Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 228 A regiment formed in chaos in Northwest Shanxi

Chapter 228 Northwest Shanxi is in chaos
Xia Chuanxiu raised his head and looked forward with a gloomy face.

He observed carefully for a while and said: "The main force of the Eighth Route Army of China has been pursued by us, so there should be no time to set up an ambush.

Therefore, there must not be many Eighth Route Army on the mountain.

Although their firepower looks fierce, it is actually just a few light and heavy machine guns, but they occupy a favorable terrain.

But if we are blocked for too long, we will leave too much time for the main force of the Eighth Route Army to climb up the mountain too.

At that time, it will not be so easy for us to break through their fire blockade, and even be defeated by the Eighth Route Army due to terrain. "

"So, we must break through the fire blockade of the small Eighth Route Army as soon as possible!"

After saying this, Xia Chuanxiu changed his tone and ordered: "Pass me the order! The machine gun team and the grenadier team suppress fire!"

"The infantry will launch an attack immediately in small groups. At all costs, we must break through the fire blockade of the Eighth Route Army of China in the shortest possible time, and encircle these damned Eighth Route Army from outside the canyon!"

"Hi Yi!"

After the order was issued, the Devil's machine gunners immediately set up their machine guns and launched a counter-fire against the fire point on the mountain. In addition, the Devil's grenadiers also set up their grenadiers and prepared to fire.

"Da da da! chug chug!"

"Boom, boom, boom..."

All of a sudden, there was intensive gunfire near the west exit of Huluxia, and bullets shuttled back and forth up and down the mountain.

Grenades and grenades exploded in the mountains and canyons from time to time, setting off clusters of eye-catching and dazzling flames...

It has to be said that as a battle-tested commander, Xia Chuanxiu has a very vicious vision.

As far as the current situation is concerned, there are only two options that are most suitable.

Either break through quickly before the defenders' firepower points are fully established, or retreat immediately.

Otherwise, if you fight positional warfare, it will be a slow death when the geographical conditions are completely inferior.

Right now, the firepower of the independent battalion has not yet been fully established, and it is undoubtedly the best choice for Shimokawa Hideo to order an immediate attack.

Of course, what Xia Chuanxiu saw right now was just what Wang Chengzhu deliberately let him see.

It's not that the independent battalion's firepower is not enough, but that it only needs to show this firepower.

Right now, the encirclement of the independent battalion has not yet been completed, the independent regiment is not in place, and the Japanese 9th Brigade has not yet fully entered the ambush circle.

These all take time.

Wang Chengzhu must let the Japanese commanders see the hope of a breakthrough, only in this way will they continue to attack.

On the contrary, if the firepower displayed by the independent battalion is too strong, even so strong that the Japanese commander feels desperate.

Then the Japanese commander will definitely give an order to retreat immediately, and Wang Chengzhu's fishing plan will not succeed.

"Tug-chug! Chug-chug!"

"Crack, clap clap clap!—"


"Boom, boom boom!—"

The battles fought in the canyon became more and more fierce as time passed.

In order to break through the fire blockade of the independent battalion as soon as possible, the Japanese army invested more and more troops, and the exposed firepower points of the independent battalion also continued to increase little by little.

The speed of increase seems to be very slow, faintly, always giving the little devil an illusion that he can successfully break through if he persists for a while.

But the illusion is only an illusion after all. Every time, the little devil seems to break through the fire blockade and rush out of the mouth of the canyon.

But he would always be forced back by the sudden burst of machine gun fire and a blast of artillery bombardment.

Amidst a burst of cursing and screaming, a pile of corpses was left behind.

The devil's machine gun fire points and grenadier fire points are the key care objects of the bombardiers and grenadiers of the independent battalion. Almost as soon as the fire points are exposed, a large number of grenades or grenades will definitely fall down.


"Boom, boom boom!—"

In a burst of violent explosions, the devil's machine gunners and grenadiers only felt light under their feet, and then even their weapons and weapons were blown out.

Due to the absolute geographical advantage of the independent battalion, the initiative of the war was always in their hands. As time went by, the casualties of the 15th Japanese regiment became heavier and heavier.

In just 10 minutes, hundreds of corpses were left near the west exit of the canyon.

This is because the independent battalion has been keeping its hands closed, and it has not always been fully fired.

On the other hand, in the Independent Battalion, although there were dozens of casualties, these casualties were nothing compared to the little devils.

Finally, as the casualties continued to intensify, Shimogawa Hideo, captain of the 15th Japanese Infantry Regiment, discovered something was wrong.

"Baga! Damn it! Damn China Tubalu, we've hit the nail on the head!"

Xia Chuanxiu gritted his teeth and cursed.

At this time, Kazuo Watanabe also led the 33rd Infantry Regiment and the troops directly under the brigade to the west of Hulu Gorge, joining forces with the suffix troops of the 15th Infantry Regiment.

Xia Chuanxiu immediately found the head of the brigade, Kazuo Watanabe, and reported everything that happened before, as well as his speculation, to the other party...

On the mountain.

Wang Chengzhu had already led the remaining companies of the Independent Battalion up the mountain from outside the canyon, and deployed them in suitable ambush positions.

At this moment, a scout hurriedly ran to Wang Chengzhu, stood up and saluted Wang Chengzhu and reported: "Report to the battalion commander, the 9th Brigade of the Japanese Army has completely entered the Hulu Gorge and has reached the west side of the Hulu Gorge.

In addition, except for a few openings near the east exit of the canyon, the rest of the openings have been occupied by us in advance, and interception firepower has been deployed. "

Wang Chengzhu nodded to show that he knew, and then asked: "Where are the independent groups, where are they?"

The scout said: "We have already contacted Commander Ding and told him about your battle plan.

However, Commander Ding seems to have known your battalion commander's battle plan for a long time. He has already led his troops towards the east exit of Huluxia, and it is estimated that he will arrive at the designated position in about 10 minutes. "

"Ten minutes? That's enough time."

Wang Chengzhu is not surprised that Ding Wei can see through his own battle plan, after all, Ding Wei is handsome.Wang Chengzhu muttered to himself, and then ordered with a serious face: "Pass me the order, the fish has been set, and the net can be collected!"

"Every company fires with full firepower, give me a hard hit!"

"This time there is no main attack. Every company is the main attack. We have only one goal, which is to severely damage or even wipe out the Japanese 9th Brigade in the shortest possible time."

"Time is limited, there is no need to save bullets, the battle must be ended in the shortest possible time!"


The messengers suddenly agreed, and after saluting Wang Chengzhu, they quickly turned around and delivered the order.


(End of this chapter)

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