Saving the Six Realms starts from falling in love

Chapter 82 Just Insufficient Greed

Chapter 82 Just Insufficient Greed
Although Heavenly Emperor didn't know what retirement was, she understood the phrase "Care for Life" and was shocked.Obviously Fengtian's bone age is also around, let alone in the fairy world, even in the mortal world, it is in the prime of life, and it has nothing to do with old age, at least it can work for hundreds of years. Could it be that the outer world has already been rolled up like this?
She continued to persuade her again, but seeing that the other party was still detached from the world, unwilling to be powerful, and dedicated to old age, she had no choice but to say, "Fengtian, you also know that you are under the divine decree, if you really If you don't want to get involved in the affairs of the heavenly world, then... you can only be the person that the decree said."

"I understand." Jiang Ran nodded, Tiandao predicted that her bloodline would be the savior to solve the crisis in the Three Realms.If she doesn't want to be a social animal working for the heaven, then she can only be a good mascot and give birth to a savior quickly.

"Forget it..." The Heavenly Emperor sighed and gave up the idea of ​​continuing to recruit her. "Since you have no intention of doing this, then I can't force it. As for your selection of a Taoist companion, it should be put on the agenda."

Saying that her serious expression changed, she winked ambiguously at her and said, "You have also had a lot of time in Zhentian Pavilion. I heard that there are many talents in that pavilion, so you don't have one or two that you like? "

"..." The corner of Jiang Ran's mouth twitched, what was the danger of persuading her to eat the grass by the side of the nest, and the rhythm of the emperor was too fast.

"Or, are you interested in those Immortal Monarchs I sent over?" The Emperor of Heaven still said to himself, "It doesn't matter who you like, just tell me, I will help you." He patted her hand and said, "You are all retired, so hurry up."

"..." Immediately, there was a feeling that he had lifted a stone and smashed his foot.

"I think Ziheng is pretty good, haven't you seen the most, and have you worked together?" Heavenly Emperor's eyes suddenly lit up with gossip, "And Changze, Yuguang, Chengjin and the others will also go to Zhentian Pavilion for you. What do you think of those who have delivered? And..."

She started chatting with her incessantly about the wonderful young people in the immortal world, and even meant to put the one-on-one blind date that was once stopped because of a certain immortal prince on the agenda again.

Although Jiang Ran felt a little awkward, he didn't reject it, so it didn't matter. Anyway, he had to choose whether he was a social animal or a mascot, so he nodded and said, "But it's up to Your Majesty's arrangement."

As soon as she said these words, the Emperor of Heaven was naturally happy, but the air beside him seemed to suddenly be cold for a moment, and it was whirring coldly.It was only then that she remembered that there was a person who had listened to the whole process hidden by her side.

Little lotus?What's wrong with this?

"I heard that you were acquainted with Lady Huangxue from the Western Regions during the last competition?" Before he could think about it, the Heavenly Emperor said again, "She knows the young talents of the Three Realms best, have you inquired about her to choose from? One or two? Of course... if you're like her, it's okay to choose seven or eight to stay by your side."

Jiang Ran suddenly remembered the appearance of five or six handsome immortals followed by Huang Xue, like her, "Well, also... it's not impossible!"

After the words fell, the other party looked more happy, but the space beside him became colder.

Heavenly Emperor once again took out the last booklet, which was written on the outstanding young people of the Three Realms, and began to introduce them to her one by one, until the date of meeting was sure to be settled.

It has been two hours since Jiang Ran came out of the Tiangong, and she didn't stay in the Tiangong any longer, and set off directly.Since there was a small lotus next to him, the speed was much faster than last time, but it was already sunset when the two returned to Zhentian Pavilion.

The two did not alarm anyone, the whole Zhentian Pavilion was silent, and it was the first time that Jiang Ran looked at this small floating island at night.The whole island was dark, only a few circles were glowing, and it was quiet and lonely.

The usually lively floating island seems to have fallen into a deep sleep, with only the sound of waves coming from the sea below.It was a rare quiet night, which made her not want to go back to the house. She glanced at the highest mountain, but found that there seemed to be a faint blue light shrouded there.

"Little Lotus, where is...Little Lotus?" She called out a few times, but the people beside her didn't respond. lotus!"

"Ah?" The person beside him was startled, and then he came back to his senses, "A burning?"

"What's wrong with you?" It seemed that something was wrong with him since he left the Heavenly Palace. He had been by her side all the time, but from time to time he would be distracted, as if he had fallen into some kind of chaotic thoughts.

"No...nothing?" A trace of panic flashed on his face, and he changed the subject directly, "What did Ah Ran just say?"

"Just wanted to ask, where is that blue light..." Where.

"Okay." Before she could finish her words, Xiao Lianhua thought she wanted to go there and nodded, "I'll take you there."

After speaking, he directly squeezed the formula and flew towards that direction with her.

"..." Jiang Ran was a little speechless, and when he reacted, he had already landed in a flower bush emitting a faint blue light, "This is..."

"Silent Moon Flower." Little Lotus explained, "It only blooms when the moonlight comes out, so you can't see it during the day."

"So that's the case." She sat down directly, took off one flower and played with it in her hand, but turned her eyes to the person on the opposite side. Seeing his different expression, she couldn't help but say, "My identity in Tiangong now, But is it embarrassing for you?"

"How could it be?" He was stunned for a moment. He was her own, so how could he be embarrassed, "Why does Ah Ran ask that?"

"I saw you coming out of the Tiangong, and you have been thinking about it all the time." Jiang Ran said directly, "But the emperor's next arrangement for Zhentian Pavilion will make your position difficult, so..."

"How is that possible!" Fan Chen shook his head vigorously, "Zhentian Pavilion exists because of you, Ah Ran, and there is no position or position."

"That's good." Jiang Ran smiled, his eyes were gentle but he looked at him seriously, "Little Lotus, I hope you know that that chaotic era has passed, as long as there is no more trouble in the Six Realms, other I don't want to interfere in the matter, and nothing is as important as your wishes, don't have to force yourself at any time, just tell me directly."

He was stunned for a while, looking at the serious and sincere eyes of the other party, the complicated emotions in his heart were surging like a tsunami, and he could hardly control it, telling the people in front of him all the thoughts that he had suppressed and hidden for thousands of years. But what if she said it, maybe she will really do what he wants, but it may not be what he wants.

Maybe the other party didn't even think about it, would he have that kind of thoughts on her?The more he went on like this, the more he could not say it, and in the end it only became a voice, "It's nothing to force, it's just... greedy is not enough."

Yes, he was just greedy. Even though she had already returned, he greedily wanted to go further, greedily wanted to reveal his thoughts, greedily wanted to be around him... only him.

(End of this chapter)

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