Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 522 Enraged Devil Commander: What?The soil 8 road is too original?

Inside Wusu Military Station.

Several Spike team members found a few Type 15 medium tanks in the warehouse of the military depot. This is the Japanese self-deception that it is a medium tank, and its combat weight is only [-] tons.

Compared with the medium-sized tanks in European and American countries that can easily weigh 30 tons, the Japanese Type [-] medium-sized tanks are actually light tanks, while their light tanks are completely a pile of iron sheets.

However, in Asia, where the industrial level is relatively backward, the Japanese Type [-] medium tanks can completely walk sideways.

"Oh? There are quite a few medium tanks in the Wusu Military Station, which is really great!"

Wang Chengzhu had an idea, and immediately thought of a way to attack Wusu Airport, that is to manipulate the devil's tank and charge out directly from the front.

Although so far, in the entire Second Independent Regiment, including the Spike Special Forces, only Wang Chengzhu can drive a tank.

But the members of the Spike Special Forces have all learned to drive. Even though driving a tank is different from driving a car, the principle is understandable.

Wang Chengzhu didn't expect the Spike Special Forces to manipulate the tanks to cause much damage to the devils in the airport.

As long as it can be activated and driven away, it can tear through the defense line of the airport devils and provide a certain amount of cover for the soldiers who will attack later.

"Duan Peng, I'll give you 10 minutes to let a few Spike players learn to drive a tank immediately. This thing is similar to driving a car. In 10 minutes, we will attack Wusu Airport!"


Duan Peng suddenly agreed, and then ordered a few team members with the best driving skills to let them learn to drive tanks.

Although there are a total of 12 Type 5 medium tanks parked in the Wusu depot, it is a pity that only [-] can be activated, and the rest need maintenance.

Wang Chengzhu didn't have time to repair it, and he couldn't, so he had to blow it up on the spot.


In Taiyuan City.

The devils guarding the east gate didn't know what happened to Wusu Military Station, but they reported the situation to the headquarters of the 1st Army as soon as possible.

"Baga! Is Tuba Road too far?"

After learning about the situation, Yoshio Shinozuka, who had a gloomy face because of the successive defeats of the frontline troops, became even more furious at this time.

The reason why the old devil was so angry was because the attack outside the east gate of Taiyuan was a bad event with a very symbolic meaning, which meant that there was no safe place for the whole of Shanxi.

Taiyuan City is not only the provincial capital of SX Province, but also the headquarters of the Japanese First Army.

The fact that the Eighth Route Army had reached Taiyuan City was not only a great shame to Shinozuka Yoshio, but also made the front army headquarters and even the base camp doubt his ability.

"Hi Yi!"

Communication Section Chief Ono Nobunaga nodded heavily.

Shinozuka Yoshio asked again: "Was it the Wusu Military Station or the Wusu Airport that was attacked?"

These are two different concepts.

The reason why the Japanese army is invincible in China is of course because their weapons and equipment are more advanced and the quality of their soldiers is better, but more importantly, they occupy absolute air supremacy.

And Wusu Airport is related to the air supremacy of the Japanese army in Shanxi.

Although in addition to Wusu Airport, Taiyuan also has a Xincheng Airport, and even in other places in Shanxi, there are also several airports.

However, if Wusu Airport is attacked, it will definitely have a great impact on the Japanese army's air supremacy in Shanxi.

And it will also make Yoshio Shinozuka lose face.

Conversely, if the Eighth Route Army only attacked the Wusu military depot, the problem would be much simpler, and at most it would embarrass Shinozuka Yoshio.

Ono Nobunaga bowed his head and responded: "Return to Your Excellency, Commander, it was the Wusu Military Depot that was attacked!"

When he heard that it was Wusu military depot that was attacked, Shinozuka Yoshio breathed a sigh of relief, but he still asked with some uncertainty: "It was Wusu military depot that was attacked? Are you sure?"

Nobunaga Ono: "Sure, because the airport has already called the headquarters to report.

At present, Mr. Kobayashi has led the airport guard of two squadrons to reinforce. "

Kobayashi Koichi is the captain of the Wusu Airport Security Brigade.

Hearing this, the Chief of Staff Jun Miyano frowned immediately, and said, "Your Excellency, could this be the plan of China's Tuba Road? After all, the Wusu Military Station doesn't have much strategic value, and the Eighth Route Army can't do it at all." Go to Taiyuan to fight a small Wusu military station?"

Shinozuka Yoshio: "Miyano-kun, what do you mean, the Tuba Road attack on Wusu Military Station is fake, their real target is actually Wusu Airport.

They wanted to deceive the imperial army in the airport to make the airport empty, so that their actions would be easier. "

Miyano Jun: "I really think so, because other than that, I really can't think of a reason for the Eighth Route Army to come to Taiyuan City to attack Wusu Military Station."

Shinozuka Yoshio thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement, agreeing with Miyano Toshi's point of view.

At this time, Iijima Mori, the head of the intelligence section, said: "Your Excellency Commander, Your Excellency Chief of Staff, perhaps the purpose of this Eighth Route Army is actually just the Wusu depot.

Wusu Airport not only has a power grid, but also has a moat, and a large number of landmines are deployed on the periphery. There are also two brigades of the imperial army inside the airport.

Moreover, the imperial army reinforcement airport in the city only takes more than half an hour at most.

It was no easy task for the Eighth Route Army to capture the airport.

Moreover, the attack on the Wusu military station should only be a small group of troops from the Eighth Route Army. If there is a large group of troops outside Taiyuan City, it is impossible for the imperial army's scouts to detect them. "

Iijima Morido asked: "Iijima-kun, then may I ask, what is the motivation for Tubalu to take the risk to attack Wusu Military Station outside Taiyuan City?"

Iijima Mori: "For the underground parties of the Eighth Route Army who were arrested by the imperial army this morning."

The news that Liu Dong and others were being held at Wusu Military Station was disclosed to the Eighth Route Army by Iijima Mori. He did this now to clear his dislike.

In fact, he didn't have to do this. It should be that neither Iijima Mori, Shinozuka Yoshio, nor Yamamoto Kazuki would suspect him at this time.

As for the reason why he betrayed Japan, I will explain it later.

Moreover, in history, there are not no Japanese traitors, but there are not as many traitors as Han traitors.

Juno Miyano: "Iijima-kun, what do you mean, the underground members of the Eighth Route Army arrested this morning were not detained in the gendarmerie station inside the city, but were detained by Junichiro Kasahara at the Wusu Military Station outside the city. "

"Hi Yi!"

Iijima Mori nodded heavily.

Immediately, Miyano Toshi no longer doubted it, because Iijima Mori was doing intelligence work, and if he didn't even know this, he was not worthy of being the head of the intelligence section.

"If those underground parties of the Eighth Route Army were imprisoned at Wusu Military Station, then the real target of this Eighth Route Army might really be Wusu Military Station."

Shinozuka Yoshio's face darkened and he scolded: "It is undoubtedly a great shame for our Japanese imperial army to rush to Taiyuan to be presumptuous.

Therefore, no matter whether their target is Wusu Military Depot or Wusu Airport, they must all be wiped out! "

"Order the 2nd Independent Mixed Brigade to immediately dispatch an infantry brigade to wipe out this daring bastard!"

"Hi Yi!"

Ono Nobunaga, the head of the communications section, nodded heavily, then turned around and left to convey the order.


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