Manchu traitor, how can you let me be the emperor of the ages

Chapter 261 Civil servant 3 axes, special symbols

Chapter 261 Civilian three axes, special symbols

In fact, this situation is exactly what Li Gan wants.

Since the civil servants began to play frequently, asking for the reopening of the sutra banquet, he seemed to be frightened, and the number of times Zhuge Liang was called into the palace decreased.

When the civil servants saw this, they were even more anxious. How could you be like this?Isn't this disrespecting martial arts?

Pieces of memorials flew up like snowflakes, and even Qin Hui, Wang Mang and others came to the palace to test Li Qian's meaning.

However, what Li Gan meant was that this matter was meaningless. No matter how these people tried to test him, he always had the same attitude: embarrassing and refusing.

After this attitude was known by many civil servants, they all felt hopeful.

How do you say something?To not be firm in rejection is to be firm in not refusing.

So far, many people have begun to plan for this matter.

Many high-ranking civil officials were willing to reopen the sutra banquet, but they were unwilling to let this job go back to the Hanlin Academy.

The deputy examiner of the general examination can snatch it, and the ownership of the Three Tripod Armor can be snatched, why can't the lecturer on this feast day be snatched?

Since the yamen of the Imperial Academy has declined, let it continue to decline...

At the court this morning, it seemed that many civil officials had discussed it, and they all stood up and said that they would restore the sutra banquet.

The memorials they handed in these days didn't get any decent response at all, and most of them were just reading.

One memorial is like this, ten is still like this, how can the ministers bear it?

So today's attack at the court meeting is really normal.

Li Gan also knew that Guang Kai's proposal at this kind of court meeting was only the first step. If he did not agree to them, the civil servants would definitely have other options.

After all, their three tricks: making trouble, resigning, and blocking doors haven't been used yet...

"Let's forget about the feast."

Li Qian seemed to be forced into a corner, and finally he couldn't escape. He said helplessly to the civil servants below: "I'm already too busy dealing with state affairs and reviewing memorials all day long, so I still have the energy to go to work." What sutra feast, what lectures to listen to?"

With a helpless expression on his face, he evaded and said: "It's not that I don't want to, but actually I can't."

"Your Majesty, you must know that sharpening a knife does not mistake a woodcutter..."

In terms of lip service, Li Gan couldn't say enough about these civil servants, not to mention that these people really had some reason this time. Being the king of a country has a lot to do with it, how could he not learn how to govern the country?
The civil officials did not dare to connotate Li Gan's father and grandfather, so they talked about the earlier emperor and the previous emperor, intending to make His Majesty realize that the existence of an ignorant emperor is a mistake.

Li Qian never dreamed that he would one day be bullied by civil servants.

Looking at the excited civil servants, he subconsciously felt that if there was a sutra feast in the future, there would be many such things.

This strengthened Li Gan's determination to take the initiative!

"Let's discuss the matter of Jingyan in another day! I'm tired today, and it's time for you gentlemen to go to the yamen."

Li Qian wanted to just hang around like this, but of course the civil servants didn't want to.

But no matter how much they persuaded, Li Qian directly refused.

Seeing His Majesty's resistance and resistance, the civil servants had no choice but to give up for the time being.

As for the military officers on the other side, they were playing soy sauce almost from beginning to end.

It's not that they haven't thought about getting in the way, who doesn't like teaching the emperor's errand?

If you can teach classics and righteousness to govern the country, we can teach marching and fighting!

It's just that it was only three or two kittens who made such a suggestion, and they were quickly turned back by the civil servants.

There are various reasons, why do you know how to march and fight, but do you really know how to teach people?Why should His Majesty be a steady monarch, how can he personally risk himself...

There are various reasons, but the most important thing is that there is no precedent.

This is also the reason why many generals can't see hope, or even mention it.

After experiencing the turmoil of the civil servant one-man show, many participants also had a bottom line in their hearts.

Don't look at His Majesty the Emperor who has been refusing, but he didn't flinch and leave on the spot. Isn't this just something to talk about?
That's right, the bottom line that civil servants think is that low.

Therefore, Li Qian's side has not yet settled, and they are about to fight among themselves, ready to fight for the fruits of victory.

Everyone is still looking for candidates to give lectures to His Majesty the Emperor, no matter what the government office is, they all want to get involved...

Of course, Li Gan didn't know about their nonsense, but he could guess.

What surprised Li Gan was that no matter how fierce these civil servants fought in private, they still maintained overall harmony in front of him and did not expose the problem to the public.

Everyone has only one appeal, and that is to let him hold the sutra feast as soon as possible.

The civil servants are good at building momentum, and they have encouraged many people to continue to submit memorials in the past two days, so that the memorials sent to Ziwei Hall have to be carried in by two eunuchs together.

"Your Majesty, these people are too much!"

Lu Zhi frowned beautifully and rubbed her white and tender wrist.

Now her job is to help Li Gan separate those memorials to persuade His Majesty to hold a sutra banquet from other normal memorials in a series of memorials.

They are exhausted just doing this kind of work, let alone Li Qian himself.

Now he has become a unemotional music-approving machine.

At first, Li Gan thought about writing the word "read" on it, but then there were too many memorials. If he really wrote them down one by one, he would stop doing anything for a day.

So Li Gan changed his method again, replacing the word "read" with a check mark, that is, a √.

Ministers of course know what this symbol means.

Every year, various places will report some lists of death row criminals to the imperial court. After the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple have verified that they are correct, they will report the list to His Majesty the Emperor.

When the emperor saw that there was no problem, he ticked off the list with a red pen, which was called "checking off".

It means that it can be executed, let's cut it!

It is said that Qin Hui couldn't help but wipe off his cold sweat when he first saw Li Gan's memorial.

He is like this, and the ministers below quit.

What kind of experience is it like to go to work well and be hooked up suddenly?
This is something approved for death row prisoners. What does it mean to tick our memorial now?
There are quite a few people who are not popular, and even went to Ziwei Hall to meet the saint.

Your Majesty, we let you have a sutra feast and let you study, this is all for your own good, for the good work!Why don't you understand us?Still treating us like death row prisoners?

We have worked so hard all day to help you govern the country, with a meager salary, hidden in the background in obscurity... so much effort, did not expect that in the end it was a hookup?
God is sorry, they really wronged Li Gan this time.

(End of this chapter)

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