Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 521 Pretend to be a devil and kill directly from the main entrance

The devil sentry at the gate of the military station did not dare to stop him, so Wang Chengzhu became even more arrogant, completely treating himself as Junichiro Kasahara, as if he was returning to his brigade headquarters.

After Wang Chengzhu drove into the military depot, he continued to step on the accelerator to the bottom.

Since his left foot was on the clutch, the engine speed soared to the highest level, and the roar of the army card became more and more violent, like the roar of an angry dragon.

The purpose of Wang Chengzhu's doing this is to attract all the devils in the military depot, and then strive to cause the greatest casualties to the enemy in the first wave of firepower.

The roar of the army card was the signal. The Wolf Fang members in the carriage checked their weapons and equipment one after another, loaded and loaded them, and at the same time observed the terrain in the depot through the small holes in the tarpaulin, preparing for the next attack.

"Boom boom boom!—"

The military card continued to roar, and the huge roar of the engine soon alarmed and disturbed all the devils in the station.

It was already 11 o'clock in the evening, but the devils in the military depot basically hadn't rested yet, not because it was a chaotic period.

On the contrary, even though the Eighth Route Army captured Jinzhong County last night, these arrogant devils still did not think that the Eighth Route Army dared to come to Taiyuan City to act wildly.

They haven't slept yet, they simply can't fall asleep. Some devils are chatting on the school grounds, and they seem to have some yellow accents, which makes the devils next to them laugh.

There are also some devils who simply gather together to gamble.

It was already May 1940, and three years had passed since the Sino-Japanese War broke out in 5.

Although the Japanese army won successive battles and conquered a large area of ​​China, their casualties are also increasing day by day, and the soldiers of many troops have changed several times.

The quality of the devils in the reserve and reserve service is far inferior to that of the devils in active service, especially those veterans who have been battle-tested.

In addition, with the expansion of the occupied area, many devils began to become extravagant and lustful, enjoying life, so the military discipline of the Japanese army began to gradually deteriorate.

The situation of those field troops is relatively good, but the garrison of military depots, strongholds, and devil gendarmes in various counties, under the influence of dog translators and traitors and puppet troops, quickly learned to eat, drink, whore, gamble, and get infected with All kinds of bad habits.

After they tasted the sweetness, they also learned to bribe their superiors.

What is the war for?Nothing more than getting rich.

It is undeniable that in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, under the brainwashing of bushido spirit and militarism, those devil soldiers still had a lot of "faith".

But with the continuous replenishment of reserves and reserves, the thinking of this part of the devils has gradually changed.

Corruption not only captivates the mind, but also infects people.

So, gradually, those devil officers just turned a blind eye to the various bad habits of their soldiers.

Besides, if the guarantee is not complete, one day the life will be gone on the battlefield, can't people enjoy it?

Of course, the devils in the Wusu military depot were not much better.

However, when Kasahara Junichiro's military vehicle rushed in roaringly, these devils stopped their entertainment activities one after another.

They also thought that 'Captain Kasahara Junichiro' came so late, there was some kind of combat mission, so they all took up weapons and gathered on the school grounds.

Seeing this, the corner of Wang Chengzhu's mouth couldn't help but raise a cruel smile. These devils were so obedient, and it saved a lot of effort to line up to catch up to die.

Wang Chengzhu saw that almost two or three hundred devils and puppet soldiers had gathered on the school grounds, like a group of live targets, and immediately knocked on the rear compartment three times.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

This is the order to attack.

Immediately, Wang Chengzhu and Wei Monk stretched the door directly, and got out from the driver's cab and the passenger cab respectively.

When they got out of the car, they each held a Bobosha submachine gun in their hands.

At the same time, the Spike players in the carriage also jumped down one after another.

The devils on the school field were stunned when they saw this, because although the officer who got out of the cab was also a lieutenant officer, he was definitely not their captain Kasahara Junichiro.

Moreover, they were holding submachine guns in their hands. It was a gun they had never seen before. What was certain was that it was definitely not made in Japan.

The few basic-level devil officers standing in front of the head had already sensed that something was wrong, and were about to ask questions.

But before they could speak, fire dragons spewed out from the muzzle of the submachine gun in the opponent's hand.

"Tu Tu Tu!"


The gunshots exploded, and the dense submachine gun bullets poured towards the devils on the school grounds like a gust of wind and rain, covering them.

The gang of devils and puppet soldiers on the school grounds are completely a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered. They are unprepared, and they are even waiting for the review of the captain Kasahara Junichiro.

Therefore, at least half of the devils and puppet troops were brought down with just a wave of firepower.

"Baga! Not good, enemy attack, it is enemy attack! They are from China!"

The ghosts who reacted were about to raise their guns to fight back, but the second wave of firepower from the Spike Special Forces covered them again.

"Tu Tu Tu!"


The choking sound resounded, and the remaining half of the devils on the school field were also completely down in a pool of blood.

It was the puppet soldiers who survived the first wave of firepower attacks. They were not chaotic in the face of danger, and they worked hard all the year round, which allowed them to practice good kung fu to save their lives.

At this time, running is definitely not possible.

So, almost as soon as the gunshots rang out, they immediately lay on the ground, taking a dog's life.

At this time, the devils on duty inside and outside the military depot, as well as the devils in the headquarters all reacted, and rushed towards the school field with guns in their hands.

However, the members of Spike quickly seized the favorable terrain around them after they had dealt with all the Japanese and puppet troops in the school field.

Several snipers also climbed to the commanding heights to snipe positions, and continued to snipe and kill the enemies within the field of vision.

Although there were only about 30 people in the Spike Special Forces, because they killed most of the puppet troops in the depot in the first two bursts of firepower, the ensuing battle was completely reduced to a one-sided massacre.

Not long after, all the devils in the military depot were wiped out, and the puppet soldiers who were lucky enough to save a small life also chose to surrender very wisely.

The battle went surprisingly smoothly, even the reconnaissance battalion outside had not had time to make a move, and there were no casualties in the Spike Special Forces.

Several captured underground party comrades were also successfully rescued.

Arrogant devils disdain to use them as hostages.

Of course, it may be in a hurry, these guys haven't reacted yet.

At the end of the battle, the hundreds of Japanese and puppet troops in the entire Wusu Military Station did not pose any threat to the Spike Special Forces. On the contrary, the Wusu Airport a few kilometers away had already sounded ear-piercing sirens.

Obviously, the gunshots and explosions in the depot had already alarmed the devils in the airport, and of course, the devils in Taiyuan City.

Although Wang Chengzhu and the others moved quickly, the movement was not small, and the surrounding areas were all open land, without mountains to cover them.

The sound of gunfire and explosions can easily spread for several kilometers...

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