, and the sealing circle that had just been repaired appeared in the sky again, as if it had been attacked by something, and new cracks appeared again.

"Quickly, notify the pavilion master and others!" Jiang Ran reminded loudly, with a serious expression on her face that she had never seen before, she couldn't last long.

"Yes! Announcement..." Qing Jue wanted to go out to call for someone, but remembered that His Highness had told him to stop the two of them. After thinking for a while, he took out the tea card from Zhentian Pavilion's disciple and smashed it into pieces.

Feng Huan also understood that the pavilion is so busy now, they may not be able to find someone when they run out.But the disciple's tea card will only shatter when they fall, and it is used to protect their little disciples.Qing Jue's tea card was shattered, and the court would come to find out the reason immediately, so he also took out his own tea card and crushed it directly.

There was more demonic energy gushing out of the box, and the things inside were about to be activated. Jiang Ran’s little spiritual power had been exhausted, and the tendons felt tearing. She suddenly regretted not taking a few sessions seriously. Lessons, so that such a simple formula can not be maintained.

Seeing that the magic formula that sealed the box was about to disappear, the next moment a white light flashed and a magic formula took over her spiritual power in time, sealing the magic energy in the box tightly, and a white figure appeared in the courtyard.

finally come……

Jiang Ran breathed a sigh of relief, his feet went limp and he collapsed directly.

(End of this chapter)

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