Saving the Six Realms starts from falling in love

Chapter 57 8 Changes in Women's University

Chapter 57

"It's impossible!" Huangxue was the first to retort, "Who doesn't know that once the seal is broken, the demon god will probably return to the world, and who would do such a thing without a clear mind?"

"That's right." Qi Kuo thought about it and thought it was impossible, shook his head and said, "The resurrection of the devil is not good for anyone."

Jiang Ran subconsciously wanted to ask back, if there were more than demon gods in the Demon Abyss, but he still didn't speak, but his suspicion was deeper, and after thinking about it, he changed the topic and said, "Anyway, the matter of the magic talisman must be To solve it, it is better to first think about where in the Six Realms there might be such ancient talismans?”

Several people's faces sank, it is true that the seal riot was affected by the magic talisman, and this is the second time, as long as there is such an ancient talisman, such a thing will happen again.So the top priority is to resolve this matter quickly.

Huangxue thought about it for a while, and then said, "After the magic talisman was destroyed, this magic talisman has long since disappeared. If it still exists today, it is in the hands of the people who killed the devil."

"But most of those people in those days fled the world, and the only one capable of preserving this ancient talisman was the Sifang Temple." Qi Kuo frowned, remembering something, "Last time I checked Beiyun's side, as for other temples. …”

He didn't continue talking, just turned his head and looked to the side.The next moment, Huangxue rolled his eyes and said with anger, "Whatever you look at, they said it couldn't be done by the Western Regions, and we won't keep that kind of thing."

"Who knows!" Qi Kuo cut.

As soon as Akatsuki's eyes became cold, he was about to get angry.

"That being the case..." Fan Chen said in a deep voice, interrupting the two of them, "It's better to take this opportunity to thoroughly check all the temples and other old places to see if there are any traces of this magic talisman, of course, including Inside the Heavenly Palace."

Only then did the two stop bickering. It is indeed a good opportunity now. This matter is too involved, not only pointing directly at Immortal Venerable, but also Tiangong and the other two temples are involved.

Zhentian Pavilion has been put into a very embarrassing situation. They really don't believe that Geng Xiao did this, but there is no other evidence. If it is such a big matter, it will make the Six Realms laugh and let it go. The people behind the scenes are more unscrupulous to take the seal.

But if this matter is really put on Geng Xiao's head, first of all, there will be chaos in the Western Regions, and this matter also involves the Heavenly Palace. Originally, the relationship between the Temple and the Heavenly Palace is very delicate, and some people will inevitably suspect that it is the handwriting of the Heavenly Emperor.

At that time, Zhentian Pavilion, Western Regions Temple and Tiangong will also have to face each other directly. I believe it will take a long time to mess up. With the unknown behind the scenes, it will be a crisis for anyone, and maybe the next time the seal will be completely sealed. broke.

But if taking this opportunity, Zhentian Pavilion once again returned to a neutral position, and in the name of tracing, not only attacked the Sifang Temple, but also the Tiangong, and asked to trace the origin of these magic symbols, then the situation would be different.This is not just to find out the truth, on the other hand, it can also make the people behind the scenes fearful and will not continue to attack the seal.

This is simply a way to kill several birds with one stone. After thinking about it, they all agreed with Fan Chen's proposal, and initially discussed the next arrangement and how to check it.

Seeing that the sky was getting brighter, Qi Kuo and Huang Xue were also ready to leave.

"As expected of Fan Lianhua, you can think of something like using strength to fight." Huang Xue got up and yawned, glanced at Fan Chen opposite, and said a little tiredly, "Since the matter has been decided, I Just go back first."

She turned around and was about to go out, and after thinking of something, she turned around and said, "Oh, by the way, I chopped a few bamboos from your bamboo forest, but I've been having trouble sleeping lately."

The bamboo in the forest is pure heart bamboo, which has the effect of calming the mind and tranquility, and is most suitable for those who suffer from insomnia and dreaminess.After she finished speaking, she didn't wait for Fan Chen to agree, she turned around and headed towards the bamboo forest, without any intention of asking him to agree.

