Saving the Six Realms starts from falling in love

Chapter 98 Sudden Eating Big Melon

Chapter 98 Sudden Eating Big Melon
Jiang Ran sent a letter to the Emperor, and after explaining the whole story, he immediately set off for the demon world.With Qi Kuo, it took only two days for the two of them to reach the border of the fairy and demon after the three-day journey.

They concealed their breath, bypassed the guards of Jiecheng and entered the demon world directly.Jiang Ran carefully recalled that the information about the Xianlang Blessed Land that Xiaobaicai mentioned at the beginning, inferred the specific location, and it didn't take much effort to reach that area.

Compared with the Xianlang Paradise described by Xiaobai Cai, what she saw was an ordinary valley. Maybe it took a long time to give birth to too many immortals like Xiaobai Cai. Now the aura in the valley is not so strong, even Some are thin, but the vegetation is still lush, as if witnessing the prosperity of the past.

Jiang Ran sensed it carefully, and indeed noticed the breath of the cabbage spiritual power in the valley, but it was very weak, and it should have been away for some days.

"Sister, come and see." Qi Kuo waved to her from the front, "There are traces of fighting here."

She took a few steps in a hurry, and when she looked over, she saw a piece of scorched earth in the originally lush valley, as if it had been burned by the fire.

And the trees next to it are also damaged. It should have been a fight, and the time is within the past few days.

Jiang Ran squatted down, rubbed the soil on the ground, rolled it with his fingertips, and could still sense the remnants of ignition gas.So he turned to look at the person next to him, "The aura here hasn't completely dissipated, try it with the Shuoguang Mantra."

Qi Kuo was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately, and quickly formed a seal with his hands, and soon a beam of light swept across the whole scorched earth, the next moment I saw the originally pitch-black ground, and began to emit wisps of white smoke. The unquenched fire on the ground contained the spiritual energy of the caster.The Shuoguang Mantra can use these breaths to reproduce images that have happened here recently.

Sure enough, in less than half a while, the white smoke began to gather into a group, and then formed a picture of the past.It's just because it's been too long, it's not very clear, and you can only vaguely see the situation of a few people fighting.

One of them was a plain woman who was holding a sword against another person. She was very familiar with her body shape and exercises, and Jiang Ran recognized it at a glance.She really came here, and she still disappeared here.

I saw that there were seven or eight people who were fighting against them. Their figures were blurry and their faces could not be seen clearly, as if they had deliberately used magic to cover them up.Their cultivation base is obviously higher than that of Qing Jueji, at least the cultivation base of Shang Xian.

Soon the Qingjue people were captured by the other party. They didn't seem to have any plans to take their lives, but only sealed the spiritual power of a few people.Strangely, compared to Qing Jue, the immortal companion who was captured with her seemed even more angry and was saying something to the enemy. Unfortunately, the Shuoguang Mantra only had images and no sound.

"Sister, they seem to be heading south." Qi Kuo glanced at the image that had begun to dissipate, then pointed to the right and said, "Ni Cangjing is in the north, Qing Jue and the others should not be in Ni Cangjing."

"Well." Jiang Ran nodded, as he had guessed before, this was indeed a conspiracy, "What's in the south?"

Qi Kuo recalled it for a while before he said, "There are several demon cities over there, as well as some demon forests and secret valleys, and then there's..." He paused for a moment, widened his eyes abruptly, and said, "Demon King City!"

Her face suddenly became solemn, Qi Kuo frowned and said, "Could it be that the little cabbage was taken away by the demon king?" This can also explain why there were so many masters in the image just now.

"No matter what, just go and see." Jiang Ran said solemnly.

Qi Kuo didn't delay, he directly called out the spirit sword, took Jiang Ranyu sword up, and was about to leave this small valley.Jiang Ran turned her head and glanced, but suddenly saw a familiar crisp green beside the scorched earth below, it was a cabbage field, with her familiar spiritual power, something came to her mind.

"and many more!"

Qi Kuo's body suddenly stopped in the air, and he turned around inexplicably, "What's wrong, sister?"

Jiang Ran did not answer immediately, but looked at the piece of cabbage thoughtfully. The ground was still turning over new soil, which was obviously planted by Qing Jue after arriving here.

It was clear that the surroundings had been destroyed like this, but the piece of cabbage was full and green, and it seemed that it was completely unaffected by the scorched earth.

"Qi Kuo..." She frowned and pointed at the scorched earth on the ground, "You said that those who attacked Qing Jue were clearly prepared, and they used magic to hide their figures in advance to prevent them from attacking Qing Jue. Someone probed their identities, and why didn't they remove the aura on the scorched earth after they left, so that people could easily use the Shuoguang Mantra to learn what happened here?"

Qi Kuo was stunned for a moment, and instantly reacted, "They did it on purpose?!" Leaving the breath makes it difficult to see who it is, but points out the clues to leave, in order to lead people to the Demon King's Palace.

This piece of scorched earth has been left behind by the opponent from the very beginning, so that piece of cabbage will grow so well, I am afraid that it has deliberately used magic to make it not affected by the anger here, and it can make people think that Qing Jue They've been here before, which means...

"Qing Jue and the others are absolutely impossible in the Demon King Palace!" Jiang Ran affirmed.

This person behind the scenes must have made a lot of plans. The magic talisman sent to Feng Zhao for help before was calculated that she would come directly to the demon world under her impulse.But if not, they will definitely come to this valley to confirm, so they have prepared misleading clues here.

"Then where are they now?" Qi Kuo pondered, and didn't realize until he saw Jiang Ran's clear eyes, "Reverse Cangjing, they are really in Adversity!"

"The most dangerous place is often the safest place." Jiang Ran said in a deep voice, but his expression became more solemn, "Perhaps the so-called Ni Cangjing is not as simple as the extremely evil place on the surface."

Qi Kuo's face also sank, he immediately turned his direction, and flew towards the north, explaining as he flew, "I remember that this so-called extremely evil place appeared hundreds of years ago, and I heard that someone saw it inside. I have been to the ancient demon souls, and several big demons were folded in it at that time. Until now, after this demon king ascended the throne, the place was set as a forbidden area, and all demon clans were forbidden to enter."

"Forbidden land?" Jiang Ran continued, "Although it is so dangerous, why didn't we deal with it in time? Even if the demon clan can't solve it, we can ask Tiangong for help." After all, the demon world is still under the control of Tiangong.

"The demon world was in chaos at that time!" Qi Kuo continued to explain, "The Emperor of Heaven had just been in charge of the Six Realms. Someone once rebelled against the sky, and the last demon king intervened, resulting in heavy losses. The demon clan was at a loss, and the former demon king also Falling down. And the big demons fought to the death for the throne of the demon king. It was very chaotic. It was not until a few big demons unexpectedly fell in the Adverse Cang Realm that the current demon king..."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly stopped.

Damn, why do you feel like you have eaten a big melon from a demon king?The sudden appearance of Ni Cangjing, the fall of the big demon, and the discovery of the demon king, is there really nothing to do with it?

My sister is right, this adversity is really not that simple.

(End of this chapter)

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