Saving the Six Realms starts from falling in love

Chapter 83 The Young Man Came on the Moon

Chapter 83 The Young Man Came on the Moon
Jiang Ran didn't hear what he said, but seeing that he didn't really want to say it, he didn't ask in detail, but he didn't look like he was in a low mood. A jar, "I almost forgot, I still have two jars of good wine, and the moonlight is just right today, why don't you drink a few glasses with me?"

After she finished speaking, she directly handed over one of the jars. Didn't she say that drinking can relieve her worries?Since he doesn't want to say it, then she will accompany him to drink, and she will always be happy.

Fan Chen was stunned for a moment. She was surprised that she actually had wine. She reached out and took it. After thinking about it, she sat down beside her. As soon as the wine jar was opened, the aroma of the wine suddenly overflowed. It was indeed a rare good wine. All dissolved a little.

"Come on, drink!" Jiang Ran directly touched his wine jar and drank it first.

Fan Chen glanced at her, and inexplicably, those days in those days appeared in front of him. Although the crusade against the Demon Dao was difficult, there were occasional moments when it was a little easier.At that time, they would get together to drink and admire the moon just like now, but there was always a large group of people around her back then, and everyone chatted and talked about what they wanted to do after the demons were eliminated.But in the end, it will turn into a bragging conference, all shouting about how many demons they have just killed.

There are often disputes when we talk and talk, and we even get excited and move our hands. In the end, it takes Ah Ran to come forward to persuade them. But no matter how fierce the trouble is, when the sun rises the next day, everyone will live and die together. good brother.

It was a difficult, but extremely wanton time, but when she left, it was no longer possible.Fan Chen couldn't help but feel a sense of loss in his heart, he raised the wine jar and took two sips.

The mellow aroma of the wine instantly occupied the entire mouth, and there was a kind of sweetness that entered the heart and lungs, and the aroma was a little stronger. This wine was no different from the fine wine that his apprentice Hong Yi kept privately, even after drinking it. There was also a faint spiritual power coming back.

Wait, Reiki? !

Fan Chen thought of something and asked anxiously, "What kind of wine is this?"

"I don't know!" Jiang Ran replied while drinking, "It was given by someone else, I heard it was from Bai Niu Gu... What a thousand days... Oh thousand days drunk."

"Bai Niu Gu!" Fan Chen's eyes widened in surprise, "Jiu Xian's Bai Niu Gu? No, Ah Ran, stop, you can't drink this wine!" He quickly turned around and held Jiang Ran who was still drinking. .

"What are you afraid of?" Jiang Ran subconsciously avoided his hand and gave him a reassuring look, "You don't know how much I drink? Back then... who could drink me?"

"But this is immortal brew!" Fan Chen was anxious, grabbed the jar in her hand, and shook it only to find that half of it was already missing.

"You, it's just too much to worry about." Jiang Ran said with a still indifferent look, "What about Xianjiu, we used to drink a lot, how often do you see me drunk... Hey, you stand Don't listen to me, why are you dangling around?"

Fan Chen, who didn't move at all, had a black line on his head, yes, it was too late, he was already drunk.

She really used to be a thousand cups without getting drunk, but did she forget that now her body is still mortal, and the more mellow the immortal brew is, the more spiritual power that is transformed from the wine gas, not to mention that Baijiu Gu is originally made of wine. Famous for her wine, the wine and altar produced are all fine wines with strong spiritual power, and her body can't bear such a strong wine at all.

"A Ran, you are drunk." He put the wine jar on the ground and wanted to help her up.

"Nonsense!" Jiang Ran shook his head vigorously, and directly retorted, "I'm very awake... very clear... hiccup~"

Even though she said that, her face started to turn red, and her eyes began to blur. The body that had just been straight just swayed, and even faintly turned upside down in his direction.

Fan Chen quickly supported the person, "A Ran, I will help you go back to rest."

"I don't!" Unexpectedly, the person who had always reasoned with reason suddenly became self-willed. Not only did she stay still on the ground, but the spirits just now seemed to blur her consciousness, and the words came out of her head, "I have to… ...Listen to you, I like"

Fan Chen's heart trembled for a while, and for a moment he had an auditory hallucination. Looking at the unsuspecting person in front of him, he couldn't help the hidden thoughts. He closed his eyes before forcibly suppressing it, and persuaded softly, "What do you want to hear? , I'll talk about it later, go back first."

She didn't respond, she just tilted her head and looked up. Her eyes were already confused, but his shadow was clearly reflected, as if she didn't recognize him at all, she suddenly smiled and stretched out her hand towards his face He squeezed it over, "Hehe~ Which family's Xiao Langjun are you? You look... so good-looking."

