Manchu traitor, how can you let me be the emperor of the ages

Chapter 262: Confrontation at Ziwei Temple

Chapter 262: Confrontation at Ziwei Temple

Li Gan painted this entirely because of his previous habit, and he also knew the meaning of hooking up to those prisoners.

But what Li Gan didn't know was that this mark would only be used on criminals who were convicted.

After being approached by the ministers, Li Qian asked the old eunuch again, and only then did he understand the reason of the matter.

It turns out that this check mark is also called "Hong Tiao'er", and it is used in many ways among the people, including but not limited to the payment of goods, year-end settlement, etc., but the usage in the court is only such as a check.

No wonder these ministers reacted so strongly.

"Why didn't you remind me earlier?"

Annoyed by the ministers, the helpless Emperor shamelessly threw the blame to the innocent eunuchs aside.

When he was approving memorials, the old eunuch never dared to take the initiative to express his opinions, but at this time he could only laugh dryly to resist his guilt.

After all, His Majesty the wise emperor is never wrong, and the one who is wrong is naturally the eunuch.

"Yes, Your Majesty, this servant realizes his mistake."

The old lady glanced at Li Gan cautiously: "Please punish him, Your Majesty."


Li Gan sighed, and realized that he was a little anxious, waved his hands and said, "It's not your fault."

Seeing him like this, the old eunuch probably wanted to ease His Majesty's depressed mood, so he joked with a smile: "Your Majesty is innocent, in fact, His Majesty hooked them all up, and save these people from bothering His Majesty." gone."

Li Gan was stunned when he heard this, and he had to admit that he was a little moved.

"What bad idea?"

Li Gan, who came back to his senses, glared at the old eunuch: "Are those people still outside?"


The old eunuch nodded hastily: "I've been here since this morning, and I haven't left since I got stuck outside."


Li Qian nodded thoughtfully, and he also understood that these civil servants must not have come to make trouble just because of such a red tick mark.

In other words, the sign of the memorial was just a cover, but the civil officials thought they had caught Li Gan's sore feet, and wanted to use this incident to force Li Gan to make concessions on the Jingyan matter.

But Li Qian naturally wouldn't commit the crime so easily.

He had to let these civil servants do their best, so that they would cherish this hard-won result and treat Li Qian more cautiously.

"Let them all in!"

Li Gan waved his hand, it's not a problem to let these people stand outside the door all day, he has already thought about how to deal with them.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After the old eunuch led the order to go out, he brought in a group of civil servants in a short while.

Humming people gathered in the small government affairs hall, and the scene was a bit spectacular for a while.

Most of these iron-headed and hard-headed civil servants are officials of the fifth, sixth and seventh ranks, and most of them are speech officials. There are only two who actually wear scarlet robes.

"His Majesty……"

Before the leader could speak, Li Gan waved his hand.

"I know what all the gentlemen want to say. The so-called collusion is nothing but groundless speculation."

The faces of the civil servants are not very good-looking. This is no longer referring to the mulberry and scolding the locust tree, but scolding the locust tree in front of the locust tree.

"Your families are all important ministers of the imperial court, how could I collude with you for no reason?"

With a slight smile on his face, Li Gan explained to them: "The red pick just means that I have seen it, and has no other special meaning. You don't need to make such a fuss, and I have no dissatisfaction with you."

After saying this, the faces of the civil servants became even more awkward, and many of the prepared remarks were held back.

But if the goal is not achieved, these people will certainly not give up easily.

"But, Your Majesty..."

"I've said that, what else do you want?"

Li Gan's tone suddenly showed a bit of impatience, as if his patience was limited.

The old eunuch on the side also put on a fierce expression very cooperatively, glaring at these civil servants viciously.

Seeing this, these dozens of civil servants also fell silent. His Majesty the Emperor has explained clearly to this extent, it seems that they really have no reason to stay here anymore.

Is it possible that His Majesty the Emperor should publicly issue an edict of guilt?That's not realistic at all okay.

It's just that now, firstly, I haven't achieved my goal, and secondly, I've been waiting since morning until now, so I'm inevitably a little bit aggrieved, and I'm too unwilling to leave now...

"Forgive me, Your Majesty. At this time, I did not come here today to ask His Majesty to be held accountable. I am not so courageous."

At this moment, the leading civil servant in the scarlet robe spoke up, and he explained respectfully: "I am here to re-open the sutra banquet. The king is the foundation of the country. Please don't delay any longer for the sake of the people of the world."

It's pretty easy to avoid.

Li Gan took another look at this person. He knew that this person was Xu Chang, the Shaoqing of the Taipu Temple, and he was a fourth rank.

With him leading the conversation out, the other civil officials let go one after another, and each of them finally tried to see each other, and armed themselves with righteousness.

"Your Majesty, the ministers are here for the court and the country!"

"The front car overturns, the rear car stops! Your Majesty, if you don't learn at this time, it may be too late to regret later..."

The noisy voices of dozens of people almost opened the political affairs hall, and the old eunuch hurriedly wanted to summon the eunuchs to throw out these disrespectful civil servants.

Li Gan stopped him, he couldn't intensify the conflict now, he just wanted to make trouble with these civil servants, but he didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

He frowned, stared at these civil servants dissatisfied, and said in a deep voice, "Quiet!"

Fortunately, although the civil servants were excited, they could tell the difference between the serious and the serious. Seeing Li Qian like this, they all died down.

"Are you gentlemen going to join forces to force Gong Zhen?"

Li Gan stood up, walked around the table and came to the front, looking at these people with a gloomy expression.

"I dare not wait."

The civil officials bowed their heads and admitted their mistakes, but Li Gan didn't realize how sincere they were.

"And you dare not?"

Li Gan sneered: "Since the memorial has already been submitted, and people are gathered here to press me, what is this?"

He pointed to the few officials standing in front of the civil servants: "As the censor, instead of stopping these people, you will take the lead in making troubles in Ziwei Hall?"

The officials who were pointed out by Li Qian seemed to be relatively thin-skinned, and they all lowered their heads in shame.

But there is still a thick-skinned person behind, sticking his neck and pleading: "Your Majesty, the imperial court supports the ministers with their salaries, and the ministers will repay them wholeheartedly."

"The ministers are not traitors who want to force His Majesty, but to persuade His Majesty for the sake of our ancestors!"

"Emperor Taizu Gao started the sutra banquet to protect the country and the country, and it has been praised for hundreds of generations. Now that the sutra feast is reopened, it is not only in line with the hearts of the people, but also following the way of the ancestors!"

There is nothing wrong with what he said. As a speech officer, the censor not only has the responsibility of supervising all officials, but also has the responsibility of giving opinions to the emperor. How can he be called a speech officer?

So they are performing their duties, for the good of His Majesty, instead of coming here to make trouble, the logic is self-consistent.

The eyes of the other civil servants brightened when they heard this, but Li Gan didn't like them.

(End of this chapter)

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