Ultraman's serious talents become light

Chapter 166 No threat, no disrespect, it's all etiquette

Chapter 166 No threat, no disrespect, it's all etiquette (subscription required)

Vampire rattan salad.

When it appeared, the destroyed abandoned mounds seemed to condense together again, and the icy breath emanated from the abandoned mounds, and a long road appeared in the eyes of the Tucker team members.

In the middle of the road, there is a well like the throat of the abyss, and the laughter of children echoes in that well.

There was a faint light in the well, as if something was floating.

Jun Takano and Ace looked, and saw countless white figures lying on the mouth of the well, staring at them and Basara.

Eston became serious all of a sudden, his posture tall and straight.

These kids are looking at him.

Jun Takano, who was standing next to him, was not so serious. He waved his hand to greet those children, and then raised his eyes to look at Basera who got up.

In the scorching sun, the monster looked extremely green and eye-catching.

A shadow covered Basera's body. Its eyes hidden under the ivy shone red, and the patterns of the pupils became strange. As the sun was blocked by dark clouds, Basera moved.

The vines all over the body were shaking, and the long vines sprayed out from both arms, sweeping towards Takano Jun and Ace.

In the face of plant monsters, both Takano Jun and Ace are already familiar with what to do.

The blue light bullet was thrown from the palm of his hand, Takano Jun stepped on the falling vine, and stomped down step by step.

Basara bent her body.

Grasping the attacking vine with his palm, Ace let out a yell, and the energy was transformed into a high-temperature flame, covering the vine in his hand in just a moment.

Basara wanted to withdraw it, but Ace refused.

He controlled the temperature of the flame, allowing the flame to quickly spread along the vine to Basara's body.

Both arms were restrained, Basara had no choice but to leap forward, and then the sharp claws in his hand cut off his long vine.

Takano Jun stopped and looked at Basara coldly.

Ace casually burned the black vines in his hand, and a fireball fell in front of Takano Jun, burning the long vines under Takano Jun's feet.

He remembered that the reason why Zhulan was so difficult to deal with was that terrible life force, if it could not be completely burned, it might regenerate.

tick tock tick tock...

The autumn rain fell and extinguished the remaining flames on the ground.

Takano Jun looked up, and said in a deep voice: "He can't help it, he has already started to intervene in our battle."

"Retreat again and again, fail again and again, this proud guy may not be able to bear it anymore."

Ace clenched his fist: "Then let him fail again, a complete failure."

He spread his five fingers, and a scorching flame ignited in the palm of his hand. The dancing flame evaporated the surrounding rainwater, as if he was provoking the Yabo people in the sky.

With his hands on his arms, Ace's arms were wrapped in flames.

Takano Jun glanced up and down Ace's flame, and he found that talent is really important.

It's like a joke for him to learn the Spyium light and the eight-point light wheel, but Ace has a skill at hand, and he created it temporarily.

Any posture, if I can't release my skills, I will lose!

This is really a true portrayal of Ace.

Takano Jun sighed, and the energy of the crystal on his head gathered.

Basara is not strong, but weaker than a super beast.

Takano Jun and Ace have no trouble dealing with each other, but the slightly more troublesome thing is that they are afraid that Basara can regenerate like Quoran.

The photon smasher took the lead in piercing Basera. Ace opened his arms, and a snake-like flame sprayed out, wrapping Basera's body and "cooking" it at high temperature.

It has to be said that plant monsters burn fast.

After the corpse was completely burned, Ace didn't release the flames, but simply maintained the light shield until the corpse became a large pile of ashes.

"Hee hee hee……"

After Basara's death, there was a burst of laughing and joking in the phantom of the Tomb of the Outcast, which was enough to make the villain's hair stand on end. Immediately afterwards, the Tomb of the Outcast disappeared, leaving a place of wreckage and ruins.

The mask disappeared, Ace raised his hand, and the wind whizzed away, scattering the dust of Basera all over the abandoned graveyard.

In the continuous autumn rain, the dust was quickly washed into the soil and became nutrients for other plants.

Takano Jun raised his head slowly, and the autumn rain gradually became smaller until it stopped.

"I'm impatient."

Takano Jun thought that the Yabo people would leave behind their hands this time, such as the resurrection of Basara who turned into ashes, and the foundling tomb turned into a super beast...

But dogs can't change eating shit, and the Yabo people won't appear at all if they are not too sure.


Jun Takano lay on the recliner and began to calculate.

According to the existing information, coupled with Ryugoro's analysis of the Yabo people, it has been a while since the Yabo people died, and the resentment of the monsters is also increasing.

During the Battle of Basara, the Yapo people even influenced the weather.

It can be seen that the Super Beast King is about to appear, and the day when the Yabo people will really be resurrected is getting closer.

What makes Takano Jun feel puzzled is, what kind of super beast king will the Yabo people create?

The strong Bo Wang in the original book?Certainly not.

The monsters and super beasts that appear now give the Yabo people more choices, and it is difficult for the strong Bo Wang to appear again.


The door opened, Beidou Xingsi and Nan Xizi came back from get off work.

"How is the tomb of abandoned children now? Captain Ryugoro should arrange it properly, to be honest..."

Jun Takano changed his position on the recliner and asked, "Abandoned graves shouldn't exist. With Basera's lesson, other abandoned graves should be dismantled."

"The captain is going to build a temple there."

Beidou Xingsi poured a glass of water for himself and Nan Xizi, and subconsciously answered Takano Jun: "The captain thinks that the children are too miserable. Even if Basara is defeated, it will not be able to erase the memory of the abandoned children in people's hearts. He wants the incense to come. honor those children."

Nan Xizi took the cup, sighed and said, "Recently, I think something big will happen. My people told me that a terrible darkness is covering the earth."

Hearing this, Beidou Xingsi was shocked.

"Your clansmen told you? When? They actually bypassed me and Takano Jun and found you. The last Wei... warning is useless!"

Although Beidou Xingsi believed in Nan Xizi, he was not sure whether Nan Xizi would want to go home under the fooling of the Yue Clan.

Beidou Xingsi's reaction made Takano Jun smile.

Because of the Yabo people, they haven't thought of this moment so easily for a long time.

He said, "Beidou, let's find a chance to go to the moon and let the Moon Clan see how powerful we are."

Nan Xizi gave the two of them a blank look.

"I know the threat!"

"What a threat."

Takano Jun nodded and said: "Last time, I obviously had a friendly exchange with the Moon Clan. There was no threat, no disrespect, and it was full of etiquette."

The way Takano Jun opened his eyes and told nonsense made Big Dipper Seishi laugh.

Even disc cutting can't cut this face.

Laughter reverberates through the empty living room as daylight falls into the room, creating a cheerful mood.

……… Off-topic…………

Ask for a ticket today!

Ask for a reward!
(End of this chapter)

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