"A Ran!" Fan Chen understood that she should have been completely drunk by this meeting, and was about to forcibly help her up.

She held his arm first, and suddenly leaned over, almost touching him.

Fan Chen's breath was stagnant, and the nasal sound was filled with the scent of the other party's breath. He was so close that he had never been so close, which made him feel a little dazed when he was sober, and his heartbeat was like a thunderous drum.

However, Jiang Ran seemed to just want to look closely at her face, her focused eyes patrolled his face back and forth. , "Xiao Langjun is so good-looking, how about following the deity in the future? I will take good care of you."

"A... A Ran..." Knowing that she was talking nonsense after drinking, Fan Chen was still trembling at her words, trying to wake up the person in front of him with the only remaining will.

"Good!" She seemed to have got the answer, and suddenly forced the defenseless Fan Chen to lie down on the grass, her whole body was even more weak and boneless, and she lowered her head directly towards him. Lips were attached.

Fan Chen's eyes widened abruptly, his mind went blank for a moment, he even thought that the one who was really drunk was himself, otherwise why would he see such a beautiful dream.

Reason reminded him that he should push away the unconscious person in front of him, what is the difference between this and taking advantage of the danger of others, but his almost hopeless mind is like a rain of rain, making him greedy to stay in this fantasy, even if Only once, if only for a moment.

"Ah... burn..."

"Don't good, be obedient..."


Jiang Ran suddenly dreamed of a long time ago, the day when she finally killed the last demon god and ushered in victory.At that time, the world had gradually returned to peace, and the magic way had been cleaned up.

She searched in various ways and finally found the last trace of the demon god. She was anxious to go home, without even notifying anyone, she chased after it alone, and tried her best to kill it.

The burden that had been on her for thousands of years was completely loosened at that moment.She sat alone on the top of the highest mountain in the Devil's Nest, letting the exhaustion accumulated for thousands of years drown her, she looked up at the full moon in the sky, and then she vaguely remembered that such a full moon In her original world, it seemed that it should be a festival for reunion, but she couldn't remember anything. What kind of festival was that?
In an instant, I was a little overwhelmed, and there was only a void in my heart, and I felt inexplicably as if I was about to lose something, leaving only the exhaustion and loneliness in my heart.

Until someone flew towards her from the sky on the moonlight, Xiao Lianhua was dressed in a snow-white long gown, and her appearance was so outstanding that it seemed that everything between heaven and earth had become his foil.There was a bit of anxiety in his eyes, but when he saw her, he let out a long sigh of relief and slowly opened his eyebrows.

"Ah Ran, I guessed that you would be here." He said this, slowly approached and stopped two steps away, his eyes swept across her blood-stained body, and his beautiful brows twitched again.

She raised some apologies for no reason, and shrank her shirt subconsciously, fearing that the blood on her body would stain the pure white on his body.

He didn't care, he even took two steps forward and squatted directly beside him, took out her hand, took out a handkerchief and wiped it lightly, while muttering, "You don't need to be in such a hurry. Yes, since you already know where the devil is, there is always a way to clean it up, why do you have to stand up by yourself and suffer this in vain, if you go back like this, Huangxue will definitely cry with you."

"..." Jiang Ran didn't hear what he said at all, but just felt his fingertips holding the handkerchief, rubbing against her palm little by little, taking away the bloodstains, as if warmth was flowing into his heart.

Maybe the moonlight that day was too beautiful, or maybe Xiao Lianhua's expression was too gentle, she felt that her heart was bewitched, and for the first time in her life, her heart was beating like a drum, and she even thought of taking him back with her.

But immediately she began to spurn her own filth again. She always knew that the little lotus was good-looking, and it was the kind of good-looking that completely grew on her aesthetics.It's just that she fished the other party out of the lotus pond back then, and he was only a teenager when we first met.Although they have been together for so many years, she has always regarded each other as a junior. The two are separated by seniority. It is too shameless for her to think of such a person so much younger than herself.

I had forgotten how she followed Xiao Lianhua back that day, but I vaguely remembered that before leaving the mountain, he saw flowers shining with a faint blue light all over the mountains and fields. .

"A Ran, in the future... what are your plans?"

For the first time, Jiang Ran, who has always been firm in his belief in returning home, was a little shaken. He was confused for a moment, and finally only replied, "I don't know."

Xiao Lianhua didn't seem to care about her answer, but her face was a bit more rosy than before, she hesitated for a while before she said, "Then... would you like to go to the lotus pond with me? That's where I was born. Something...I want to tell you."

Jiang Ran forgot whether she agreed or not, but not long after that day, she slaughtered all the gods and then returned to her own world.So I never had a chance to know, what exactly did Xiao Lianhua want to tell her that day?
(End of this chapter)

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