"Uncle, then I'll go back too." Qi Kuo also greeted him, glanced at Jiang Ran next to him, and said, "Just by the way, let's go, little princess, uncle, I'll take you back in person."

The corner of Jiang Ran's mouth twitched, but the other party had already spoken, and it was difficult to refuse, so he had to clasp his fists and say, "There is Lao Venerable."

Fan Chen, who just wanted to be alone with someone: "..."

Jiang Ran followed Qi Kuo out and saw Huang Xue walking towards the bamboo forest in the distance.At this time, she was surrounded by five or six handsome male fairies. They seemed to have been waiting outside all night, and they happily greeted them when they saw Huangxue come out.Huang Xue also smiled with a charming face. From time to time, he pulled the little hand of this male fairy, and then touched the male fairy's chin.

Seeing Qi Kuo shaking his head, Jiang Ran couldn't help but sigh. Compared with that cute and amiable girl who was just like the little neighbor girl, she has really changed a lot.

She couldn't help but wonder what she had been through all these years.This curiosity continued until she returned to the house and asked Qing Jue, who came back one step ahead of her, this question.

"Huangxue Nvjun?" Qing Jue opened her eyes, obviously she knew it, and quickly pulled her to gossip, "Your Highness, don't get too close to her, majesty, she... is not very good in the fairyland. !"

"Ah! Why?" She was even more curious.

"Because, cough..." She coughed, it seemed a little hard to say, and she said after a while, "Although she is one of the most beautiful female fairy in the Six Realms, but she has a certain personality... It is rumored that she likes to play with the sincerity of male fairy. Yes, many handsome men who have just ascended have fallen in love with her at first sight, but in the end, they all ended bleakly, and even some of them were obsessed with it.

"Uh..." Is it so tragic?
"The male cultivators in the Six Realms are always talking about her." Qing Jue shook her head, thinking of something and continued, "I heard that the original owner of the Western Sanctuary was her, but I don't know why Geng Xiao became Immortal Venerable. So all the immortals called her a majesty to show respect. Originally, I hoped that she would return to the Immortal Venerable position when she figured it out, but just because of her temperament... Now there has been no mention of the Western Regions for a long time. She's reset."

"There's such a thing." No wonder she felt that the title of female monarch was a bit strange, and there was no such rank in the fairy world.

"I don't know if it is because of this, but the female monarch has become more and more reckless about the gazes of the immortals in the past century, and the male immortals around her have changed one after another." She is also becoming more and more popular, and she likes to travel the six worlds with male immortals. She often makes a move if she disagrees. It's just that she has a high level of cultivation, even above Immortal Venerable. Conflict has suffered."

"Is that so?" Jiang Ran was stunned, thinking that Huang Xue had changed a lot, but I didn't expect it to be so big, and seeing that her temperament is really hot now, just a little bit, she actually wants to ask Xiao Lianhua...

and many more!

Pure-hearted bamboo, hot personality, poor sleep...

She suddenly thought of something and stood up abruptly.

"Your Highness?" Qing Jue looked over suspiciously.

But I saw Jiang Ran's face suddenly darkened, and there was a chill in the dark eyes, and it seemed like a different person in an instant, "I won't go to the school today, I'll go out."

After saying that, he went out with a cold face, and even started the teleportation amulet and returned to Fan Chen's residence. He pushed open the door and said, "Little Lotus, Huang Xue, this is the first time that you want to be pure-hearted?"

"A Ran?" Fan Chen was stunned for a moment, looked at the person who had left and returned, and replied, "It should be three... Bamboo, what's the problem?"

Jiang Ran took a deep breath, but the anger in his heart became more and more intense, and he couldn't hold it back. The casual and kind expression on his body was swept away. 's edge.

Or two people together, really good, too, very! !
"Go and bring them to me, right away, right away!"

(End of this chapter)

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