Chapter 84 Never After Drinking

When Jiang Ran woke up, he only felt an inexplicable soreness all over his body, and there was a faint inaudible sound in his ears.

She was in a hurry for no reason, and almost subconsciously reached out and pulled a hand, but when she opened her eyes, she saw a slightly flustered and shocked face.

"Little Lotus?" She was stunned for a moment, looking at the person in front of her, but before she could ask more, there was a burst of pain in her head, which made her frown, "My head hurts."

"Ah Ran!" Fan Chen was in a hurry, and he still regretted that he was too greedy for the warmth stolen in that moment, so that he didn't leave in time and was caught by her, but at this time there was only worry left, and he hurriedly squeezed a formula Help her to dissipate some of the remaining alcohol, "You drank too much last night, that's why."

"Last night..." Jiang Ran was stunned for a while, and seemed to recall it seriously, but his head hurt more and more, "I was... drunk yesterday?"

Fan Chen, who was still nervous at first, saw that there was no anger or shame on her face, only a blank look, as if she couldn't remember what happened yesterday, and at the same time he was slightly relieved, but a bigger feeling surged in his heart. of loss.This was the best outcome he wanted, wasn't it?
"I'll pour you a cup of tea, take it easy for a while." His originally not very bright eyes suddenly became even darker, and he turned around and poured her a cup of tea.

Jiang Ran took a sip of tea, and then the headache that was like a blast was relieved a little. He returned to the cage a little bit rationally, put down the cup, and looked at the neatly dressed and calm person before him, and then slowly said, "I'm not used to it for a while. Change it, I didn't expect my body to drink immortal wine and get so drunk. Yesterday...I didn't do anything scandalous, did I?"

Fan Chen's hand that took the cup trembled, and was almost overwhelmed by the sourness in his heart. He clearly wanted to force a smile back to her, but he found that he couldn't move the corner of his mouth, so he had to avoid her eyes for a while. "No... nothing."

"Oh, is it?" Jiang Ran replied, as if he really couldn't remember the slightest, and asked casually, "Then how did I get back to the house, and why did I change my clothes?" She tugged on herself The clothes looked at him.

Fan Chen turned his head directly, avoiding the sight of him by putting down the cup, and turned his back to her and replied softly, "You lie on the ground after being drunk, and your clothes are stained, I will cast a spell to help you change."

"Oh..." Jiang Ran looked at his light blue shirt, closed his eyes gently, and said a little tiredly, "I trouble you yesterday."

"It's nothing." He took a deep breath before turning around and said in a hurry, "Since you're awake, I'll go back first, remember to have someone cook a bowl of hangover soup for you. Take it easy."

After speaking, he turned around and was about to leave, his footsteps were messy, as if he was trying to escape from something.

"Stop!" Someone who was still holding his head suddenly made a sound. His voice was different from the coldness just now. Fan Chen subconsciously paused and didn't have time to turn around. The next moment, his hand tightened again. Jiang Ran Suddenly he reached out his hand and grabbed him, pulling him back sharply.

His eyes widened, but he didn't react.The other party pushed it hard, and he fell backward uncontrollably, and when he came back, he fell on the bed.But Jiang Ran, who was not sober just now, suddenly leaned over, put his hands on his head, and sat directly on him.

"A... A Ran..." Fan Chen was stunned, but for a moment he forgot to resist.

At this time, Jiang Ran changed his confused look, his eyes were sharp and clear, and without saying a word, he stretched out his hand and slammed open the front of his shirt, revealing the criss-crossing inside, all kinds of obvious scratches, and one by one ambiguous. Traces, her eyes suddenly lit up, stared at his chest, and said again, "Did nothing really happen last night, eh?"

Fan Chen was still lying on the bed sluggishly, but his eyes were filled with despair.

She found it!Discovering his thoughts toward her; discovering that he clearly took advantage of others' dangers, but deceived himself and self-righteously compromised; discovering that he was actually not as bad as he thought, or even worse, she must be completely disappointed now.

"A Ran..." He suddenly didn't dare to face her, and he didn't even dare to look at her expression. The hands that he stretched out trembled so much that he could barely cover his eyes, "Don't be like this, it's me...

"I'll be responsible." He hadn't finished speaking, but the other party suddenly whispered something.

Fan Chen was stunned for a moment. For a moment, he thought he was hallucinating. Then he let go of one hand and looked at the person in front of him, but unexpectedly saw the other person's blushing face, and some eyes that avoided his guilty conscience.

"A Ran... don't you want to kill me directly?" he said in a daze.

"Ah?" Jiang Ran opened his eyes, "Why am I killing you?"

"But I..." Fan Chen still looked into her eyes in disbelief, "Did that kind of thing to you..." He was clearly driven by his own desires, and he clearly couldn't withstand the dark thoughts that had persisted for thousands of years. her innocence.

"Isn't that my initiative...cough...?" Jiang Ran's face became even redder. It was the first time in thousands of years that he was so out of order, and it was inevitable that he would feel a little uncomfortable. Who knew that when he woke up, the other party wanted to run away. He sank and couldn't help but said, " lied to me last night, but you...are not happy with me?"

"No, I am happy with you, only with you." Fan Chen replied in a hurry, but it was still a little unreal. The whole person seemed to be stuck in the fantasy of last night. If he could, he would not want to wake up.

"Then... that's good." Jiang Ran scratched his red face, "Just... just say it, I have asked you so many times."

"I thought that you were just talking drunk after drinking, so..." Fan Chen suddenly remembered that she had indeed repeatedly asked him about his feelings last night, but in that case, he thought it was just How can the momentary confusion be taken seriously, even if she has always been a person who keeps her word...

Wait, is it because Ah Ran has him in his heart or just because of his drunken promise last night that he accepts him so easily.

His face was instantly pale, and he suppressed his thoughts for too long, which made him completely lose confidence, and even some couldn't believe the surprise that fell from the sky.She has always made great promises, even the marriage contract with Yu Kai that year, clearly did not agree, but she still protected Yu Kai for so many years, and never thought of clarifying it.

Is it the same this time?It's just because I was drunk last night, I happened to know his intentions, and I couldn't bear his sadness, that's why...

"Then what..." Seeing the person in front of him, he suddenly began to worry about gains and losses again, Jiang Ran couldn't help but said, "Tell you a common sense."

"…Huh?" He froze for a moment.

Jiang Ran wanted to lean towards his ear, but he didn't take into account the current situation, so that the whole person was pressed on him, and whispered in his ear, "Actually, there has never been a drunken disorder in the world. , there is only a long-planned revelation."


For a moment, he seemed to see the flowers of the whole world.

(End of this chapter)

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