Saving the Six Realms starts from falling in love

Chapter 99 The real plan of the demon world

Chapter 99 The real plan of the demon world

Qi Kuo said that the Ni Cang Realm is on the border north of the demon world, and because it is too dangerous, the demon clan will not approach it easily.Sure enough, the closer the two of them got to the Ni Cang Realm, the more desolate the surrounding area became. Not only were there fewer and fewer monsters appearing, but the environment also became worse and worse. You could only see yellow sand and dead branches all over the ground, and you couldn't even find a trace of green. The yellow sand all over the sky covered the sky and the sun, making the whole area dark.

"The front should be the entrance of the Ni Cang Realm." Qi Kuo pointed to the high mountains composed of layers of rocks in front of him. The rocky mountains are like natural barriers. There is only a winding path below, and a few roads can be seen faintly. The figure stood by the side of the road.

"After all, it's a forbidden area in the demon world. There are guards in such a remote place." Qi Kuo glanced at it, and then said, "But there are only four demon clans. It shouldn't be difficult for me to lure them away and sneak in again."

"Wait a minute." Jiang Ran didn't let him go directly, but hid not far away, carefully observing the four monsters guarding the border over there.I saw that the four demons were constantly patrolling the surroundings. They were straight and sharp-eyed. They looked well-trained, and they were not like ordinary guards who guarded the forbidden area all the year round.

"If there is really a problem here, it is impossible to have only four monster guards." Jiang Ran analyzed in a deep voice, "Let's not disturb them, and go around to the side to see if we can get in?"

Qi Kuo nodded obediently, and led Jiang Ran to turn around towards the side. In order not to attract attention, he deliberately hid his figure with a trick.It's just that the entire Ni Cang Realm seems to be surrounded by layers of rocky mountains, and the rocky mountains can't be seen at a glance.Moreover, there is a strong demon resentment everywhere, and if you are not careful, you will be tricked.

The two turned around, but they couldn't find any other entrance except for the entrance of the path just now.

"This terrain is really dangerous." Qi Kuo couldn't help but sighed, "With such a strong demon resentment, it's no wonder those big monsters fell here back then."

"Aura of resentment..." Jiang Ran looked up at the strong atmosphere around him, frowned after thinking for a while, and said, "Do you's not so much resentment, it's better to say that the monster aura here is too strong ?”

"Ah?" Qi Kuo was stunned for a moment, and looked carefully at the rocky mountain in front of him, which was filled with gray aura everywhere. The so-called demon resentment spirit is after the tragic death of the demon clan, after the resentment is too deep and merged with its own demon spirit, wandering A kind of poisonous air in the world.The higher the level of the monster clan, the stronger this kind of monster resentment.So it is not so much one kind of breath, but actually two kinds, evil spirit and resentment spirit.

The Ni Cang Realm claims to have the demonic resentment of the ancient great demon, so Qi Kuo didn't elaborate on it at first. After Jiang Ran reminded him, he found that the proportion of the demonic energy on these rocky mountains seems to be too high, instead of resentment It's not much, which is obviously abnormal.After all, after the death of the Yaozu, the monster energy will dissipate. Only strong resentment can keep the monster energy in life.

His expression changed, he no longer avoided those auras from a distance, but immediately made a trick and hit the rocky mountain in front of him.In the next moment, there was a flash of light, and there was a bang in the ear. The rock mountain was not crushed, but a ripple like a magic talisman appeared, which swung around and returned to its original state in an instant. .

"This is not a real rock, but a magic circle!" He exclaimed.

Jiang Ran also saw it, and it was a multi-layer magic circle, which could not only transform such false illusions, but also completely hide the real appearance of this area.

She made a formula directly, inspected the formation carefully, then turned her head to look at the human being next to her and said, "Qi Kuo, try to dissolve into this formation with the Xuanming formula, remember to borrow the monster energy around you, Don't use spiritual power."

"Okay!" Qi Kuo understood what she meant, changed the formula in his hand, and stretched out his hand again to pat the rocky mountain in front of him. The gray aura around him immediately gathered towards his hand, and then turned into silk threads, piercing into it. The rock slowly dissolves into one.

In the next moment, the silk threads transformed into demonic energy suddenly stretched towards the sides, forcibly opening a hole in the rock wall.But miraculously, the layers of rock did not crack or collapse, but twisted like drawing paper, which shows that it is not a real rock mountain.

In less than half a minute, an entrance appeared in front of him.

Without any hesitation, the two of them directly went in with Yujian, and the scene in front of them changed in an instant, and they finally saw the real appearance of Ni Cangjing, but they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

Compared with the desolate scene outside, the situation in Ni Cang is simply two extremes.

This is actually a demon city!
This city is so huge that you can't see the end at a glance. There are high-rise demon caves everywhere, and the strong demon aura fills the entire demon city. It can be seen that there are at least tens of thousands of demon clans inside.

More importantly, in the demon city below, rows of well-equipped demon clans can be seen everywhere, walking and patrolling back and forth in the city. There are more than a dozen teams of demon clans passing by in the few streets that can be seen. There were bursts of orderly shouts in the open space.

This is not an ordinary monster clan, this is... a monster soldier!
Both Qi Kuo and Jiang Ran were startled, and instantly understood that the demon king actually hid such a large demon city here in the name of a forbidden place, and he also trained demon soldiers in private. This is obviously to start a war with Tiangong Rhythm.

Jiang Ran calculated in his heart. It seems that the demon world has been planning this matter for more than a day or two. Judging from the scale of this demon city, it is estimated that preparations have been started hundreds of years ago.

"Sister, someone is coming!" Qi Kuo's face changed, and he pulled Jiang Ran and flew towards a demon building not far away, restraining his breath and hiding his energy on the roof of the building.

Sure enough, within half a minute, a group of demon soldiers flew over, heading straight for the direction they had just entered.

A leading Yi clan even patrolled back and forth several times in the area where the formation was just opened.It's just that Qi Kuo moved very quickly just now, and with the temporary gap opened by invoking the surrounding monster energy, the meeting has completely returned to its original state.

The Yi clan inspected for a long time, but found nothing wrong, scratched his head and said, "It's strange, just now the eyes showed something abnormal here, why is there nothing here?"

"It's probably because the strong wind outside touched the formation again." Another little demon stepped forward and said, "This formation has been around for hundreds of years, and this kind of problem has been happening recently."

"It's better to be cautious." Yi Yao glanced at the formation again, and after searching around without any results, he continued to reprimand the demon soldiers under him, "Now is the most critical moment, and we can't make any mistakes. Isn't the military advisor I have ordered that in the next few days, the immortals from Tiangong will appear nearby, and if they are found, they must be reported immediately."

"Isn't the fairy clan already caught it, and is it being locked in the dungeon?" The little demon at the bottom was stunned for a moment, and blurted out, "Why do you want to catch it?"

"I don't know this kind of thing." The Yi Clan glared at the little demon and said, "My king is not here, we just follow the orders of the military advisor!"

"Yes yes yes!" Xiao Yao nodded quickly.

The Wing Clan reprimanded them a few more times, searched the area several times, and then turned away with all the monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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