Chapter 54 Face to face
"Ah Ran!" Fan Chen supported the person with a flustered face, looked at her pale face, turned to look at the few people at the door, the violent and crazy color in his eyes could hardly be suppressed.

"It's not her!" Fortunately, Jiang Ran spoke in time, recalling the rationality of the person in front of him.

"This is..." Qi Kuo also rushed over, and saw the sealed group of magic energy next to him at a glance, his eyes widened, "What's going on?"

"It's up to you." Fan Chen just confessed, picking up the person in his arms and heading towards the house.

Qi Kuo was stunned for a moment, but he also reacted immediately, and began to pinch the magic and hit the group of demonic energy.

Fan Chen turned into the room, put the person on the bed, squeezed several tricks, mobilized his spiritual power to help her repair the broken tendons, but still worried, took out the medicinal pill and watched her take it, frowning tightly. But it didn't release like a lock.

"I'm fine." Jiang Ran was a little speechless by his nervous appearance, but it wasn't that he had a terminal illness when his spiritual power was exhausted, it wasn't that serious.

Fan Chen's brows wrinkled even deeper, his palms loosened and tightened, he opened his mouth and just wanted to say something, and Qi Kuo, who had dealt with the demonic energy, also came in.

"Uncle Master..." His face was not good-looking, and even with a bit of anger, he threw the thing in his hand on the table next to him and said, "Sure enough, this thing destroyed the sealing formation again."

What he threw was the box that Yuzheng had just sent, but now the magic energy on it had completely dissipated, and inside the box lay a silver hairpin magic weapon that had lost its aura and was still glowing black. The important thing was not this magic Instead, there was a spell on the lid of the box, with an ancient and bizarre figure drawn on it, which had already expired at this time, but still carried an undissipated magical energy.

This is……

Jiang Ran instantly remembered what Xiao Lianhua said, the last time the reason for the sudden riot of the formation seemed to be because of an ancient talisman.

"I asked the three people outside, that this thing was brought by the princess!" Qi Kuo looked angry, as if he was going to rush out to fight the next moment, "I thought there was something wrong with Beiyun, but this time the princess was arrested again. Catch people dirty and get them on the spot, how can they make excuses?"

Jiang Ran's eyebrows tightened, and he said directly, "It won't be her!"

"What?" Qi Kuo was stunned, as if he noticed Jiang Ran.

Just when I was about to ask, she heard her continue, "She came to me today to get the medicine to heal Rong Ruo and Jing Yan through me. If she really did it, she wouldn't have done it so obviously, and she would have done it herself. delivered to the door."

Yuzheng is a princess anyway, whether she wants to hurt her or really wants to be detrimental to Zhentian Pavilion, she took the initiative to send her to the door, and her IQ is too anxious.And according to the importance of the Three-way Temple to her, there is no need for her to do this kind of thing herself.

Qi Kuo's eyes sank, and he understood the truth, but he was still unwilling to give up this good opportunity to find out. He glanced at the ancient talisman on the table and said, "Yes or no, you can check it with the breath of this talisman. This time, he must not be allowed to run away." He grabbed the box on the table and said angrily, "Uncle, I will go and confront them!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked out the door, heading towards the direction of the main hall. He also took Yuzheng, which had already been fixed by him outside, and carried it along with the other two people.

Jiang Ran also wanted to know the truth, but was a little worried. He turned his head to look at the person beside him, "Qi Kuo has always been impulsive, Xiao Lianhua, let's hurry over too."

Fan Chen reconfirmed that her injuries were all right, so she rushed to the main hall with her.

When the two arrived, Qi Kuo was already facing the three, and the two sides were arguing as if they were about to fight in the next moment.Jiang Ran glanced at it and found that Princess Yuzheng, who was originally dressed in a light green robe and was all exquisite, was tied into a big zongzi by Qi Kuo at some point. a solid.

Although I understand that she is the main suspect now, but looking at Feng Huan next to him with only his hands tied, the comparison is too obvious, and one has to suspect that someone is doing it on purpose. He really doesn't like this princess very much. , or on the bright side.

Of course, such a tragic comparison also directly angered the three Immortal Venerables on the opposite side, which would make Qi Kuo let go in anger.

"Humph! She intends to break the seal and let the devil be born! It would be considered light for me to tie her up." Qi Kuo had no intention of letting go at all, and instead glanced at the three of them coldly.

"What do you mean?" The three of them were stunned. The three of them sensed the fluctuation of the formation just now, but what does this have to do with Yuzheng.

However, Qi Kuo directly turned his hand and threw the box with the remaining demonic energy in front of the three of them, pointing to the box and said, "She took the box containing the magic amulet and gave it to Princess Fengtian who was cultivating in the pavilion. The magic energy broke the amulet. When he came out, he almost destroyed the seal formation in the pavilion!"

Although it is impossible to see what this talisman is used for, there will be demonic energy inside, it must be a demonic talisman, and only demonic energy will affect Moyuan, causing the formation to riot.

This happened once a hundred years ago, and this time it was the same method.

"If the uncle hadn't arrived in time to seal these demonic qi, not only would the Princess Fengtian in Tiangong die in these demonic qi, but the sealing formation in the pavilion would also collapse." Qi Kuo said the more angry, but He came a little late, and he didn't know that the demonic energy was sealed by Jiang Ran at the beginning. He only thought that she was seriously injured by the demonic energy, and Fan Chen would take action to heal her.

But as soon as these words came out, the immortals present were all shocked, and even the immortals who were a little angry just now that Yuzheng was tied up like this, also showed complicated expressions.

How important the seal of Moyuan is, no one in the entire six realms does not know, destroying the seal here is not much different from destroying the six realms.It can be said that even the most maddened person can do such a thing.

Especially some immortals from Tiangong looked angrily in the direction of Immortal Venerable Yuhui.

What does Beiyun mean?Although Princess Fengtian is still only a mortal, she is also an upright princess in the heavens.Princess Yuzheng actually sent such a dangerous magic talisman to the princess. Is such a straightforward method of murder a blatant challenge to the Heavenly Palace?

Yuzheng was also full of anxiety and wanted to explain loudly, but was stopped by the magic law and couldn't make a sound at all. He could only open his eyes full of grievances and looked at the three people on the opposite side, and there was a lot of moisture in his eyes.

" there any misunderstanding?" Yu Wei looked at Yuzheng with a distressed expression, and said anxiously, "Yuzheng has always been kind and kind and would never do such a thing."

"That's right." Geng Xiao, the Western Region Immortal Venerable, quickly persuaded him, "Yuzheng's identity could he destroy any seal for no reason."

"Qi Kuo, let go of people first." Nanjing Xianzun Yi Ge also took a step forward, "Everything must be asked clearly before a conclusion can be made."

Then he turned to look at Fan Chen who had just come in and said, "Tianzun Wuchen, Yuzheng's cultivation base is still shallow, and he is not good at talismanism. How could there be such a magic talisman, this is definitely not her doing."

"Yes, no one can be Yuzheng!" Geng Xiao nodded again emphasizingly.

The others also turned around and saluted at the door.

(End of this chapter)

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