Saving the Six Realms starts from falling in love

Chapter 58 Give You a Chance to Explain

Chapter 58 Give You a Chance to Explain

When Huang Xue and Qi Kuo were brought back again, they were all confused, especially when Huang Xue couldn't help complaining about Fan Chen in front of him, "Isn't everything discussed, why are you calling me here? I don't have time to spend with you."

After she finished speaking angrily, she walked around him and walked into the house, but looked up and saw Jiang Ran who was cold and cold on the opposite side.

At this time, Jiang Ran was completely changed, all those hidden peaks were released, and with that indifferent and dignified expression, even Fan Chen felt that he had returned to the past in an instant.

The two people who had just entered the room froze in place, especially when the person on the opposite side turned to look at them, the powerful sense of oppression and familiarity suddenly came over them, and inexplicably their hearts began to beat like a drum. Unbelievable thoughts came to my mind, who is she...? !

"How long have you been in need of Qingxinzhu to calm down?" Jiang Ran asked directly to Huangxue on the left.

Huang Xue was in a mess, suddenly short of breath and started to feel guilty, as if all the pride could not be gathered in front of the person in front of him, and after a while, he gritted his teeth and retorted, "This... What does this have to do with you?"

Jiang Ran's brows suddenly wrinkled, and Huang Xue regretted it instantly. If she wanted to go back, she had turned her eyes away and looked at Qi Kuo, "You said it!"

"Three...three years." Qi Kuo rushed out. Compared with Huang Xue, Qi Kuo's reaction was even greater. His eyes widened to the extreme, and his mind was buzzing. An extremely absurd idea was about to be broken. Sealed out.

She is……

"Three years!" Jiang Ran's eyes became darker, he suddenly sneered, and glanced at the two in disappointment, but the anger in his heart became more and more intense, and finally he couldn't hold back the gushing out, "Okay... You two are very skilled, you even dare to practice magic arts, right?"

She suddenly patted the table hard and stood up.

A bang sounded in an instant, as if it had hit the hearts of the two of them fiercely, awakening them instantly.

The two of them couldn't help but their feet softened, and the next moment, with two thuds, Qi Qi knelt down towards each other.

That absurd conjecture was instantly confirmed, and looking at the person who was obviously unfamiliar but extremely familiar in front of him, his eyes were wet.

"Your Highness..." It was her, it was really him!

For a time, thousands of emotions rushed up frantically, and Huang Xue couldn't help it at first, and cried out, "Zun Shang, Zun Shang... wow ah ah... Zun Shang, wah ah ah..."

She was clearly a majestic and proud lady of the Western Regions just a moment ago, but at this moment she burst into tears, and the sound of howling resounded throughout the world. If Fan Chen had not set up an isolation formation in advance, maybe the entire Zhentian Pavilion could hear it. .

Although Qi Kuo was a little better, he just didn't cry. The tear-filled face was no different from Huang Xue's, but he still kept his tearful eyes open and didn't dare to blink, as if he blinked. people will disappear again.

Jiang Ran was stunned, even with anger, and looked at the two people who were crying like dogs in front of her, which made her ask how to go on.

She sighed, didn't step up or stop the two people on the ground, turned around and sat back, letting them vent.

The two cried for a full half an hour, completely immersed in the surprise and emotion of the reunion, until their voices became hoarse, only to realize it later, the other party is now angry, and extremely The angry kind.

"Sister..." Qi Kuo weakly stretched out his hand to tug at the corner of her clothes, and looked at the person opposite as if begging for mercy. The arrogant and wanton powerhouse in the daytime turned into a pitiful big dog in an instant. dog.

Jiang Ran was unmoved, instead he lightly swept away his outstretched hand, and the other party had to shrink back again.

"Give you a chance to explain, now make it clear." She said coldly.

The two kneeling upright looked at each other and seemed to have reacted. There were thousands of words to ask, but they still chose to answer her question first, "Respect... Zun, you misunderstood what we practiced. It's not a magic art, but a kind of spiritual art, although it does affect the mood a bit, sometimes I can't control my emotions, and it needs to be suppressed with pure heart bamboo, but it's not..."

Akira's voice became smaller and smaller under the gaze of the other party, until she couldn't speak anymore and buried her head.

That's right, it affects the state of mind, disturbs the mind, and requires the use of pure heart bamboo to suppress the inner power mental method. What is it if it is not a magic power?
Qi Kuo's complexion also changed, as if he had just begun to think deeply about the truth about the magic of the gods. The more he thought about it, the deeper his heart became, and his face began to turn pale. Could it really be a magic art.

"Where did you come from?" Jiang Ran continued to ask.

The two were stunned for a moment, but they didn't hide it from Jiang Ran at all, and replied directly, "Yes... it was given to us by Yi Ge."

"Yi Ge?" Jiang Ran was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, he realized that the two of them were talking about the current Southern Realm Immortal Venerable.

She didn't have a deep impression of this person, she only remembered that he joined in the latter stage of their exorcism.She was originally the immortal of the original Southern Shrine, and the only safe place in the chaotic world was the shrine guarded by the Protoss.He was considered a righteous immortal who had a good life in the era when the devil was rampant. Later, she assembled all the immortals to counterattack the devil. He was also the first to join the southern temple, and more immortals from the southern border joined after him.

"Thousands of years ago, Yi Ge discovered the ruins of the old god, and found the practice method called 'Spiritual Refinement' in it." Qi Kuokou continued to reply, "He has practiced longer than us, He was elected as Immortal Venerable because of the big rise, and later he gave this exercise to me and Huangxue."

"He gives it, you practice!" Jiang Ran frowned.

"Of course not." Qi Kuo immediately shook his head and explained anxiously, "In the beginning, we had doubts about the authenticity of this practice until we were sure that the other party was indeed practicing the same practice, and that they had not practiced the same practice for so many years. It's a big problem, so I and Huang Xuecai..."

"That's right, it's only been nearly a hundred years since we started to try to practice." Huangxue also quickly explained that they really thought it was a divine art, but they didn't know it could be a magic art.

Jiang Ran closed his eyes and continued to ask in a deep voice, "Why did he give you this exercise?" If this exercise can help the other party become an immortal, and it is also the magic formula he thinks, Yi Ge even wants to Looking for a successor is also a person from the South, not Qi Kuo and Huangxue who have no great friendship with him.

The two of them were silent, as if they didn't know how to answer, they just looked up at her, and after a while, Qi Kuo said with some hesitation, "Because...there is a technique in that exercise, but...concentrating and gathering souls is very important. Shape your soul!"

"..." Jiang Ran paused, widened his eyes in shock, and suddenly understood who the soul they wanted to reshape was.

Huang Xue also nodded and said, "Yi Ge said this is a divine technique, but there is no god in the world, he can't do it alone, so..."

That's why he taught Huang Xue and Qi Kuo the exercises, not because of how familiar he was with them, but because he was sure that the two would definitely agree and would like him to resurrect her at all costs.

Jiang Ran sighed for a long time, and rubbed his forehead tiredly. He suddenly felt extremely ridiculous and ironic. It turned out that the two of them practiced that kind of thing just to revive her.

"Go and abolish the practice!"

(End of this chapter)

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