Ultraman's serious talents become light

Chapter 167 Wearing yellow skin is the savior?Did you think it was a movie?

Chapter 167 Wearing yellow skin is the savior?Did you think it was a movie? (seeking subscription)

Ryugoro was observing on the ruins of the abandoned tomb at this time. Although Basara was a monster, it was mutated because of the children.

Essentially, even if there were no Abo people, Basara would appear on this land sooner or later.

The reason Ryugoro is standing here is because of the rain some time ago. This rain does not refer to the rain when Aguru, Ace and Basera fought, but the rain before Basera appeared.

According to the cleanup, collection and investigation of the Tucker team, they found that besides the mutated plant monster Basara, there are other "mutated" plants near the abandoned tomb.

The "mutated" plants referred to here are of course not other "Basera", but plants with characteristics that do not exist in the plant species itself.

For example, the color of some weeds turned yellowish red, some trees grew black sticky matter, some bug corpses were found in some stamens...

These situations are very abnormal, combined with the appearance of Basara.

Team Tucker favorably suspects that something is wrong with this area.

After layers of investigation, there is no problem with the soil, the water source, and the air.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Long Wulang noticed the dark clouds in Basara's battle photos.

It just rained heavily not long ago.

Without the notification from Takano Jun and Ace, Ryugoro would not have been able to discover the problem of rain.

So, the Tucker team began to investigate the problem of the rain.

However, the probability that this clue can find out the problem is too low. After all, it has been raining for a few days, and the rainwater has seeped everywhere.

The clever Ryugoro felt that the problem should be here, where Basara appeared.

Sure enough, after investigation, the soil where the mutated plants were located contained a small amount of a special substance, and this substance obviously did not exist in the human world.

The experts of the Tucker team conducted a very professional and serious research on this, and finally found the busy Ryugoro.


"That substance is like a gene."

"It's amazing that genes can be contained in rainwater."

Ryugoro nodded, and then asked the experts to identify what kind of creature this gene belonged to.

At night, Ryugoro accompanied Konno on patrol because the mountain team members were on vacation.

When they patrolled near the ruins of Castaway Tomb, they deliberately slowed down and passed the ruins slowly.

"Hee hee hee……"

"Hee hee hee!"

Konno shuddered, swallowing his saliva.

"Captain, did you hear..."

Ryugoro on the co-pilot nodded heavily: "I heard it, it was the voices of the children."

He looked back and saw that the brand new foundling mound was brightly lit.


With a thud, the Black Panther braked to a stop.

Ryugoro and Konno got out of the car immediately and drew their guns from their waists.

Basara was dead, the foundling grave was blown up, but what was in front of him?
Glancing at the tomb of abandoned children, Ryugoro contacted the base.

"Dianzi team, the abandoned children's grave has appeared again, quickly contact Beidou, Nan Xizi, and Shanzhong, and let them go to support."

After Ryugoro turned off the communicator, Konno whispered, "Captain, shall we go in and have a look?"

"What are you doing in there? Are you going to die?"

Long Wulang sighed: "This situation is obviously not normal. We will find a way after all the people are here."

As soon as he finished speaking, some mucus flowed out from the wall of the abandoned children's mound, and before the two of them stepped forward, they smelled a foul smell.

Covering his nose with his sleeve, Ryugoro took a closer look.

The mucus was like moldy egg liquid.

When he was wondering what this thing was, he heard a noise behind him. He looked back and saw that Konno was approaching the abandoned children's grave with his eyes blank.


Seeing Konno's appearance, Long Wulang stepped up and kicked him to the ground, then grabbed his collar and smacked his mouth a few times.


Konno groaned in pain.

Ryugoro let go of his hand and took a few steps back.

"Hiss...it hurts so much!"

Konno got up covering his face, glanced at the abandoned child mound in confusion, then turned to look at Ryugoro.


The pain in his waist made him cry out.

Long Wulang didn't dare to approach, he asked, "Konno, what happened to you just now?"

Konno blinked: "I... haven't I been looking at you, Captain?"

"No." Long Wulang shook his head: "You almost walked in just now, and was attacked by a monster."


Konno shivered and ran to Ryugoro with pain. He looked at the door of the abandoned children's grave and said in fear, "Is it Basara? Or those children?"


When Ryugoro spoke, Konno's trembling figure disappeared, replaced by a tens of meters high super beast manufacturing machine.

Next to the Super Beast Manufacturing Machine is the experimental table, on which are placed many monster body parts, and there is also a pot of tall and upright chrysanthemums.

At this time, Long Wulang was standing on the experimental platform under the orchid pot.

"Hahaha... Captain Ryugoro of Team Tucker."

The dark and distorted space split open, and light surged out of the crack, and then the ferocious face of the Resentful Yabo people appeared.

Ryugoro smelled a smell that made him sick, it was like a rotten smell.

Ryugoro: "Abo people."

The Yapo sneered, and he said, "Ryugoro, the human being I hate the most is you, you make me sick more than Ace and Aguru."

"Coincidentally, you also make me feel sick like this."

Yabo people: "Heh~ I don't know how to live or die, Ryugoro, what I hate the most about you is that you are not afraid of death. You are obviously a fragile and selfish human being, but you pretend to be righteous and willing to die for mankind. appearance."

Long Goro's face remained indifferent, and the Tucker team uniforms did not change their true colors under the distorted light.

He said: "What I hate the most about you is that you are overestimated. You obviously can't beat it, but you insist on creating super beasts again and again, and then you are defeated by Ace and Aguru."

The Yabo man was a little irritated, he lowered his head, his pupilless eye sockets made the scalp tingle, his voice was low and hoarse, it sounded like the harsh sound of fingers scratching a blackboard.

"Human beings like to say that failure is the mother of success."

"But you keep failing."

"...one percent inspiration plus 90.00 percent nine perspiration equals 100 percent success."

"But you only have sweat."

"Heh... enough failures, enough sweat." The Yabo people sneered and said, "Inspiration? I, Yabo people, have always been the carrier of inspiration. I will..."

"It seems that your inspiration is very long, but it doesn't matter..." Long Wulang raised his gun, he said: "Long story is not short, I don't want to listen."

The laser shot through the Yabo's head.

"Dragon Goro!"

The Yabo people's heads came together again, and he roared: "Don't interrupt me!"

"Simple, just shut up, and I won't be able to interrupt you."

Ryugoro replied in a calm tone, coupled with his calm face, annoyed the resentful Yawa people very much.

"To shut up!"

"To shut up!"

"Who do you think you are? Wearing yellow skin is the savior? Do you think this is a movie?"

"You are human, not Ultraman!"

"You are a human who is too weak to fight back!!!"

The Yapo's head exploded again.

Long Wulang blew on the white smoke from the muzzle of the gun, which was very plain.

"Humans are weak, but they will never have the power to fight back."

……… Off-topic…………

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(End of this chapter)

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