Bright Sword: Develop alone, bring back an artillery regiment

Chapter 562 Security Team Leader: Taijun, you told us to blow up tanks, we don't know how to do

Chapter 562 Security Team Leader: Taijun, you told us to blow up tanks, we don't know how to do it, why don't you demonstrate?
After formulating the battle plan, Wang Chengzhu immediately led the soldiers of the Second Independent Regiment to launch an attack from the east gate under the cover of artillery fire.

At the same time, Li Yunlong, Ding Wei, Kong Jie and Cheng Xiazi also launched attacks from other directions.

Under the bombardment of the 386 Brigade artillery group for more than half an hour, the four city gates and the city walls near the entrance and exit of the railway collapsed to varying degrees. into the city.

As for the independent second group, it is even simpler.

Wang Chengzhu personally manipulated a Type 50 medium tank to open the way in front of his head, and when he was about [-] meters away from the city gate, he directly fired a kinetic energy cannon.

In the next moment, there was a loud bang, and the wooden-clad iron city gate was blown apart, and the fragments flew in all directions along with the shock wave, falling everywhere in the city gate.

Immediately, Tie Dan stepped on the accelerator, and the tank let out a bang roar, then accelerated and rolled over.

Almost as soon as the tank entered the city through the hole in the city gate, a dense rain of machine gun bullets poured head-on.

"Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang——"

The 7.7mm caliber bullet hit the front armor of the tank. Although it splashed eye-catching sparks again and again, it couldn't penetrate it at all.

Wang Chengzhu was also not used to the opponent. After locking the target through the observation window, he decisively loaded the shell and fired.


There was a flash of red light from the muzzle, and then a 57mm kinetic energy cannon spun out at high speed.

After the shell flew at a low altitude for a distance of more than 100 meters, it bombarded the devil's barricade with precision as if it had eyes, and exploded violently.


In the flames rising from the ground, the sandbags were instantly torn apart, and the devil soldiers behind were blown out even with their weapons.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining 4 Type [-] medium tanks also drove into the city along the opened city gate.

The infantry from each battalion of the Second Independent Regiment entered the city successively from the city wall buffer zone and the city gate hole.

At this time, the tank convoy had pulled out the devil's outer firepower points, freeing up a relatively safe area for the infantry.

The infantry took advantage of the situation to enter the city, and under the guidance and cover of the tanks, the soldiers rushed towards the center of the city in separate ways.

Although the devils in the city have deployed a large number of barricades in the streets and alleys in the city in advance, because they do not have anti-tank weapons, they are completely live targets when facing the king of land warfare. Barricades.

When the news was sent back to the regiment headquarters, Yoshida Yan couldn't help but bewildered: "Baga! Why are there tanks on Tuba Road?"

Chief of Staff Makoto Akita: "Perhaps they captured them in previous battles. These tanks pose too great a threat to the imperial army. We must find a way to destroy them!"

Yoshida Yan frowned and thought for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said: "Nowadays, we don't have any anti-tank weapons such as anti-aircraft guns, so we can only organize death squads to blast like the Chinese Army.

Order all troops to immediately organize death squads to blow up the tanks of the Eighth Route Army! "

"Hi Yi!"

Akita really nodded heavily, then turned and left, delivering the order in person.


The screen is pulled back to the DC area.

Under the guidance and cover of the tank convoy, the Second Independent Regiment easily advanced hundreds of meters and destroyed several devils' barricades, killing hundreds of enemies.

The remaining devils soon discovered that the barricades were not enough to resist the recommendation of the Eighth Route Army, so they decisively abandoned the barricades and entered the houses on both sides of the street instead to build flanking firepower.

Wang Chengzhu knew that once the battle broke out, the people in the city would definitely hide in a safe place, so he shouted at the top of his voice, "Iron Dan, these little devils have entered the houses on both sides, and opened the door!"

"Roger that!"

Tie Dan made a promise, and then turned the direction, and the tank turned a corner and drove towards the houses on the side of the street.

Most of these houses are of wooden structure, and some of them are of masonry structure, but they can't stop the rampage of tanks at all.

There was a loud bang, and a private house collapsed immediately, and the devils inside were immediately buried by the collapsed building ruins, and screams continued for a while.

The tank kept pushing, running right over their bodies, ending their lives of crime.

Some of the surviving devils had just pushed aside the wreckage of the building above their heads, and as a result, a dense rain of bullets poured down and covered them...

While the Second Independent Regiment launched a fierce attack, the Devil's machine gunners deployed at various high points also opened fire. In a hurry, the battalions of the Second Independent Regiment who were unprepared were immediately swept down many people.

The Second Independence Regiment also reacted quickly. The soldiers dispersed immediately, hid under the eaves of houses on both sides of the street, and then fired back.

While the heavy rain of bullets overwhelmed the Devil's machine gunner, the grenadier also set up the grenadier and decisively loaded the shells.


"Boom, boom!—"

Amidst the flames rising into the sky, the ghost machine gunners hiding in the dark were blown out even with their weapons.


In other directions, although the Xinyi Regiment and the Independent Regiment did not have tank convoys to guide and cover them, after the Battle of Jinzhong, they also had ways to solve the barricades of the devils.

Today, the regiments of the 386th Brigade are rich in oil. Although they are not as good as the Second Independent Regiment, they have also formed a tank convoy, but there are still quite a few grenadiers.

Barricades can only withstand direct-pointing light weapons such as machine guns and rifles, but they cannot stop direct-pointing artillery such as mortars and grenades.

The Xinyi Regiment and the Independent Regiment first used grenades to wash the ground and destroyed the barricades of the devils before attacking.

In this way, although the speed was much slower than that of the Second Independent Regiment, it was not hindered in any way.


Soon, Yoshida Yan's order was conveyed to the front line of the DC area.

Kazuo Kawashima glanced at Liu Fugui, the head of the security regiment next to him, rolled his eyes, and said in somewhat broken Chinese: "Liu Sang, I am now arranging a glorious mission for you on behalf of the Imperial Japanese Army!"

When Liu Fugui heard this, he must have had something wrong in his heart, but he still bit the bullet and said, "Taijun Chuandao, tell me."

Kazuo Kawashima: "Go ahead, immediately transfer some soldiers from the security regiment, organize a death squad, and blow up the tanks of the Tuba Road!"

"As long as you succeed, the imperial army will reward you greatly!"

Liu Fugui scolded his mother in his heart, and thought: Is there still a big reward?You little devils are really bad, and you want us to die on purpose.

Although Liu Fugui was completely unwilling in his heart, he didn't dare to show it in the slightest. He lowered his head and said weakly: "That... Mr. Kawashima, our security team has no experience in this field, so we don't know how to deal with it." what.

Otherwise, you'd better send a few princes to blow up the tanks, it will definitely succeed! "


(End of this chapter)

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