Chapter 55 Another old friend

"Of course she can't do it alone!" Fan Chen didn't reply, but Qi Kuo spoke again, his eyes became colder, he looked straight at Yu Wei and said, "What if someone gave it to her?"

"What do you mean?!" Yu Wei's expression changed, and he stared at Qi Kuo in shock, "Do you suspect that I ordered this?"

Qi Kuo didn't know anything, and glared back in front of his eyes, "The devil's way has been eliminated for thousands of years, and now it is impossible to draw a magic symbol with devil's aura, except for the old man who has been in contact with the devil's way and killed the devil god. Is there such a thing?" Beiyun was born in the Protoss, so they have the strength and are bored to save this kind of thing.

"You...full of nonsense!" Yu Wei was even more angry, and said anxiously, "How could I, Beiyun, leave such a thing, Qi Kuo, I know you have always had opinions on me, but you can't slander me like this. "

"You can tell if it's slanderous." Qi Kuo didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, and said while pinching the tactic in the direction of the box on the ground, "This talisman still has the owner's breath, trace the source and find out!"

After he finished speaking, I saw the magic formula in his hand lit up, turned into white light and merged into the ancient talisman. The lid with the ancient talisman flew up in an instant, and the next moment, the flame suddenly ignited and turned into ashes, but the rising smoke began to rise. Convergence, under the traction of the spell, turns into a thin line and rises, looking for the same breath.

I saw the wisp of smoke circled in the air, and as expected, it floated in the direction of the three immortals. Yu Wei's face turned black and his eyes widened, but he saw that the smoke went straight past him, and unexpectedly landed on him. On the side of Geng Xiao.

Geng Xiao: "..."

Immortals: "..."

This result was not only Yu Wei, but even all the immortals present were stunned and looked at him with all eyes.

"It's you!" Qi Kuo was also shocked. He had always disliked the style of these people, but Geng Xiao was the only one among the three who was willing to answer a few words, but he didn't expect this talisman to belong to him.

"No, how is this possible?!" Geng Xiao looked even more shocked than everyone else, and said anxiously, "I have never seen this talisman, how could it be mine?"

"Then why did the Searching Curse fall on you?!" Qi Kuo continued to ask.

"I...I don't know either!" Geng Xiao suddenly felt a sense of indecision, and said anxiously, "Besides, I have always focused on the Tao of tools in the Temple of the Western Regions, and I am not proficient in the Tao of Talismans. I can't have this thing."

It is true that the terrain of the Western Regions is complicated. Nine out of ten monks in the Western Regions Temple are specialized in refining tools. He really has no reason to collect a magic talisman.

"This hairpin..." While everyone was thinking about it, Yi Ge suddenly glanced at the hairpins scattered on the ground and frowned.

Yu Wei, who was next to him, also looked over, and was shocked, and blurted out, "This hairpin...isn't that the defensive magic weapon that you gave to Zheng'er, Geng Xiao?"

He hurriedly picked up the hairpin that had lost its spiritual power, and as expected, found a seven-petal flower mark on it, which was the mark of the Western Regions Temple's magic weapon.

Geng Xiao's face was also pale, and he stood stiffly on the spot. The magic weapon was indeed given to Yuzheng by him, and the magic talisman carried his breath.This undoubtedly further proves that the person who destroyed the magic circle was him.

Qi Kuo burst out in anger, and this result made him even more angry than Yu Wei he had guessed, "Geng Xiao, you..."

"Yo, what's the matter? It's so lively!" He was about to have a seizure, when suddenly a soft female voice came from the sky.

The immortals turned their heads, but saw the petals all over the sky falling down like rain, and in the rain of flowers, a huge flower-shaped magic weapon carrying six or seven figures was floating down.

A woman in red is leaning in the middle of the flower-shaped magic weapon, with a gorgeous and extraordinary appearance. Even in the fairyland where the fairy is in a group, it is called the top one, and it will be amazing at a glance.

And there are six male fairies around her, and all of them can be called stunning. Some are carefully helping her to organize her dresses, some are helping her lightly pinching her wrists, and some are peeling the fairy fruit and passing her In the mouth, everyone looked at her with an expression that was called a gentle and lingering lingering.

Such a bizarre scene, I watched the immortals present for a while.

Even Jiang Ran was stunned for a while, looking at the woman's familiar face, he couldn't recognize it for a while.

It won't be...

In the next moment, the immortals gave her the answer. Except for Fan Chen and a few others, all the immortals present saluted each other.

"I have seen Lady Akira Snow."

Is it really snow? !

Qi Kuo looked at the woman who suddenly appeared, frowned, and snorted coldly, "What? Lady Huangxue, you came to save people in such a hurry? It's really a brother-in-law relationship!"

"Qi Kuo, why is your kid so unpleasant?" Seemingly dissatisfied with the other party's tone, Huang Xue supported the male fairy beside him, walked down from the magic weapon, and rolled his eyes directly at him, looking more and more charming. Kind, "Who said I'm here to save people, I just heard that your Zhentian Pavilion detained a group of immortals, so come and see the excitement."

She walked over, looked up and saw Fan Chen in front of her, she was stunned for a moment, her eyes flashed with shock, her brows instantly wrinkled, "Fuck, Fan Lianhua, why are you here? You're still alive after so many years! "

"..." Fan Chen glanced at her, but did not respond.

When Huang Xue tsk tsk circled around him, "I heard that you were out of the customs a while ago, but I didn't expect you to actually get out of it."

"Huangxue, it's useless for you to come." Qi Kuo stepped forward and interrupted, glaring angrily at the other party, "Today's matter of the talisman, your Western Regions Temple must explain clearly."

"What talisman?" Huang Xue was stunned, looked at Qi Kuo, and then turned to look at Geng Xiao on the other side, as if to see that the atmosphere was not right, and it had something to do with her hapless brother, "What are you doing again? What stupid thing?"

Huangxue is the Queen of the Temple of the Western Regions, and Geng Xiao is a brother and sister, but it is well known in the six realms that the relationship between the two is not very good.

Usually, the two of them don't have a good face when they meet. This time, Huangxue heard that he came to Zhentian Pavilion to find people in person in order to support Yuzheng. As a result, the other party didn't say anything, and he was directly detained.

Naturally, she didn't want to miss this opportunity to see a joke, so she hurried over to laugh at this stupid brother, but looking at the current situation, it seemed that something else had happened.

"Sister..." Geng Xiao called out to her, with a rare look of helplessness in her eyes, "It's not me!"

"The hairpin was given by you, and the magic talisman has your breath, so please explain why?" Qi Kuo was even more angry, and directly told about the formation riot and the magic talisman.

At first, Huang Xue was just watching the show, but the more he listened, the darker his face became, the anger in his eyes began to gather, and his hands were clenched tightly, and his face was completely dark after listening to the whole thing.

"No, these don't prove it's me..." Geng Xiao stepped forward and wanted to say something.

"Idiot!" Huang Xue suddenly burst out, raised his hand without hesitation, and shot him flying directly, smashing him on the rock behind him with a bang.

Geng Xiao didn't react at all, Huang Xue's figure flashed, and he appeared in front of him again, pulling him up. His eyes were full of anger that was thicker than that of Qi Kuo just now, and his voice was as cold as a glacier. He said, "Geng Xiao! I don't care what kind of reincarnation you are looking for in these years, but if you dare to use A Ran's life to put a seal on it, the old lady will kill you with her own hands!"

(End of this chapter)

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