Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 561 Leader of the 771st Regiment: Zhuzi, don't I have a role in the main attack?Aren&#0

Chapter 561 Leader of the 771st Regiment: Zhuzi, don't I have a role in the main attack?Aren't you bullying honest people?


"Boom! Boom! Boom!—"

After this period of development, the 386 brigade has more than 150 mortars, infantry artillery, field artillery, and mountain artillery together.

It also includes two 105mm caliber howitzers and a 1mm caliber heavy gun.

At this time, the firepower was fully fired, and hundreds of shells exploded one after another. The sound of the continuous explosion was as terrifying as the sky falling apart. Countless shrapnel splattered along with the shock wave, destroying everything including the city gates and buildings.
In the light of the fire, due to the bombardment of the 150mm caliber heavy artillery, the entire city gate building was immediately blown to pieces, collapsed suddenly, disintegrated instantly, and turned into ruins in the light of the fire.

Hundreds of devil soldiers waiting in full force on the city wall were blown to pieces on the spot without even having the chance to scream for help or escape.

More shells also fell on the open space inside the city and outside the city gate. Suddenly, huge scarlet flames shot up one after another, illuminating the darkening night sky like daytime.

A round of salvos ended, followed by the second and third rounds of salvos by the 386th brigade.

Shouyang is a small county town. The city walls are not entirely built of bricks and stones. Some places are made of glutinous rice, rammed earth and straw.

Under the fierce bombardment of the 386th Brigade, the entire broken city wall of the East City Gate was riddled with shells and crumbling, and some places collapsed directly with gaps.

At that time, most of the Japanese and puppet troops in the city had just woken up and were about to have dinner, when they were frightened by the explosion in the east of the city.

A few minutes later, as soon as Yoshida Yan returned to the regiment headquarters, Chief of Staff Makoto Akita greeted him eagerly: "Captain, you are back! Dongchengmen just called and said that Tuba Road launched a fierce attack. One round of bombardment killed all the hundreds of imperial troops guarding the city wall."

"Currently, the East City Gate has lost contact!"

Ji Tianyan said with a dark face: "I just came back from Dongchengmen! The Tuba Road is indeed very violent, no wonder it was able to capture Jinzhong County, where His Excellency the head of the brigade personally sits!"

"It is meaningless for us to continue to stick to the defense line of the city wall. We order all the troops to rush to the various urban areas immediately, build barricades and fortifications street by street, and start street and street battles with Tuba Road!"

"Let the imperial army on the west, north and south gates also withdraw!"

"Although the Eighth Route Army's artillery fire is fierce, it is limited to the city wall area. There are still many Chinese civilians in Shouyang City. The Eighth Route Army must not dare to carry out extended bombing of the city!"

It has to be said that Yan Yoshida deserves to be a battle-tested commander with great strategic vision and tactical guidance ability.

With just one glance, the weakness of the Eighth Route Army was found.

"Hi Yi!"

Akita really nodded heavily, and then delivered the order himself.

A few minutes later, Akita turned back and suggested to Yoshida Yan: "Commander, without the solid defense of the city wall, with our strength in the city, I'm afraid we may not be able to resist the crazy attack of the China Tuba Road."

"So, shall we ask Commander Yoshio Shinozuka for tactical guidance?"

Yoshida Proverb said: "The 8th Brigade of the Imperial Army's Independent Infantry and the 2nd Brigade of the Imperial Army's Infantry were hit hard at Fenghuangling and Wusu Airport successively. Now Taiyuan City has no troops to transfer, and the 41st Division of the Imperial Army, etc. The Ministry has not yet arrived.

Even if we asked Commander Shinozuka Yoshio for help, he couldn't send reinforcements at all. "

"Furthermore, these damned Chinese chose to attack at night, and the air force couldn't launch into the air to fight.

So, we are on our own! "

Makoto Akita: "Even so, should we report this matter, at least let Commander Yoshio Shinozuka know?"

Yoshida Yan nodded, acquiescing to Akita Makoto's proposal.

Immediately, Akita really sent a telegram to Taiyuan.

The telegrams went back and forth, and the situation was as expected by Yoshida Yan. Taiyuan City had no soldiers to send, and they could only rely on themselves.

However, Shinozuka Yoshio promised in the telegram that they only need to stick to it for one night, and they will send aviation troops to provide them with tactical guidance tomorrow morning.

And, at noon tomorrow at the latest, the 41st Division, the 77th Infantry Regiment and the 96th Infantry Regiment will arrive in Taiyuan.

At that time, these troops will immediately go to the southeast of Shanxi to launch a sweep against the Eighth Route Army in the southeast of Shanxi.

After receiving the call back, instead of boosting his confidence, Yoshida Yan was a little desperate, because he didn't know whether his 33rd Infantry Regiment could last one night.

Even with thousands of reinforcements coming from those 6 large strongholds.


At this moment, the Japanese and puppet troops in the entire Shouyang City were already busy.

Following the instructions of the former enemy commander-in-chief Yoshida Yan, they immediately built barricades at the alleys and streets of the main streets as quickly as possible, and at the same time seized some high points in the city in advance as machine gun positions.

As for the puppet army, although they are also helping, their efficiency is much worse than that of the devils.

While scolding the devils in their hearts, they scolded the Eighth Route Army in their hearts. It's really not a thing. They actually launched an attack during the meal, causing them to not even eat the meal, so they can only eat some hard dry food to deal with it.

As for the people in the city, they looked sad. In order to avoid the flames of war, those with cellars hid in cellars, and those without cellars hid in the corners of their homes with their families.


Outside the city, the forward headquarters of the 386 brigade.

Li Yunlong, Ding Wei, Kong Jie, and Cheng Xiazi were fighting for the main attack, and everyone refused to accept the other, so they almost rolled up their sleeves to fight.

Xu Shengji and Sun Yuliang actually wanted to compete for the main attack, but they couldn't get in the way.

"Well, well..." Wang Chengzhu cleared his throat, and said again: "Everyone, can I, the former enemy commander, say a few words first."

As soon as Wang Chengzhu opened his mouth, several people fell silent and cast their eyes on him.

Li Yunlong: "Zhuzi, tell me."

Wang Chengzhu: "The railway crossing and the four city gates have been bombed by us. If there is no accident, Yoshida Yan will definitely make the same choice as Hattori Naotomi, abandoning the defense of the city wall and building barricades to fight with us in street and street battles. .”

"So, we don't have the main attack this time, every army is the main attack! They are all open!"

"Among them, our Second Independent Regiment launched an attack from the east gate."

"The New First Regiment launched its attack from the West Gate, the Independent Regiment launched its attack from the North City Gate, the 772nd Regiment launched its attack from the South City Gate, and the New Second Regiment launched its attack from the Railway Crossing."

"The 771st Regiment and the 4th Mixed Brigade act as a reserve team and act at the right time."

Now everyone has no opinion, although Xu Shengji really wanted to say: Isn't this bullying honest people?

Of course, although Xu Shengji doesn't like to fight, it doesn't mean that he is not good at commanding.

If there is nothing, how could it be possible to overwhelm Li Yunlong, Ding Wei, Kong Jie and others to become the commander of the 771 regiment when the Eighth Route Army was first reorganized.

As for Sun Yuliang, as a surrendered general, he doesn't have much right to speak now. Of course, what the commander says is what he is...

(End of this chapter)

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