Chapter 227 Kazuki Yamamoto is in a mess in Northwest Shanxi

The first battalion commander: "Regiment commander, aren't we here to meet the new regiment?"

Ding Wei: "It was before, but not now."

The first battalion commander seemed to think of something, and asked: "Regimental commander, do you want to cooperate with the Xinyi regiment to besiege the Japanese 9th Brigade who came after them in Huluxia?"

Speaking of this, the first battalion commander's face changed again, and he said with some concern: "But, does Captain Li know what you think?
Do you want to inform Commander Li, or ask him about his battle plan. "

"Otherwise, if Commander Li hadn't ambushed the Japanese 9th Brigade in Huluxia, we would have become clowns if we went to outflank the devil's rear."

Ding Wei said to himself: "Don't worry, we can't become clowns. I know Li Yunlong. He even dared to capture the devil's major general, and even disobeyed the boss's orders. What else would he not dare to do?"

"Besides, he deliberately led the devil towards our defense zone. He must have known that I would lead my troops to meet him."

"I have known Li Yunlong for many years, and there is still some tacit understanding. As long as we cooperate with Li Yunlong to sing this big play well this time, we will definitely make a lot of money."

Speaking of this, Ding Wei suddenly put away the smile on his face, and said solemnly: "March quickly, and we must block the east exit of Hulu Gorge before the devils realize that something is wrong!"


After the order was issued, the independent group immediately changed direction and rushed towards the east exit of Huluxia.


the other side.

Kazuki Yamamoto has led the remnants out of the Eighth Route Army's control area and came to the buffer zone between the enemy and us.

He was about to let the communications corps contact the 4th Brigade and ask them to stop attacking the Eighth Route Army's defense area immediately.

Now that he has led his troops to the safe area and the cover task is completed, there is no need for the 4th Brigade to fight the Eighth Route Army.

But at this moment, the communication soldier came over in a hurry, he gave Kazuki Yamamoto a sudden pause, and reported: "Reporting to the captain, the news just came from the direction of Huting, and General Kazuo Watanabe did not listen to your order." Order, stationed near the tiger pavilion.

Instead, they launched a pursuit of the Eighth Route Army who was ambushing the battlefield observation group, and pursued it all the way to the hinterland of the Eighth Route Army's occupied area, and have now pursued it to the vicinity of Huluxia. "

"Hulu Gorge?"

Kazuki Yamamoto immediately took out a combat map and studied it carefully on the rock in front of him.

Soon, Kazuki Yamamoto realized that something was wrong, and immediately his face changed, and he scolded: "Baga! This Kazuo Watanabe is really an incompetent stupid pig!"

"He didn't do a good job in security tasks, causing the Imperial Army's observation group to be ambushed by the Eighth Route Army of China, but he went deep alone and put the 9th Brigade of the Imperial Army in danger. He is simply a sinner of the empire!"

A small captain next to him asked: "Captain, what's the matter? Even if the 9th Brigade of the Imperial Army goes deep alone, with the fighting power of the Eighth Route Army, it can't do anything to them, right?"

Kazuki Yamamoto: "If it's just an ordinary pursuit, with the fighting power of the Eighth Route Army of China, it really can't do anything to the 9th Brigade of the Imperial Army.

But look at the terrain of Hulu Gorge! "

Speaking of this, Kazuki Yamamoto pointed to the location of the Calabash Gorge on the map, and continued: "This Calabash Gorge is a natural canyon, surrounded by cliffs, and only a few trails and small openings can be accessed. Good ambush location.

Once the 9th Brigade of the Imperial Army entered the Hulu Gorge, no matter how sophisticated their equipment and soldiers were, they would not be able to exert their due advantages at all.

Moreover, since the Eighth Route Army of China dared to ambush the imperial army observation group, it showed that they came prepared.

If the news of the observation group has not been exposed, then even they are here for the 9th Brigade.

The observation group was ambushed, which happened to be the fuse, and Kazuo Watanabe completely lost his mind. "

The little captain said: "Captain, what should we do now?"

Kazuki Yamamoto: "Recently, the Eighth Route Army has been attacking the strongholds of the Imperial Japanese Army in Northwest Shanxi and wiped out a lot of the Imperial Army's forces, which has greatly reduced the control of the Imperial Army in Northwest Shanxi."

"If there is another accident with the 9th Brigade of the Imperial Army, it will not be a question of whether the Imperial Army's control in Northwest Shanxi will be greatly reduced, but whether it can stand.

So, we have to rescue the 9th Brigade. "

"Communication soldier!"

"Hi Yi!"

The communications soldier paused and asked for instructions: "Captain, please give instructions!"

Kazuki Yamamoto: "Immediately send power to the 4th Brigade, explain the situation here to General Masao Nishiyama, and then ask him to leave a regiment to continue the attack in order to contain the main force of the Eighth Route Army!

The other regiment quickly rushed to Hulukou to cooperate with me in rescuing the besieged 9th Brigade of the Imperial Army! "

"Hi Yi!"

The devil's communicator paused suddenly, and then began to tinker with the radio station, sending electricity to the 4th Brigade Headquarters.


The screen returns to Hulu Gorge.

Hulu Gorge runs from east to west, about 5 kilometers long, and the bottom width ranges from 5 meters to 100 meters.

At this time, the 9th Brigade of the Japanese Army had completely entered Huluxia, and the troops in front of it had approached near the west exit of Huluxia, and were blocked by the independent battalion of Xinyi Regiment.

The terrain of the Hulu Gorge is dangerous. Facing the independent battalion fighters who have occupied the favorable terrain in advance and hidden on the mountain, the troops in front of the devils have no good way.

They could only hide at the bottom of the canyon, relying on various bunkers and raising their guns to fight back.

But all this is obviously futile. Although the bunker can block the bullets pouring from the mountain, it cannot resist the attack of grenades.

Soon, a large cloud of smoked grenades slammed down like meteorites that cost nothing.


"Boom, boom, boom!—"

The grenades fell to the ground and exploded one after another, shooting up clusters of scarlet fireworks at the bottom of the canyon, and the shock wave of the explosion set off a large piece of sand, gravel and soil and flew in all directions.

The ghost soldiers who were closer to the grenade's landing point were directly blown out with their guns.

Some devils who were farther away from the grenade landing point were also killed by grenade fragments, and they were killed and wounded for a while, wailing all over the field.

"Ugh! My eyes, my eyes!"

"Ugh! My leg, my leg is hurt, medic, medic, come help me..."

Xia Chuanxiu saw that the troops in front of him were ambushed by the independent battalion, and his old face suddenly became extremely gloomy, so black that it almost dripped water.

"Baga! Damn it, these damned Chinese people are really hateful!"

Not long after, a major brigade captain ran over from the front: "Commander, we were ambushed by the Eighth Route Army of China. The No. 1 Battalion suffered heavy casualties. What should we do now?"


(End of this chapter)

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